waxed paper



  • The incandescent light bulb the phonograph the motion picture projector waxed paper and much more - his 1093 patents led to the development of whole industries .

    诸如电灯泡、留声机、电影放映机、 蜡纸等等更多,而且他的1093项专利引领整个行业的发展。

  • Waxed paper : Paper which has either been dipped into a wax bath and immediately chilled or passed through rollers which drive the wax into the paper .


  • Therefore one should : Use moisture-vapor proof wrap such as heavily waxed freezer paper or specially laminated paper .

    因此,应该使用防水防气包装材料如厚 冷冻包装 或特制的薄层纸;

  • This process realizes machinery internal wrap for 6 ~ 9 g honey pill using the waxed paper .

    本工艺实现了以 蜡纸为包装材料的6~9g蜜丸机械化内包装。

  • Peel away the waxed paper if it has stuck to the bottom of the cake

    如果 蜡纸已粘在蛋糕的底部,就把它撕掉。

  • A box of sugar-dusted rose-scented Turkish Delight is something we often associate with Christmas but makes a perfect Valentine 's Day gift packed into a box lined with waxed paper .

    我们总以为表面撒糖、有玫瑰花香的土耳其软糖应该作为圣诞礼物,但用 蜡纸包进盒子里后,它也是一份精美的情人节贺礼。

  • This article mainly probes into the influence of waxed paper shell on the amount of toxic gases after the powdery explosive explosion .

    文中主要探讨 纸筒对粉状炸药爆炸后有毒气体含量的影响。

  • There are three methods to use wax in the production of waxed boxes in paper industry : penetrating wax waterfall-like wax and curtain coating wax .

    造纸工业 化纸盒用蜡有三种方式:渗透蜡、瀑布状的蜡和幕帘涂布蜡。

  • An inexpensive plastic or wood modeling tool a small bowl of water some paper towels a formica or waxed paper working surface and a simple drying rack are the essentials .

    一个便宜的塑料模型或是木头建模工具,一个小的水碗,一些纸巾,一张特殊工作平台或是 蜡纸工作台,和一些烘干架子。

  • Widely used in aqueous and solvent-based exterior paints paints plastic rubber printing ink high quality paper waxed paper and leather finish cosmetics etc.

    广泛用于水性和溶剂性外用涂料,油漆,塑料,橡胶,油墨,高级 纸张以及皮革 面料和化妆品等。

  • He wraps the ground meat in waxed paper seals it with gummed paper and marks the price on the package .

    蜡纸把绞碎的肉包好,再用棕色 包上,用胶纸粘好,在纸包上标上价钱。

  • The utility model relates to an ink ribbon specially used for printing waxed paper for a printer .

    本实用新型是专为打印机打印 蜡纸而使用的打印带。

  • Divide dough in half slightly flatten between 2 sheets of waxed paper and refrigerate for 1 hour ( or freeze for 20 minutes ) .

    将生面团一分为二,之后轻轻地将其打平,并放于两张 蜡纸之间,放入冰箱中1小时(或放入冷冻室中20分钟)。

  • Wrap in waxed paper refrigerate one – 12 hours .
