


  • For the clothes and bedclothes to come out so clean they had to be scrubbed thoroughly in a washtub rinsed with washing soda soaked boiled in an enormous pot starched then ironed .

    洗出来的衣物 洗得那样干净必须 进洗衣 使劲刷,再用 碱水浸泡,然后放入大锅中煮,接着再熨烫。

  • Let 's go swim in mama 's washtub .

    我们在妈妈的 洗衣 里游泳吧。

  • Down in the yard the red-armed woman was still marching to and fro between the washtub and the line .

    院子里那红胳膊女人,还是在 洗衣 跟晾衣绳之间忙来忙去。

  • Those are the ones I saw my great-uncle Carl grow pouring water from a washtub into the soil around the melons and watching the stalks suck it up like a vacuum cleaner .

    我看到卡尔姨丈种的 是这一品种的西瓜。 洗衣 水浇沙地上的西瓜周围,一边看着 瓜秧像台吸尘器 一般把水吸了进去。