



v.(使)变暖,被加热,暖和起来( warm的现在分词 )(使)变得更友好,变得更可爱

  • Avoid muscle strain by warming up with slow jogging .

    先慢跑 热身,免得拉伤肌肉。

  • Dr Subroto questioned the scientific assumption on which the global warming theory is based

    苏布罗托博士质疑全球 变暖理论所依据的科学假设。

  • Global warming per se is not really the problem ; the catastrophic climate changes which might be caused by it are .

    全球 变暖本身并不是真正的问题;可能由它引发的灾害性天气变化才是问题所在。

  • Rich industrialised countries have sown the seeds of global warming .

    富庶的工业国家播下了全球 变暖的种子。

  • Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases ?

    全球 变暖是否意味着热带寄生虫病会蔓延呢?

  • The warming of the Earth and the consequent climatic changes affect us all

    地球 变暖以及随之而来的气候变化影响着我们所有人。

  • Global warming adds another layer of uncertainty and risk .

    全球 变暖又增加了一层不确定因素和风险。

  • Newspapers seized on the results as proof that global warming wasn 't really happening

    各报纸纷纷以此结果为证据来证明全球 变暖并没有真正发生。

  • Her paper discusses the likely impact of global warming .

    她的论文探讨了全球性 变暖可能带来的影响。

  • The threat of global warming will eventually force the US to slow down its energy consumption .

    全球 变暖的威胁将最终迫使美国减缓能源消耗。

  • The gases that may be warming the planet will have their main effect many years hence .

    可能 导致地球 变暖的那些气体,其主要影响将在多年后显现。

  • So more steel mills and chemical plants mean more acid rain and smog not to mention global warming .

    因此更多的钢厂和化工厂意味着更多的酸雨和烟雾,在全球 变暖方面的作用就不用说了。

  • Many people are worryingly ignorant of the facts about global warming .

    许多人竟然不知道地球 变暖的事实,实在令人担忧。

  • In an hour the drivers will be warming up for the main event

    一个小时后车手们将 做好准备参加这项重要的赛事。

  • Environmentalists fear that this is a short-sighted approach to the problem of global warming

    环境保护主义者担心这并非解决全球 变暖问题的长久之计。

  • Rising sea-level is one of the most widely-discussed and potentially significant problems associated with global warming .

    海平面上升是最为广泛讨论的和与全球 变暖相关的最具潜在重要性的问题。

  • Bill has been warming the bench for three football seasons he hopes that the coach will let him play this year .

    比尔一连在三个足球赛季都没有 上场,充当替补队员;他希望教练今年会让他上场比赛。

  • Carl slipped a disc in his back while warming up .


  • They think that by warming up the old plan everyone will think it 's a new idea .

    他们以为把原来的方案 改头换面,人们就会认为它是个新计划。

  • The room is warming up now but it was very cold at first .

    房间现在 暖和起来了,但起初这里是很冷的。

  • It is not the cause of global warming but it is affected by it .

    这不是全球 变暖的原因,但 全球 变暖也受到了它的影响。

  • The study found that global warming was already affecting the Earth 's ecosystems ;

    研究表明,全球 变暖已经影响到了地球的生态系统;

  • He 's just warming over ideas he 's heard from other people .

    他不过是在重复从别人那儿听到的想法 罢了

  • What connection do you think there is between global warming and poverty ?

    你认为全球 变暖和贫困之间有什么联系吗?

  • Global warming is also predicted to lead to more extreme weather and storms .

    据预测,全球 变暖还将导致更恶劣的气候和风暴。

  • The beginning of the problems with CO2 and global warming .

    二氧化碳和全球 变暖的问题2,也从此产生。

  • At first he seemed a little strange but recently I 've been warming to him more .

    起初,他似乎有点古怪,但最近我比较 喜欢他了。

  • Old tom the shepherd sat by an old-fashioned wood-burning kitchen range warming his hands .

    老羊倌汤姆正坐在一个烧木柴的老式炉灶旁 手。

  • WMO says a warming climate can exacerbate air pollution .

    世界气象组织说,气候 变暖可能会加剧空气污染。

  • Global warming is a real problem

    全球 变暖是个严重的问题。