wave clutter

[wev ˈklʌtɚ][weiv ˈklʌtə]


  • Sea breeze ocean current ocean wave tides and different water quality has a great effect on sea clutter .

    海面作为雷达波的 反射 ,性态十分复杂。海风、海流、 海浪、潮汐和各异的水质等都对海 的产生有着不同的影响。

  • Wave spectrum measuring using Doppler spectra of microwave The weak signal in laser clutter background can be detected by means of the prediction error .

    海面 波谱的微波信号多普勒谱反推法研究利用预测误差检测到激光 有用弱信号。


    煤层的反射海面 的仿真

  • External illuminator based continuous wave radar clutter canceling algorithm using arrival time estimation by fractional interpolation

    基于分数迟延估计的外辐射源雷达 相消算法

  • However due to the complex propagation conditions of electromagnetic wave in HF band many disadvantageous factors such as phase path contamination and multimode propagation will cause the neighboring target submerged in the spread clutter .

    但是由于高频HF段的 电波传输环境复杂,存在相位路径失真和多模式传输等多种不利因素,会导致 接收到的 展宽,从而淹没于 附近的目标 回波

  • Some Theses on the Shadow Detection of the Diffraction Image of the Electromagnetic Wave with the Stealth Warplane Against the Clutter Background

    背景上隐身目标电磁 衍射象黑化探测的几个问题

  • Principle of frequency agility radar to resist narrow-band clutter jamming and to reject sea wave clutter is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了频率捷变雷达抗窄带杂波干扰与抑制 海浪 的原理。

  • This paper analyzes the background of detection for high frequency ground wave over-the-horizon radar discusses the performances of constant false alarm rate detector provides a method to solve the problem of multiple targets and fluctuate clutter introduces a efficient parallel detection system composed of transputers .

    分析了高频 地波超视距雷达信号检测的背景,讨论了恒虎警检测器的性能,提出了解决多目标与起伏 效应的方法,介绍了使用晶片计算机构成的并行检测处理系统。

  • The polarimetric characteristics and their descriptions of electromagnetic wave are introduced . Based on these the depolarization effect of object is analyzed and the polarimetric characteristics of the clutter are described briefly as well as its application in conventional radar .

    在给出电磁 的极化特性及其表征的基础上,分析了 雷达目标的退极化效应和 的极化特性,简述了极化在传统雷达中的应用。

  • In this paper we study the theory of target imaging using FMCW millimeter wave technology then present a novel method of reconstructing target with two-dimensional image under strong clutter background .

    本文探讨了FMCW(调频连续波)毫米 体制下目标成像的原理,提出了一种在强 背景下恢复目标的二维结构图像的新方法;

  • To reduce the interference of noise and wave clutter our algorithm classify the dubious target based on apriori knowledge .

    为了进一步排除噪声、 等的 干扰,本算法通过一定的先验知识对目标进行分类筛选,一定程度上减少了