


  • Land labor and capital are all productive of wealth .

    土地、劳动和资本都能创造 财富

  • She had the wealth and social standing to command respect .

    她的 财富和社会地位使得她足以赢得尊重。

  • She was brought up in an atmosphere of luxury and wealth .

    她在 锦衣玉食的环境中长大。

  • The city boasts a wealth of beautiful churches .

    这座城市拥有 众多美丽的教堂。

  • Households accumulate wealth across a broad spectrum of assets

    家庭在以各种各样的资产形式积累 财富

  • Loss of health is more serious than loss of wealth .

    健康的丧失比 财富的损失更为重要。

  • She was jealous of his wealth

    她忌妒他的 富有

  • If you keep on collection in time you 'll have a wealth of data .

    只要你注意搜集,久而久之,资料就 丰富了。

  • Most men seek wealth all men seek happiness .

    多数人追逐 财富,人人寻求幸福。

  • The nine republics are immensely disparate in size culture and wealth .

    这9个共和国在面积、文化和 财富上迥然不同。

  • To possess wealth is not always to be happy .

    拥有 财富未必一定幸福。

  • His wealth proved a curse to him .

    他的 财富成了祸根。

  • The story is a pleasing parable of the problems created by an excess of wealth .

    这是个令人开怀的寓言,讲的是 财富过剩造成的问题。

  • His own wealth grew .

    他的个人 财富在增长。

  • Many are tired of being unpopular because of their wealth and would encourage more even distribution of it .

    很多人厌倦了因为自己的 财富而不受欢迎,从而会鼓励更加均匀地分配财富。

  • We have a wealth of musical talent in this region

    在这一地区有 大量的音乐人才。

  • Health means wealth .

    健康意味着 财富

  • Sid 's amazing wealth comes from holdings in oil gas land and property .

    锡德惊人的 财富来自他在石油、天然气和房地产领域持有的股份。

  • They drove around in Rolls-Royces openly flaunting their wealth

    他们开着劳斯莱斯到处转悠,公开炫耀他们的 财富

  • A degree does not give you a divine right to wealth .

    拥有学位并不能保证你就能获得 财富

  • Economic reform has brought relative wealth to peasant farmers

    经济改革给农民带来了相对的 财富

  • Their wealth had insulated them from reality .


  • They disapproved of my dragging in his wealth

    他们不赞成我把他的 财富扯进话题。

  • The collective wealth has been accumulated bit by bit .

    集体的 家业是一点一滴地积攒起来的。

  • In many cases this realizable wealth is not realized during the lifetime of the home owner

    许多情况下业主有生之年都没有把这笔可变现的 财产变现。

  • None of these countries has found a way yet to get around the problem of the polarization of wealth .

    这些国家都还没有找到办法来解决 贫富分化的问题。

  • Cultures that were better at trading saw a concomitant increase in their wealth

    比较擅长贸易的文明其 财富也随之增长。

  • Wealth was redistributed more equitably among society
