wheel tread

[hwil trɛd][hwi:l tred]


  • It proves from theory that the locomotive wheel can run safely after adding the retaining ring . ( 3 ) Analysing the alignment evolvement of the locomotive wheel tread and the character of wearing tread giving the uniformity wear suppose of the wheel tyre tread .

    从理论上证明机车 轮对加装扣环后能够保证运行安全。(3)分析了 轮对 线形的演变及磨耗型踏面的特点,提出了轮箍 面均匀磨损假说。

  • Research on the Present Conditions of Metro Wheel Tread Damage and Sliding Mechanism

    地铁 车轮 损伤现状和滑行机理的研究

  • The wheel tread spalling caused by cyclic-temperature loading is one of the most popular forms of wheel failure at high-speed train .

    热疲劳导致的 剥离是高速车轮失效的主要形式之一,普遍认为它与车轮材料因滑动摩擦热循环导致的奥氏体-马氏体相变有关。

  • In the light of rail in our country a more appropriate wheel tread has been provided .

    结合我国钢轨情况,提出了比较合理的 车轮 外形

  • Analysing the alignment evolvement of the locomotive wheel tread and the character of wearing tread giving the uniformity wear suppose of the wheel tyre tread .

    分析了 轮对 线形的演变及磨耗型踏面的特点,提出了轮箍踏面均匀磨损假说。

  • Using the simulation and calculation of the wheel / rail rolling contact creep rates and forces the optimal wheel tread profile matching China high-speed rail is selected .

    结合轮轨滚动接触蠕滑率和蠕滑力仿真值,根据计算结果优选出了与我国钢轨匹配的高速 动车 车轮 外形。

  • There are generally two types of wheel tread peeling : one is caused by the rolling contact fatigue stress ;

    车轮 剥离一般分为2种类型,一类是由滚动接触疲劳应力作用引起的剥离;

  • The wheel-rail contact geometry relationship is different when different wheel tread shape matches the same rail which will influence the dynamic performance of the vehicle .

    不同的 车轮 形状与同一钢轨匹配时具有不同的轮轨接触几何关系,影响车辆的动力学性能。

  • A virtual file for smoothing digital profile of wheel tread of railway vehicles is created based on MATLAB and specific roughness calculation method .

    应用Matlab平台开发了粗糙度算法和数字化锉刀软件,实现了对轨道车辆 车轮 外形的数字化虚拟打磨。

  • With the development of high-speed and heavy haul of railway flat and spalling are more and more serious in wheel tread and rail surface .

    随着铁路的高速化、重载化, 车轮 和钢轨表面的擦伤和剥离破坏越来越严重。

  • Design of Defect Inspection Instrument for Wheel Tread Based on EMAT Technology

    基于EMAT技术的 轮对 探伤仪

  • This method also adopts a SDOF model but with the conic wheel tread instead of the frictional force nonlinear creep force being applied the axle load eccentric effects also being taken into account .

    该法仍采用一个自由度的计算模型,但采用了锥形 ,用非线性蠕滑力代替了摩擦力,并考虑了偏载效应。

  • Described are the braking and releasing characteristics of the newly developed MER type control device of electro pneumatic braking on powered car train sets and light rail vehicles the main advantages and technical parameters of the XFD F type wheel tread braking unit .

    介绍了新开发的动车组及轻轨车辆用MER型电空制动控制装置的制动与缓解特性,XFD&F型 制动单元的主要优点及技术参数。

  • Compared to the new wheel tread the worn tread is easy to form two-point contact nearby the depression area of the nominal diameter position of wheel tread .

    与新用 车轮 相比,测试得到的磨耗后车轮踏 在其名义直径位置凹陷区域附近容易形成踏面两点接触。

  • Via theoretical calculation on one side when the braking leverage is constant the causes to wheel tread flat in application of high phosphor cast iron brake shoe are analyzed ;

    通过理论计算,一方面分析了在制动倍率不变的情况下使用高磷闸瓦易出现 擦伤的原因;

  • Wheel Tread Scratch Detection System Based on DSP

    基于DSP的 车轮 擦伤检测系统

  • A study on the worn profile wheel tread

    对磨耗形 面的研究

  • It aims at the vibration of wheel tread .

    新型 车轮 阻尼器所针对的吸振 部位 车轮

  • The experiments are performed to measure the wheel tread standard component and the measured data is analyzed .

    应用整个传感器系统进行了 标件的测量实验,并分析了实验数据。

  • The supercooled austenite transforms into friable martensite layer during the following rapid cooling process leading to cracking and spalling at wheel tread .

    过冷奥氏体高速冷却,几乎全部形成脆硬的马氏体薄层,造成 剥离。

  • Locating Methods of Peeling and Flat Spots in Detection of Wheel Tread Damages of Railway Wagons

    铁路货车 车轮 伤损检测中剥离与擦伤定位方法

  • Study on the Influence of Wheel Tread Worn and Roll Radii Difference on EMU System Dynamics

    车轮 磨耗及轮径差对高速动车组动力学性能影响研究

  • In combination with precision motion control and laser scanning along axle and circular direction the method can classify and recognize the defects of scotching and flaking on wheel tread .

    再结合精密运动控制,以及车轴和圆周方向的快速激光扫描,实现了 擦伤和剥离等缺陷参数的分类和识别。

  • Wheel tread was mainly due to the locomotive due to emergency braking situation arising in the process of moving the tread damage .

    车轮 擦伤主要是机车在行进的过程中紧急制动等情况而产生的踏面的损伤,踏面擦伤严重的影响了机车和车辆运行的安全性。

  • The influence of train running speed wheel-rail friction coefficient vehicle load track geometric irregularity partly load gauge and the shape of wheel tread on derailment was emphasized .

    论文重点分析了车辆运行速度、轮轨摩擦系数、车辆载重、轨道几何不平顺、偏载、轨距大小、 车轮 形状等因素对脱轨的影响。

  • According to the features of the slot between the wheel tread and the brake shoe we propose a method for the image inspection of brake shoe wear .

    根据图像中 车轮 与闸瓦之间存在弧形缝隙的特征,提出了闸瓦磨耗的图像检测方法。

  • A new approach for surface parameter measuring of wheel tread with linear structured laser scanning is put forward .

    提出一种基于激光线扫描测量法的 轮对表面参数测量方法。

  • This paper presents an improved niche genetic algorithm to optimize the EMU with the dynamic performance of the new wheel tread and three repairing tread as the objective function .

    本文提出了采用基于改进的小生境遗传算法,以新 车轮 和三级修踏面时的动力学性能为目标函数,对动车组进行了多参数多目标优化设计。

  • On the other side according to the requirements of braking distance after adjustment of the braking leverage the probabilities of wheel tread flat in high phosphor cast iron brake shoes and medium phosphor cast iron brake shoes are compared .

    另一方面又根据制动距离的要求,在制动倍率调整后对高磷闸瓦和中磷闸瓦出现 擦伤的概率进行了比较。