welding fixture


  • Prepare welding fixture and assy fixture application and discuss with tooling engineer together for fixture design .

    准备 焊接,组装 夹具申请,并与夹具设计者讨论如何设计夹具。

  • Based on the analysis of design reuse levels in welding fixture design of aeroplane parts several methods are discussed including design process reuse assembly relation reuse parts and components reuse and feature reuse .

    分析了航空件 焊接 夹具设计的重用层次,介绍了过程重用、装配关系重用、基于行业知识的零部件重用以及特征重用的理论基础和实现方法。

  • First the structure of BIW and welding process was discussed and structure features and design of welding fixture was studied .

    首先分析了白车身的结构及其焊装流程,并重点研究白车身 焊装 夹具的结构、特点和设计等。

  • The design method for Car Body-In-White welding fixture and design distinguishing has been discussed . The optimum design of oscillating cylinder link mechanism which is very frequently used in welding fixture has been realized . 6 .

    系统了介绍白车身 焊接 夹具的设计方法和设计特点,对在白车身焊接夹具中应用广泛的摆动汽缸连杆机构进行了优化设计。

  • The design reuse technology based on feature has been researched . The Domain Feature and Management Feature in welding fixture design have been represented . More over the tools for the features reuse have been realized .

    研究了基于特征的设计重用技术,应用该技术封装了 焊接 夹具设计中的几何特征和管理特征,开发了 航空 焊接夹具特征重用工具。

  • The design fabrication and application of a versatile adjustable welding fixture is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了通用、可调式 焊接 夹具的设计制造及其应用。

  • Simulation of Auto Welding Fixture Motion Based on ADAMS

    基于ADAMS的汽车 焊装 夹具的运动仿真

  • The design process reuse for aeronautic welding fixture design has been researched . A welding fixture design process model has been build by the Directed Graph technology based on which the design process wizard encapsulating the parameter and assembly relation between design actions has been developed .

    研究了航空 焊接 夹具设计流程重用技术,建立了航空焊接夹具设计流程有向图模型,开发了航空焊接 夹具设计流程向导,并利用该向导封装了设计活动间的参数传递关系和装配关系。

  • Development of welding fixture designing database for covering component of automobile

    汽车覆盖件 焊装 夹具设计参数库的开发

  • Achieved engineering drawings parametric design reduced the designers workload and enhanced the automobile welding fixture parts design efficiency .

    实现 汽车 焊装 夹具 零件工程图的参数化生成,减少 夹具设计人员的工作量,提高了汽车 焊装 夹具零件设计效率。

  • The water tank welding fixture is a practical holding fixture for welding the water tank on a vehicle .

    本实用 新型是一种 焊接汽车水箱的实用 夹具

  • Finally in view of the production stage problem of repeat drawing engineering drawings this thesis has developed an engineering drawings parametric design module of automobile welding fixture part .

    最后,针对汽车 焊装 夹具投产阶段大量重复绘制工程图的问题,本文开发了汽车 焊装 夹具 元件工程图参数化设计模块。

  • In this paper the important part of body welding fixture & rear floor of the car body welding fixture design and production line design are researched And spot welding robot body trajectory is simulated .

    本文研究的是车体 焊装 夹具中的重要部分&轿车车体后地板的焊装夹具设计,生产线设计及点焊机器人焊接轨迹仿真。

  • Application of CBR in Tube Flexible Welding Fixture CAD System

    CBR在管件 焊接柔性 夹具CAD系统中的应用

  • This paper is focused on the design feature and process of welding fixture based on module design and parameter design theory . A virtual design system for automobile welding fixture is presented and a structure system of fixture parts is established .

    本文通过采用模块设计和参数化设计技术,研究 车身 薄板 零件 焊装 夹具的设计特征和设计过程,建立了汽车 焊装 夹具设计分类系统,开发出基于实例的汽车虚拟焊装夹具设计参数化零件库。

  • According to the welding structure of the frame longeron we improve the design of welding fixture and reduce welding deformation and realize automatic tracking welding .

    针对车架大梁的焊接结构,对 焊接 夹具进行合理设计,减少焊接变形,实现自动跟踪焊。

  • The welding fixture design reuse system has been developed based on the above key technologies and CATIA which has been applied in the aeronautic engineering and has proved efficiency .

    基于以上研究,在CATIA平台上开发的 航空 焊接 夹具设计重用系统已应用于型号工程 焊接 夹具 设计中,取得了良好的效果。

  • Knowledge representation of intelligent CAD system for welding fixture scheme design

    焊接 夹具方案设计智能CAD系统的知识表达

  • Automobile welding fixture design directly influence the production quality and exploitation cycle of automobile body . Computer aided fixture design has become a research focus in recent years .

    汽车 焊装 夹具的设计直接影响到汽车车身的制造质量和开发周期,计算机辅助夹具设计技术逐渐得到重视。

  • A Three - dimensional Parametric CAD of Welding Fixture Under Windows

    基于Windows平台的 焊接 夹具三维参数化CAD

  • Based on the cause of deviation on Body 's dimension the worn out of welding fixture is the most usual and difficult effect to find out .

    在造成汽车车身尺寸偏差的原因中, 焊装 夹具 定位 元件磨损是最常见的也是较难发现的影响因素。

  • Design of A Combined Assembling and Welding Fixture for Automotive Cab Assembly

    汽车驾驶室总成组合式装 夹具的设计

  • Research and Implementation on Design Reuse Key Technologies for Aeronautic Welding Fixture

    航空 焊接 夹具设计重用关键技术研究与实现

  • The current situation of the automobile body manufacturing is analyzed ; modelling and stimulation of erection welding fixture design under a virtual manufacturing environment is discussed .

    分析了我国汽车车身制造的现状,探讨了在虚拟制造环境下,汽车 车身 覆盖 焊装 夹具设计的建模与仿真,并提出了相关的建模方法。

  • This paper connects welding production characteristic elaborates the basic requests of welding fixture designs and the structural design idea elaborates the various functions unit characteristic of welding fixture for large-scale component and the question should be paid attention to design .

    该文结合焊接生产特点,阐述了 焊接 夹具设计的基本要求及结构设计构思,论述了大型构件焊接夹具各功能单元的特点及设计时应注意的问题。

  • The designing of shape and dimension of welded parts the determining of welding parameter the designing of horn and welding fixture are discussed in detail .

    结合应用 实例着重分析讨论了 塑料 超声波铆接 装配 工艺中,被焊零件结合面(焊口)形状尺寸设计、工艺参数确定、焊头及 焊接 夹具设计等问题。

  • Formation procedure of CAD system for welding fixture on windows platform

    Windows平台上 焊接 夹具CAD系统的建立

  • And reference on the group code technology this paper design the automobile welding fixture naming rule .

    参考成组编码技术,设计了汽车 焊装 夹具 实例的命名规则,对汽车 焊装 夹具 实例进行 编号

  • A welding fixture CAD system has been developed on CATIA to automatism the design process and has enhanced the design efficiency greatly .

    利用重用技术,在CATIA平台上实现了航空件如导管、副油箱等产品的 焊接 夹具设计过程的自动化,有效的提高了设计效率。

  • The welding locating datum is the important content of research on car body simultaneous engineering ( SE ) and welding fixture design as well as an important factor to ensure the welding accuracy and manufacturing quality .

    车身焊装定位基准,是车身设计同步工程和 焊装 夹具设计研究的重要内容,是车身 零部件正确 定位的基础,是保证车身焊装精度和制造质量的重要因素。