welding rules


  • According to the principle of thru the partition ( TTP ) welding test result and by analysis of processing conditions of TTP welding the rules which should be followed in welding have been presented .

    根据穿壁焊原理和试验,通过对穿壁 工艺条件的分析,指出焊接所应遵循的 规律

  • Last forging force is exerted to complete welding process . Besides rules of pore closure in LFW are also investigated . We set pores in the initial configuration .

    最后,在两端施加顶锻力,完成 焊接。此外,我们还研究了线性摩擦焊过程中的孔洞弥合 规律

  • Operators conducting operation with fire danger like electrical welding and gas welding or operators for automatic fire control system must hold relevant certificates and strictly observe operation rules on fire control safety .

    进行电焊、 气焊等具有火灾危险的作业的人员和自动消防系统的操作人员,必须持证上岗,并严格遵守消防安全操作 规程

  • The welding salvage technique for large Al-alloy castings was presented in this paper . The design principle of casting technique for large Al-alloy castings choice of welding equipments weld repair technique and check rules of weld bead were suggested from the standpoint of weld repair .

    介绍了大型铝合金铸件的焊接修复技术,从焊补角度出发,提出了大型铝合金铸件的铸造工艺设计原则、 焊接设备选择、焊补工艺及焊缝检验 规则

  • In this paper probability method was used to analyze the welding seam inspection rules from the sample extracted from the welding seams of pressure vessel . At the same time the methods to attain more appropriate inspection schemes were discussed .

    本文用概率论计算方法对压力容器 焊缝百分比抽样探伤检验 规则进行分析,探讨了使抽检方案合理化的方法。

  • On the basis of test results the welding operating rules are planned at the winter and its use in the welding process at whole winter is successful .

    在整个 冬季施工过程的应用中获得了成功,经检验未发现一处裂纹。

  • Welding welding operation must hold professional certificates and strictly abide by the rules .

    气焊 电焊必须持专业操作证,并严格遵守操作 规程

  • MIG and laser hybrid welding technology of aluminum alloy for automobile is studied rules on the influence of welding parameters to weld shape and the mutual effect between laser and arc are researched .

    研究轻量化轿车用3A21铝合金 MIG+激光复合 焊接工艺,探讨工艺参数对焊缝成型的影响规律及激光与电弧的复合作用。