welding transformer


  • Two-in-one uncoiling and leveling machine processes the silicon-steel sheet and iron slug used in welding machine and potential transformer .

    二合一卷料校平装置主要用于 焊机 变压器及电抗器硅钢片、铁芯片的加工。

  • The electromagnetism parts which bearing the high current in the welding machine such as the transformer and the filter reactor are the core part of the welding machine .

    焊机中承载大电流的电磁件如 变压器和滤波电抗器是整机的核心部件,电磁件的质量直接关系到电焊机的整体性能。

  • An Approach to the Control Characteristics of Inverting TIG Welding Electrical Source and Its New Transformer

    逆变TIG 电源控制特性及其新型 变压器的研究

  • Rigid synchronous control circuit of SCR control welding source without synchronous transformer

    无同步 变压器晶闸管 弧焊电源精密同步控制电路

  • In the article are analyzed the operating principle and the features for the welding transformer with the semi-opened winding and the ladder-shaped moving shunt .

    本文对梯形动铁分磁半开式 弧焊 变压器的工作原理及特点进行了分析。

  • This paper introduces the short circuit breakdown of a movable winding arc welding transformer 's input wire fixed electric plank and breakdown of a welding machine 's switch and offers the concrete solutions .

    介绍了动圈式 弧焊 变压器 一侧输入线接线固定电木板短路故障和焊机转换开关故障,并给出了具体的解决方案。

  • Microcomputer ─ Controled Arc Welding Machine with Taped Transformer

    微机控制的抽头 变压器焊机

  • Optimum Design of Trapezoid Movable-core-shunting Welding Transformer Using MDV

    梯形动铁分磁式 弧焊 变压器的混合离散变量法优化设计

  • This article puts forward a new main circuit twelve-phase welding power source with phase-altemate transformer .

    提出一种新型的 焊接电源主电路形式&带相间 变压器的十二相整流电源。

  • Arc welding transformer against electric shock device

    GB/T10235-1988 弧焊 变压器防触电装置

  • The X-modle welding gun with transformer for robot the control system and the trouble diagnosing for welding system are analyzed completely .

    对其中的点焊机器人一体 X型 焊钳、焊接系统控制箱和点焊系统故障诊断通信接口盒作了比较全面的分析研究。

  • Optimum design of movable core shunting arc welding transformer is carried out in the present paper .

    对动铁分磁式 弧焊 变压器进行了优化设计。

  • An Optimum Program Design of Movable Core Arc Welding Transformer

    梯形动铁式 弧焊 变压器优化程序设计

  • The characteristics materials structures and methods of welding in the manufacture of transformer windings are introduced . They are compared .

    介绍了 变压器绕组制造过程中导线 焊接常用的方法、 焊接结构形式、 焊接材料、特点,并对其进行了比较。

  • On the basis of modeling and analysis of the voltage and current signal in resistance welding transformer circuit a current zero-crossing derivative ratio method was proposed to calculate the dynamic power factor online .

    基于对交流电阻 焊接 变压器初级回路电压、电流信号的建模分析,提出电流过零导数比法测量 电阻 动态功率因数。

  • The control circuit of CO2 shielded gas welding of taped transformer in many factories is complex and has much more failure is difficult to maintain .

    多数厂家的 抽头 CO2气体 焊机控制电路复杂,故障率较高,维修较为繁琐。

  • Analysis the three dimensional magnetic fields of welding transformer by using of the finite element method

    用有限元法分析 焊接 变压器的三维磁场

  • The core part of the inverter spot welding machine is the integrated transformer which is consisted of transformer and rectifier .

    变压器加整流器习惯被称为一体 变压器,是逆变 点焊机的核心部件。

  • The Reliability Analysis of Arc Welding Transformer

    弧焊 变压器的可靠性分析

  • Optimum design of welding transformer by use of MDV method

    弧焊 变压器的混合离散变量法优化设计

  • Study on Energy Saving Strategy of Arc Welding Transformer and Its Control System

    弧焊 变压器节能策略及其控制系统研究

  • Optimum Design of Welding Transformer

    弧焊 变压器的优化设计

  • Design and Calculation for BX 6 - 1 60 Arc . Welding Transformer

    BX6-160型 弧焊 变压器的设计与计算

  • New High Frequency Welding Technique of Transformer Lead

    变压器引线高频 焊接新工艺

  • Research on Improvement of Welding Technique of Upper Oil Tank in Transformer

    变压器上节油箱 焊装工艺改进的研究

  • Welding in Oil Leak Spots of Transformer


  • By ameliorating secondary rectified circuit a spot welding integrated transformer with 20 kHz switch frequency 20 % duty cycle and 6 kilogram weight has been designed .

    通过改进二次整流电路,研制出开关频率20kHz,容量40kVA,暂载率20%,质量6kg的的 点焊一体 变压器

  • It is because of the existence of the nonlinear inductor that the instantaneous working state of the welding transformer is hardly to be analyzed with classical electrotechnical theory .

    正是由于非线性电感的存在,造成难以用经典的电工学公式适时分析 焊接 变压器的工作状况。

  • Study on harmonic current of arc welding transformer

    弧焊 变压器谐波研究

  • Effect of power supply frequency to the welding transformer in the main circuit has been analyzed and through lab testing appropriate series capacitance has been selected which effectively reduce power voltage and no-load current of the transformer .

    并针对斩波电路中工频分量对 焊接 变压器正常工作的影响进行了分析,通过试验选取合适的串联电容,有效的降低了变压器两端的工频电压及空载电流。