


  • Studies on the frozen dough technology used in steamed wheaten foods

    冷冻面团技术在 食品中的应用

  • He worked as the cook in the army so he was adept at preparing wheaten food .

    他在部队曾做过 伙夫,所以非常会做面食 甜点

  • Dingxi has formed a special dietary structure in which cooked wheaten food is the main components implies that environment has greater capacity to carry a larger population .

    定西的种植业生产方式,形成了以 面食为主的饮食结构,环境可以承载较多的人口。

  • Color - Black wheaten or brindle of any color .

    颜色&黑色、 或者有任何颜色的斑点。

  • All shades of red wheaten black and tan or grizzle .

    不同程度的红色, 小麦 ,黑色和棕色,或灰色。

  • B : No half of it is for our wheaten plant .

    不,有一半要 送到我们的 惠顿厂。

  • Fromm also posed the theory of human alienation and conception of sane society by repudiating the wheaten society .

    弗洛姆还通过批判 西方社会,提出了他的人性异化理论以及健全社会的构想。

  • The viewpoint of this respect sees more please Liu Xingliang 's article the baked wheaten cake of Internet times is round bright garden .

    更多这方面的观点请看 刘兴亮的文章《互联网时代的 火烧圆明园》。

  • Udon noodle in Sanuki is most popular and famous for its unique producing method and wheaten food in Japan has undergone prosperities three times .

    日本特色 面食“乌冬面”是由中国传入的唐子发展起来的,赞岐的乌冬面最为有名,其制作方法独特, 业发展经历了三次高潮。

  • Wheaten food enjoys a long history along Yellow River .

    黄河流域 面食历史悠久, 其中 山西代表

  • Conclusion The VitBco contents of the cooked wheaten food were affected largely by different cooking methods .

    结论不同烹调方法 对面食维生素B族含量影响较大。

  • Uses : a kind of quality improver used in canned food juice drinks meat milk products wheaten food and bean products .

    用途:品质改良剂,用于罐头、果汁饮料、肉制品、奶制品、 制品、豆制品等。

  • Application of soybean protein in wheaten food

    大豆蛋白在 食品中的应用

  • Improvement of the Quality of Functional Food and Cooked Wheaten Food

    功能食品和 面食品质改良

  • The utility model relates to a device for making wheaten food which belongs to the field of food processing machinery .

    本实用新型涉及一种 制做 面食的设备,属于食品加工机械领域。

  • China 's wheaten food culture is of long standing and its cuisine enjoys world fame .

    我国 面点文化历史源远流长,面点烹饪享有盛誉。

  • Enable the wheaten food to become Shanxi to travel the innovation product which a propaganda name card and Shanxi travel lets the Jin food world the brand hits resoundingly .


  • Simultaneously Determining Contents of K Mg and Ca in Wheaten Flour by ICP-AES

    ICP-AES法同时测定 面粉中钾、镁、钙的含量

  • Formal Beauty of China Traditional Culture Expressed in Heyang Wheaten Flower

    中国传统文化在 合阳 花中的形式美表达

  • I am used to rice so I can 't take readily to wheaten food .

    惯了大米,一下子吃不 面食

  • The mildewproof effect of ultrafine ZnO powder in wheaten paste was evaluated by observation in Petri dish .


  • the world wheaten food in China the Chinese wheaten food in Shanxi is to the Shanxi wheaten food strong approval .

    “世界 面食在中国,中国面食在山西”是对山西面食的高度评价。

  • Shandong pastry has a long history and many varieties . It is based on wheaten food with exquisite craftsmanship beautiful shape varied tastes and fillings . It forms unique local flavor and enjoys great reputation at home and abroad .

    山东面点历史悠久,品种繁多, 素以 面食 为主,制作技术精湛, 注意外形美观,讲究馅心,口味多样,形成了独特的地方风味,在国内外享有很高的声誉。

  • The Shanxi wheaten food has the variety in the development to be unitary propaganda dynamics is insufficient development dynamics insufficient and so on questions .

    山西 面食在开发中存在着品种单一、宣传力度不够、开发力度不够等问题。

  • Rye bread will do you good barley bread will do you no harm wheaten bread will sweeten your blood oaten bread will strengthen your arm .

    黑麦面包带给你好事,大麦面包带给你无灾, 小麦面包甜润你的血液,燕麦面包使你的双臂有力。

  • Furthermore Furthermore Poor eyesight dental caries and other diseased that often ill with have been investigated . Result : Investigation results of dietary characters indicated that principal food of adolescent students of three meals was rice ; midnight meals were mainly wheaten food .

    此外,还对视力低下、龋齿等青少年常患疾病情况进行了调查。结果:(1)膳食特点的调查结果表明,青少年学生的三餐主食以大米为主,夜餐多为 面食

  • These two teenagers why beggar of baked wheaten cake ?

    这两名少年为何 火烧乞丐?

  • Study on Substitution Effect of Soybean Husk for Wheaten Bran with Growth-Finishing Pigs

    大豆皮替代 麸皮饲喂生长肥育猪效果研究

  • Light refreshments have infinite variety of shapes and pictographs which has greatly enriched the kinds and categories of our country 's wheaten food .

    点心的形状可谓是千姿百态、肖物象形,极大地丰富了我国 点心的品种。