watch for

[wɑtʃ fɔr][wɔtʃ fɔ:]


  • Will you watch for the bus while I go into the shop for a moment ?


  • You can watch for it in the connectors command window .

    您可以在连接器命令窗口中进行 查看

  • I referred to my watch for the exact time .

    一下手表 知道准确的时间。

  • He called out to them to watch out for the unexploded mine .

    他冲他们大喊,叫他们 小心哑雷。

  • One good way is to monitor physical I / O closely and watch for increases .

    有一个不错的方式就是是监控其物理I/O的读写,并 注意其增长情况。

  • He pawned his watch for 30 yuan .

    他的 手表当了30元。

  • See I have sold my watch for 100 francs and the guard and seals for 300 .

    青,我把我的 了一百法郎,把表链和坠子卖了三百法郎。

  • Okay . I 'm going to watch for that .

    好吧,那我可要 拭目以待了。

  • The customs inspector was on the watch for diamond smugglers .

    海关检查员正 监视 钻石走私的活动。

  • I 'd like to exchange a watch for a camera .

    我想用 换相机。

  • He checked his watch for the umpteenth time


  • Once you arrive you have to reset your watch for a time zone like no other .

    一旦你到达时,你不像其他地方 因为一个时区而重置你的

  • Honestly . it 's the honest ones you want to watch for .

    老实说,你要 当心的是那些老实人。

  • Watch for new love and joyful social acceptance .

    关键新爱和欢乐 观察社会的认同。

  • It is these specific behaviors I want you to watch for in your opponents .

    这就是我要你在 手中 留神 观察的详细行为。

  • Environmentalists will be on the watch for damage to wildlife .

    环境保护主义者将会 密切 关注对野生动物造成的伤害。

  • Dad bought a new watch for me .

    爸爸 我买了块新 手表

  • The conductor was always on the watch for such doings .

    这个指挥总是 提防这样的动作。

  • Here all we needed was enough food and people to watch for enemies .

    在这儿,我们需要的是足够的食物和足够的 人手 对付敌人。

  • My father bought a watch for me .

    我父亲 我买了一只 手表

  • The staff are always on the watch for shoplifters .

    商店的员工们总是 警惕 冒充顾客来行窃 扒手。

  • I need to buy a new watch for your brother .

    我需要 你的兄弟买一块新 手表

  • You must keep a good watch for wild animals .

    你必须 提防野兽。

  • To use it you just set the watch for the time that you want to get up .

    在使用的时候,你只要在 手表上设定一个你想起床的时间就行。

  • Be on the watch for thieves in this crowd .


  • Although I do watch a lot I don 't watch for enjoyment .

    虽然实际上我看的还不少,但我不是 为了娱乐才 的。

  • We had better wait and watch for a better chance .

    我们最好等一等, 寻找更好的机会。

  • We 'll be watching for any developments
