wave amplitude

[wev ˈæmplɪˌtud][weiv ˈæmplɪˌtu:d]


  • Currents will also cause wave refraction wave amplitude converge and diverge by changing the propagating direction of wave .

    水流也会改变波浪传播方向,引起波浪折射,使 波浪出现 聚或辐散。

  • Applying a multi-scale expansion method with the wave amplitude as the perturbation parameter a general nonlinear resonance condition is analytically derived .

    应用多标度展开法,以 波幅为扰动参量作展开,解析上得到了一般的非线性共振条件。

  • It also discusses the recognition tracing and applicability of head wave amplitude .

    提出了首 波幅的识别与追踪方法及其适用性。

  • Sensitivity Analysis of the Effect of the Earthquake Magnitude in Potential Tsunami Source on the Tsunami Wave Amplitude in the Northern Area of the South China Sea

    南海北缘海啸 波高对潜在海啸源震级偏差的敏感性

  • The minimum of backward wave amplitude is zero .

    后向 振幅极小值为零。

  • In the time and frequency domains the surface acoustic wave propagation in a model with attenuating effect and its influence on the wave amplitude and phase velocity from the surface crack has been studied . 3 .

    从时域和频域角度,研究了声 表面波在模型表面以下的传播过程和不同尺寸裂纹对其 幅值衰减效应和相速度的影响。

  • Besides P wave reflection amplitude the formula of amplitude and offset has Poisson 's ratio and shear wave amplitude parameters ;

    在振幅与炮检距的关系式中,除了反射纵波振幅参数之外,还包含有泊松比和 横波 振幅参数。

  • The results of drilling tests proves that the remaining compressive strength electromagnetic wave speed and the covered area of electromagnetic wave amplitude are related .

    实验最后以钻心试验印证了,混凝土火害后残馀强度与电磁波波速以及电磁 振幅包覆之面积是有相关连的。

  • The spatial resolution of thermal wave amplitude signal and phase signal are studied through experiments then the conclusion that thermal wave imaging detecting technique can only be applied to lamina material is established .

    同时还实验研究了 热波成像检测中 幅值信号与相位信号的空间分辨率,得到了热波成像检测技术只能应用于薄层材料的结论。

  • Effect of Masking on ABR Wave Amplitude in Patients with Tinnitus

    耳鸣掩蔽对耳鸣患者听觉脑干电位 波幅的影响

  • Effects of the acoustic logging transmitter of linear phased array composed of point source on waves of various modes in fluid-filled borehole were studied by finite element method ( FEM ) . And the influence of element number of array on wave amplitude was mainly analyzed .

    利用有限元数值模拟研究了由点源组成的相控线阵声波测井辐射器对充液井孔中各种波动模式波的影响,重点分析了阵元个数对各种波动模式 响应 幅度的影响。

  • The CGH cells formed by micro-voids carried the information of the object wave amplitude and the phase .

    多个微孔排列组成计算全息图的单元,携带了物 光波 振幅和位相信息。

  • Different effects of vertically oriented fracture system on seismic velocities and wave amplitude

    定向裂缝对地震 速度和 振幅影响的比较&实验结果分析

  • The variation of the fundamental wave attenuation with the external bias stress and the influence of the fundamental wave amplitude on the second and third harmonics have also been observed .

    我们也测量了基波衰减随外应力的变化及二次谐波、三次谐波与 基波 振幅的关系,对二次谐波随外应力变化的温度效应也作了研究。

  • A method for measuring sine wave amplitude

    检测 正弦波 幅值的一种方法

  • It is concluded that the tidal component forces cause the symmetry of tidal wave amplitude ;

    最后指出:1由潮汐分力导致潮汐 振幅具有对称性;

  • This probability is related to the quantum wave amplitude in the barrier region .

    这个几率与势垒区内的量子 振幅有关。

  • The effect of three kinds of heating functions on the wave amplitude are emphatically discussed .

    文中着重讨论了三类加热函数对 波动 振幅的影响。

  • It can modulate transmission and reflection of light modulate the light wave amplitude phase frequency .

    它能调制传输的和反射的光,对 光波 振幅、相位、频率等进行调制。

  • For Newtonian fluid the peristaltic flow is determined only by wave amplitude and pressure difference .

    鉴于牛顿流体,此时的流动只与 波幅和压力差有关。

  • Determination of surface wave amplitude induced by wake physical field of internal wave for submarines

    潜艇内波尾迹物理场在海面映 的确定

  • Determination of Focal Mechanism by Using SH and P Wave Amplitude Ratio

    利用SH波和P 振幅比测定中小地震的震源机制

  • Results show that wave amplitude series have chaotic characteristic and chaos time series is feasible to be applied in wave forecast study .

    结果表明, 时间序列存在混沌现象,混沌时间序列法可应用于海浪预报的研究。

  • At the same time the current LVDT digital signal processing algorithm are compared and the sine wave amplitude three valuations method is on the further research of analysis .

    同时,对当前LVDT的数字信号处理算法进行了对比,并对 正弦波 幅值三点估值法进行了深入的研究分析。

  • At the same time we validated the equality between traditional sinusoidal wave amplitude modulation and carrier-based triangular amplitude modulation .

    同时通过仿真验证了三角载波幅值调制方法与传统 正弦波 幅值调制法的等效性。

  • Numerical analyses of evaluation of fatigue damage in solid plates using ultrasonic Lamb wave amplitude spectra

    用超声兰姆 幅度谱方法评价固体板材疲劳损伤的数值研究

  • Results exhibit that the compressible effect of the flow is strengthened with increasing wave amplitude .

    研究表明:随着 波幅的增大,流场的可压缩效应对湍流的影响增强。

  • The f wave amplitude in AF group was not correlated to the diameter or volume of both atrium .

    AF组f 振幅与心房内径和容积无相关。