


  • The resulted judgment matrix is a weighted sum of the original judgment matrix and the completely consistent judgment matrix .

    调整后的判断矩阵等于原判断矩阵和完全一致性矩阵的 加权和。

  • Fishing nets are weighted .

    渔网要在 网底 重物

  • This takes account of the number of countries in which a company wins approval for a new drug weighted by the size of each country 's market .

    这考虑到了允许一家公司的新药在本国上市的国家的数量,并依照每个国家的市场规模 权衡重要性

  • A method of grey superior analysis based on adaptive weighted data fusion is used to process the multi-sensors data .

    本文应用了一种基于自适应 加权数据融合的灰色优势分析方法对多传感器数据进行处理。

  • And weighted infromation entropy and weighted conditional entropy of information system based on set-value function is presented also .

    还提出了基于一般的集值函数的信息系统 加权信息熵和条件熵概念。

  • They say the peace process is so heavily weighted against them that it will never achieve results .

    他们说和平进程对他们十分 不利,根本不会取得任何成果。

  • By analyzing the weighted neighborhood filter and adaptive weighted median filter are proposed in this paper for the differences .

    分析了 破损 路面图像的像素点区域特征,针对不同区域提出 加权邻域滤波和自适加权中值滤波算法。

  • So nonparametric weighted kernel density estimation is an applied and valuable method .

    因此, 加权核密度估计是一种有应用和研究价值的方法。

  • The absolute median and weighted absolute median problem are classical problems in the network location problem .

    网络选址的绝对重心和 赋权绝对重心问题是网络选址的两个经典的问题。

  • Finally the comparison of weighted mean filtering and other improved algorithms proves the effectiveness of the algorithm .

    最后,通过与 中值滤波和其他一些改进算法的滤波效果比较,证明了该算法的有效性。

  • The current electoral law is still heavily weighted in favour of the ruling party

    当前的选举法仍然对执政党非常 有利

  • Based on the least square estimation model an improved method of weighted phase difference algorithm is put forward .

    从最小二乘估计模型入手,提出了 加权相位差分法。

  • This paper presents the weighted linear combination method for the sentence sentiment classification based on Chinese sentiment word table .

    提出了一种基于汉语情感词词表的 加权线性组合的句子情感分类方法。

  • Other variations including typical and weighted prices can also be used .

    其他的变化,包括典型的和 加权价格,也可以使用。

  • This paper introduces a VAD algorithm with average of the magnitude and weighted zero crossing rate and the algorithm has been implemented by hardware .

    介绍了一种平均幅度和 加权过零率的VAD算法,并对该算法进行了硬件实现。

  • The stick had been weighted with lead .

    这条 棍子灌了铅增加了 分量

  • The Weighted Method Per Class metrics helps address this issue .

    每个类的方法的 重量度量帮助解决这个问题。

  • The newspaper is now weighted in favour of trivia .

    这份报纸如今 倾向于报道一些花边消息。

  • A weak law of large numbers for the weighted sums of non-identically distributed NA random matrix sequences is studied .

    研究了不同分布NA序列 加权和最大值的弱大数定律,推广了前人的结果。

  • A classification algorithm of generalized weighted support vector machine is put forward .

    提出了一种广义 加权支持向量机的焊接缺陷分类算法。

  • This paper introduced the weighted kernel density estimation for flood frequency analysis and calculation .

    本文引进 加权核密度估计方法,研究洪水频率的分析计算;

  • The weighted structure is used to provide a new method for the system safety analysis .

    利用 加权结构重要度分析法为系统安全分析提供了新的方法和途径。

  • In this paper the method of weighted residuals is used for analysing the symmetric orthogonal laminated plates .

    采用 加权残值法分析综合边界条件和混合边界条件的对称正交铺设层合板的弯曲问题。

  • This paper gives weighted least squares estimate and the method to choose optimum weighted function for linear regression model .

    给出了线性回归模型中的 加权最小二乘估计以及最优权数的选择。

  • Sobel operator for pixel position of doing weighted so better .

    Sobel算子对于象素的位置的影响做了 加权,因此效果更好。

  • Using the idea of weighted sharing deal with the uniqueness problems on meromorphic functions that sharing three sets .

    利用 分担集合的思想讨论了关于分担三个集合的亚纯函数的唯一性问题。

  • Circumstances are weighted in his favour .

    情况对他 尤其有利。

  • There are two methods to calculate the equivalent units : FIFO and weighted average method .

    计算约当产量通常有先进先出法和 加权平均法两种方法。

  • To solve the problem two methods are presented which are the weighted method and the eigenspace method .

    给出了两种确定权值的方法,即 加权法和特征空间法。