wax paper

[wæks ˈpeɪpər][wæks ˈpeipə]


  • Liquid AKD wax may solve the skidding of paper .

    液体AKD 可以解决 纸张打滑的问题;

  • Based on the impulsed pressurization brought by continuously high-pressure jet the effects of the processing onthe peroxidase ( POD ) activity in wax gourd juices are discussed in this paper .

    研究基于连续高压射流形成的脉冲加压方式,考察瞬变高压与中温协同作用对 冬瓜汁中POD活力的影响。

  • The application of the oil dot wax paper technique to the visualization of fin-cone interference flowfields in the hypersonic pulse tunnel


  • Study on use properties of wax AIDS in paper overprint varnish

    助剂在 品上光油中应用性能研究

  • The features and performance of two novel hydrofining catalysts FR-land FR-2 for the treatment of petroleum wax products are presented in this paper .

    本文介绍了用新的载体制备技术研制的FR-1型和FR-2型两种 类加氢精制催化剂的特点及反应性能。

  • The methodology of making rice bran wax calcium soap is studied in this paper . The factors influencing the reaction are researched by orthogonal design in this experiment and the optimal technological condition has been determined eventually .

    论文对用PEG相转移催化法制糠 钙皂的生产工艺进行了研究,实验中采用正交实验设计方法考察了影响反应的各种因素,确定了 备糠 钙皂的最佳工艺。

  • Preparation of Special Wax for Paper cup

    纸杯专用 的研制

  • The calculation method of mold cavity dimension in the process of investment casting is introduced . The mechanism and method of sodium silicate bonded precondition as well as old wax pattern reuse is discussed in this paper .

    介绍在熔模铸造生产过程中,压型型腔尺寸的计算方法,及旧 回用处理和水玻璃预处理的机理与方法。

  • When sticking stamps people tear off the wax paper on the stamp-sticking place and then stick and press the stamps .

    粘贴邮票时,将贴邮票处上的 蜡纸揭掉,粘上邮票压紧即可。

  • The high speed of reaction with fibre AKD wax is used in the light-weight coated paper .

    快速熟化的 AKD乳液可用于机内涂布轻涂

  • Remove cheese from its original packaging . Then rewrap it in a piece of plastic wrap or wax paper and seal it inside a plastic bag .

    把奶酪的原包装去掉,用塑料纸或 蜡纸包裹好,再封入塑料袋中。

  • The arts and crafts of the Miao such as the embroidery brocade wax printing and paper cut are famous in China and abroad .

    苗族的手工艺品名扬海内外,尤以刺绣,织绵, 蜡染剪纸出名。

  • Based on the new methods of crude oil DSC curve calculating wax crystallization this paper discussed the characteristics of Daqing waxy crude wax crystallization and concluded that there existed the critical temperature depression depth . When low than the critical temperature flowing ability will worsen sharply .

    基于原油DSC曲线计算 量的新方法,研究 大庆加剂原油析蜡特性,得出结论:存在临界降温深度,低于临界降温深度,加剂原油低温流动性能急剧恶化;

  • A wax paper marked with temperature scales is pasted on the pillar insulated shield .

    标有温度的示温 蜡纸贴在支柱绝缘保护罩上。

  • She folded the sandwich in wax paper .

    她用 蜡纸包三文治。

  • The Preparation and Properties of water - emulsion adhesives for wax paper Fruit bags are described .

    本文 研究水乳型果实袋胶粘剂的制备及性能。

  • It is obvious that a coating of wax was put on the paper .

    显然, 上涂了一层

  • Waxed paper : Paper which has either been dipped into a wax bath and immediately chilled or passed through rollers which drive the wax into the paper .

    蜡纸:浸入蜡槽后,立刻冷却或穿过压辘间,把 压上的

  • The most common way to desensitise an explosive is by mixing it with a non-explosive material such as wax or paper .

    让炸药减敏的最常用方法是把它与 石蜡纸张等非爆炸物混合。

  • Let them cool on wax paper and enjoy !

    苹果 取出,并在 蜡纸上放凉即可。

  • It was studied the flow of colourful south crude oil and high wax crude oil in this paper and analyzed viscosity that relates with added concentration temperature .

    本文研究了彩南原油和高 原油的流变行为,并分析减阻剂添加量、温度与粘度的关系。

  • She folded the sandwich up with wax paper . Shall I make some more sandwiches ?

    她用 蜡纸将三明治包好。我再做一些三明治好吗?

  • On a baking tray lined with wax paper squeeze out a small portion of the mixture until it forms an even ball .

    烤盘内铺上 蜡纸,挤出一小部份混合物,呈球状。

  • In addition when pasting New Year picture take off wax paper on a self-adhesive paper on the back of the New Year picture to easily stick the picture firmly .

    另外贴年画时,将年画背面的不干胶粘贴层上的 蜡纸揭掉即可,使用非常方便且粘贴很牢固。

  • The structure sketch and working principle of wax injector are introduced in this paper .

    简要 介绍了该 机的结构和工作原理。

  • She folded the sandwich up with wax paper .

    她用 蜡纸将三明治包好。

  • Once the glue was dry I removed the clamp the wooden form and the wax paper and was pleased to find they fit very well !

    一旦胶水未干,我删除了钳,木制形式和 蜡纸,并高兴地发现,他们非常适合!

  • Did you know Edison invented wax paper fire alarms the battery and motion pictures ?

    你知道是爱迪生发明了 蜡纸、火警警报器、电池和电影吗?

  • In early China and Japan tapers were made with wax from insects and seeds wrapped in paper .

    中国和日本在早期消减了与 防虫种子、包裹 文件

  • The effect of wax on the properties of packaging paper from recycled OCC

    石蜡对废瓦楞纸箱抄造包装 的影响