welfare benefits

[经] (生活)福利费

  • The development will have a major effect on the livestock industry across the world creating significant economic and animal welfare benefits according to Wales Online .

    一个主要的发展将会影响世界各地的家畜,创造可观的经济和动物 福利 待遇,按照威尔斯网上。

  • Welfare benefits survivors pensions and relief payments ;

    福利 、抚恤金、救济金;

  • Such measures would involve changes to the labor market and welfare benefits and to Italy 's lopsided pension and fiscal systems .

    这些举措将会对意大利的劳动力市场和 福利 津贴、不平衡的养老金和财政体系产生改变。

  • Many have only partial entitlement to welfare benefits .

    很多人都只享受到了部分 福利 待遇

  • In its heyday unionised manufacturing supported a US blue-collar middle class with good wages and welfare benefits .

    在通用汽车全盛时期,工会化的制造业为美国蓝领中产阶级提供了优厚的薪酬和 福利 待遇

  • But these are hard to do and governments find it more expedient to cut welfare benefits which is what European conservatives usually mean when they talk about economic reforms .

    但这些措施很难实施,各国政府发现削减 福利 支出更是权宜之计&欧洲保守人士谈论经济改革时,通常就会建议此类举措。

  • The Fed likes to measure comprehensive wealth which not only includes financial assets such as cash equities and bonds but also the present values of salaries pension funds social security insurance welfare benefits and so on .

    美联储喜欢衡量“综合财富”,其中不仅包括现金、股票和债券等金融资产,还包括工资、养老金、社会保障保险、 福利等的现值。

  • The government relied on large companies like GM to provide welfare benefits and never put in place policies that could ease the post-industrial economic restructuring .

    美国政府依赖于通用汽车这类大公司来提供 福利 待遇,并且从未出台相应政策来缓和后工业时代的经济结构调整。

  • Employers shall create the conditions to improve the welfare and raise the welfare benefits of the workers . 3 training the staff for boost their diathesis .

    用人单位应当创造条件,改善集体福利,提高劳动者的 福利 待遇。对 福利 工作人员进行职业培训,提高素质;

  • Women shall be equal with men in the allotment of housing and enjoyment of welfare benefits .

    在分配住房和享受 福利 待遇方面男女平等。

  • But the government has kept price increases steady rather than allowing inflation to take off and has protected household purchasing-power by expanding pensions and welfare benefits .

    然而,政府出台措施稳定物价增长的速率,并提高退休金和 福利 补助来和保护家庭购买力总好过放任通货膨胀如野草般疯长。

  • Michael Tanner also says the wide availability of welfare benefits reduces the incentive to work .

    迈克尔唐纳也表示大范围的 社会 福利降低了人们工作的动力。

  • David Tseng a special assistant in the U.S. Department of Labor 's Pension and Welfare Benefits Administration tells a similar story .

    美国劳动部养老与 福利管理局的特别助理戴维.曾也讲了自己类似的故事。

  • Because of high GDP per capita welfare benefits a low Gini index and political stability the Danish enjoys high living standards topped by no other nation .

    由于其高人均GDP, 良好 福利,较低的基尼系数和稳定的政治,丹麦是世界上生活水平最高的国家。

  • ( 10 ) Provisions concerning labour management wages welfare benefits labour insurance and related matters ;

    (十)有关劳动管理、工资、 福利、劳动保险等事项的规定;

  • Mmigration law does not allow h-4visa holders to work or receive welfare benefits .

    美国移民法不允许h?4签证持有者从事工作或接受 福利 待遇

  • The price rises will be cushioned by welfare benefits

    社会 福利将缓解价格上涨 带来的负面影响。

  • With regard to labour insurance and other welfare benefits the same treatment shall apply as received by the said unit 's workers .

    劳动保险和其他 福利 待遇等,享受本单位职工同等待遇。

  • Migrant workers are denied the same welfare benefits as local residents in the communities where they work and live .

    民工们被拒绝享受到他们工作和生活社区内的当地居民相同的 福利 待遇

  • More generally there exists a strong appetite for work in order to buy goods and to get ahead which is combined with a low level of welfare benefits for the unemployed .

    更宽泛的说,这里有强烈的工作欲望,为的是购买商品和不断进步,此外失业者获得的失业 福利水平却不高。

  • Through various channels the state creates conditions for employment enhances occupational safety and health improves working conditions and on the basis of expanded production increases remuneration for work and welfare benefits .

    国家通过各种途径,创造劳动就业条件,加强劳动保护,改善劳动条件,并在发展生产的基础上,提高劳动报酬和 福利 待遇

  • While Qing and her husband have managed to buy a tiny flat in Shenzhen Zhou is still drifting from one job to the next earning no more than the minimum wage most of the time and without proper welfare benefits .

    青桐和她丈夫有能力在深圳购置一套小公寓,而周述恒却依然在漂泊,工作换了一份又一份。他大部分时间只能挣到最低工资,而且没有正当 福利

  • Many people who cast ballots on Sunday expressed concern that a change in government could erode welfare benefits which are now a fixture of society .

    周日投票的许多人表示,担心政府更迭可能会侵蚀 福利。如今对社会来说, 福利已经不可或缺。

  • When employing Chinese workers and staff an enterprise with foreign capital shall conclude contracts with them according to law in which matters concerning employment dismissal remuneration welfare benefits labour protection and labour insurance shall be clearly prescribed .

    外资企业雇用中国职工应当依法签定合同,并在合同中订明雇用,解雇,报酬, 福利,劳动保护,劳动保险等事项。

  • Salaries and welfare benefits for teachers shall be handled according to the provisions of laws and regulations .

    教师的工资报酬、 福利 待遇,依照法律、法规的规定办理。

  • The welfare benefits and retirement security of the labour force shall be protected by law .

    劳工的 福利 待遇和退休保障受法律保护。

  • They have declared that holders of rural Hukou in the countryside surrounding these cities can move into urban areas and enjoy the same welfare benefits as their urban counterparts without giving up their land entitlements .

    他们宣称,这些城市周边乡下的农村户口持有人能够移居到城镇地区,并享受和他们的城镇居民同等的 福利,而不用放弃他们的土地所有权。

  • This national fund pays for welfare benefits such as unemployment and sickness pay .

    这一国家基金提供失业和疾病等方面的 福利 救济

  • Where the state adjusts the items and standards of the welfare benefits of the work injury insurance after the implementation of these regulations the adjusted provisions of the State shall prevail .

    本条例施行后,国家对工伤保险 待遇的项目和标准作出调整时,从其规定。

  • President Nicolas Sarkozy did not address the most compelling issues : labour market flexibility the cost of welfare benefits and reform of the state .

    尼古拉萨科齐(nicolassarkozy)总统没有应对最迫切的问题:劳动力市场灵活性、 福利成本以及政府改革。