way sort

[we sɔrt][wei sɔ:t]


  • Since there were very few toys to buy or anything I could read or watch on TV my mum would give these to me to play in a way sort of like monopoly money .

    由于那时在上海几乎没有什么玩具可买,也没有什么我能读的书,当然也没有电视,妈妈就让我 这些彩色的纸。

  • Therefore it can use Partition 1 of our index the traditional way to avoid a sort on ZIPCODE .

    因此,它可以以传统 方法使用我们索引的Partition1来避免在ZIPCODE上进行 排序

  • As an important portion of the photoelectric sorter sorting system is a way to sort and remove infested objects by using photoelectrical technology .

    分选系统是光电分选机的重要组成部分,它的任务是利用光电技术将物料中的 次品 分类检出并剔除。

  • The original poetic conception or romance will lose its original artistic conception in some way after some sort of modern manipulation .

    艺术原本的诗意或浪漫在经过现代 方式的操作之后,不同 程度的会丧失 某些原始的意味。

  • In many ways because Thrasymachus could be seen as Socrates'alter-ego in some way his sort of evil twin .

    多方看来都是如此,因为, Thrasymachus,多少可以看成是,苏格拉底的另一个自我, 类似但邪恶的孪生化身。

  • Four - way Insertion Sort Method

    4 插入 排序

  • The country is a long way from creating the sort of institution that can channel legitimate complaints from citizens and counterbalance unaccountable political power .


  • In our country as the way of a sort of new develop logos and mode sparking and pushing sustainable development is new logos as a whole it is in initial research stage .

    总体上 ,我国 可持续发展作为一 新发展理念和发展模式倡导和推进的时间比较短,还处于初始研究阶段。

  • What we need is a good way to sort the colors .

    我们需要的是一个很好的 方法 排序的颜色。

  • Sleep has long been thought of as a way to process sort and store the day 's events and more and more research is supporting that notion .

    睡眠一直被认为是处理 分类储存一天所有时间的过程,越来越多的调查也证明了这一观点。

  • Now the Planetary Supreme in a way also must become sort of a Mighty Messenger in her long training too .

    现在PlanetarySupreme(地球)在她的漫长训练中也必须成为 某种 程度上的伟大信使。

  • Q.The way you were sort of flexing your legs is it sort of a sciatic nerve ?

    比赛中你经常做 腿动作,是不是和坐骨神经疼有关?

  • And this is in part because the human brain is wired up in an extraordinarily more complicated way than any sort of simple neural network .

    这就是,部分的讲,因为人的大脑以非常的很复杂的 方式组装起来而非 任何简单的神经元网路。

  • Therefore the way to sort out some of the listed types of views the ultimate highlight their own ideas .

    因此,该部分以列举的 方式 梳理各类观点,最终突出自己的想法。

  • In this way it 's sort of a precursor to Apple 's new GarageBand application .

    这样,它成为苹果公司的新 GarageBand应用程序的先驱。

  • Bart Ehrman As I think Bart Ehrman in the textbook points out and other people have said all along there is a way to sort of get beyond this contradiction .

    但我想正如教材的作者,和其他人很多人指出,有一 看法可以解开这个难题。

  • A New Method of 2 - Way Insertion Sort

    一种新的2- 插入 排序算法

  • Or some people have even suggested maybe he 's intentionally writing in kind of a weird way as sort of almost a form of protest against people in power .

    还是像一些人提出的,也许他故意写成这种奇怪的 样子,目的是向统治阶级表示抗议。

  • OK . That 's one way to do this sort .

    好的,这是做这种 排序的一种 方法

  • In this section the financial innovation will be distributed to three categories : institution innovation technology innovation and instrument innovation . The way each sort of the financial innovation enhance the financial efficiency will be discussed respectively .

    这一部分的研究是是将金融创新分为三类:制度创新,技术创新与工具创新,对每一 金融创新提高金融效率的 途径进行了探讨。

  • It works the same way for sort heap as we 'll see in the sort heap section below .

    正如将在下面的排序堆一节中所看到的,它的工作 方式 排序堆的相同。

  • In lieu of What is the best way to handle this sort of situation ?

    与其说,处理 这种情况的最佳 方法是什么?

  • Sorting methods change the way programs sort characters words files and folders .

    排序方法改变程序 排序字符、字词、文件和文件夹的 方式

  • And we didn 't want the advent of new gTLDS to in any way block that sort of entree into the Internet and if anything to see how they might be used to facilitate those who are interested .

    我们不希望新一级域名的出现 阻碍他们使用互联网,如果有可能,我们希望能看到这些改变能给对网络感兴趣的人提供便利。

  • A study on 2 - way merge sort

    归并 排序的研究

  • And on the way I was just sort of conducting an informal survey and I saw eight maybe nine people just BlackBerrying away .

    路上,我 了一次非正式的调查,我发现有八、九个人在用黑莓手机。

  • Because after all you are right there is no good way to sort them .

    因为,这毕竟是你的权利,是没有任何好的 办法排序