welding parts

[化] 焊接部件

  • Electric machine : welding equipment parts electric machine accessories heater parts .

    电机机械: 电焊设备 零件,电机电力配件,电热零件。

  • Qingdao Tianwang forklift part company is a specialized factory which produce welding parts in engineering machinery .

    青岛天旺叉车配套有限公司,是一家生产 叉车 配件的小型企业。

  • Research on distributed CAPP system architecture of welding parts

    结构 焊接 分布式CAPP体系结构研究

  • As economy and industry moving forward more and more important large welding parts were put into use .

    随着工业水平和经济的发展,重要大型 焊接 结构 的应用越来越多。

  • Laser is a kind of high energe density hear source . It has high welding speed and small hear input . The deformation of welding parts is slight and the product quality is excellent .

    激光是一种高能量密度热源,具有较快的焊接速度和较小的热输入,使得 焊接 变形较小,生产质量较为优异。

  • Achieved engineering drawings parametric design reduced the designers workload and enhanced the automobile welding fixture parts design efficiency .

    实现 汽车 焊装夹具零件工程图的参数化生成,减少夹具设计人员的工作量,提高了汽车 焊装夹具 零件设计效率。

  • Application of Brazing and Diffusion Welding Honeycomb Parts in Aeroengine

    钎焊扩散 蜂窝 结构在航空发动机中的应用

  • Beforetime many parts of pump were made by casting with the development of pump technology many casting parts were changed to be welding parts .

    水泵业过去很多部件都是采用铸造手段生产,随着水泵业技术的发展,很多铸造件都改为 焊接

  • Distribution Feature of Tiny Flaw in Laser Welding Parts of Titanium Alloy Using X-ray Detection

    射线检测钛合金激光 微小缺陷分布特征

  • Resistance method or flashing method is used for butt welding on parts bars pipes of low carbon steel and non-ferrous metals .

    采用电阻法或闪光法 对接低碳钢及有色金属 零件、棒、管等材料。

  • The utility model has the advantages of increasing the thickness of the heat welding parts enhancing the tensile strength of the heat welding parts and reducing the welding skill requirements .

    本实用新型的优点是:增加 部位的厚度,增强 部位的抗拉强度且降低对焊接技能的要求。

  • CAPP Research on Cold Welding Parts of Motor

    电机 冷焊 计算机辅助工艺过程设计研究

  • Aggregate hopper is a large welding parts of steel plate . So mechanical model is complex . It is difficult to apply traditional calibration methods .

    骨料仓是一个大型钢板 焊接 ,承载情况较为复杂,传统的材料力学校核方法难以适用。

  • Application of VSR ( Vibration Stress Relief ) Technology in the Welding Parts of Mining Switch

    振动时效工艺在矿用开关 焊接 构件上的应用

  • Research on Key Technology of Large Welding Parts Producing System for Construction Machinery

    工程机械大型 焊接 生产系统关键技术研究

  • The formation of welding processing of automatic and hand tungsten argon-arc welding of titanium alloy parts of canned motor offers a shape-taking processing for manufacturing the welding parts for special pump .

    屏蔽电机钛合金部件的自动钨极氩弧焊、手工钨极氩弧焊焊接工艺的制定,为特殊泵的 焊接 部件制造提供了成型的工艺。

  • We have kept good relations with many medium and large-sized companies which produce plastic machinery shafts hydraulic motors welding structural parts fasteners .

    我公司现与塑料机械、转轴、液压马达、 焊接结构 、紧固件等行业的许多大中型公司保持着良好的合作关系。

  • Applicable to auto mould casting mould casting heat resistant steel high impact abrasion of the drawing and pressing machine welding parts repair coating can be processed .

    适用于汽车模具,热坯模,铸钢模耐中高温冲击磨耗之机件延压 部分的修补, 层可加工。

  • This paper introduces the manufacturing technique of Dongfang-Hitachi600MW turbo-generator such as winding manufacturing welding parts production mechanical machining and assembly process .

    文章介绍东方-日立型600MW汽轮发电机线圈制造、 焊接 制作、机械加工和装配工艺。

  • The welding parts of of small diameter tube of reheater in a thermo - electric factory were calculated by finite element methods .

    结合某电厂锅炉再热器集箱小径管的 口,将实际问题理想化为符合实际的力学 模型,分析了采用有限元法来求解该力学模型的必要性。

  • In this paper a CAPP system in process planning of welding parts and spares for heavy machine is introduced .

    介绍了为重型机械专门开发的 焊接 零部件工艺规划CAPP系统。

  • The application of VSR in heavy welding parts

    振动时效在重型 焊接 构件中的应用

  • We set the thickness of the shell elements of the welding parts of the steel structure of the car body and its sheathings such as side wall sheathing as the sum of their thickness .

    通过设置不同 部分壳体单元的不同厚度,巧妙地处理了车体钢骨架与车体侧墙板及其他各种板 焊接关系。

  • This paper briefly introduces the mechanism of Vibratory Stress Relief ( VSR ) key parameters and applying features in application to heavy welding parts .

    简述了振动时效(VSR)的机理,介绍了振动时效处理的关键参数及其在重型 焊接 构件上的应用特点。

  • As large casting 、 forging and welding parts pressure structures of submarine would inevitably have some defects in the manufacturing process such as porosity 、 inclusions and so on .

    潜艇耐压结构作为大型锻铸、 焊接 部件,在制造加工过程中不可避免地存在着一些如气孔、夹杂等缺陷。

  • To study the affection of TIG remelting welding seam process to the distributing and magnitude of welding parts ' residual stress in weld area X-ray diffraction technology was used measuring the residual stress before and behind the remelting procedure of tested plate in different position .

    为了研究TIG重熔焊缝工艺对 焊接 构件焊缝处的残余应力的分布及大小产生的影响,采用X射线衍射技术,测量焊接试板的焊缝TIG重熔前后不同部位的残余应力值;