weary out

[ˈwɪri aʊt][ˈwiəri aut]


  • At that time I was all too weary and ran out of my food yearning for a house to rest .

    那时候,人 ,干粮也 吃完 ,想找个寨子歇歇,偏偏这一带没有人家。

  • Finally the worth attention of weary fatigue reliability research aspects and the direction in this area are pointed out respectively .

    最后, 指出疲劳可靠度研究值得关注的方面及研究方向。

  • These weary dragoons will keep the crown of the wasteland and none will get out of Appin but winged fowls .

    那些 讨厌的龙骑兵将守住这荒原中的高地,除了有翅的飞禽,谁也休想飞 亚品。

  • When you were weary and worn out they met you on your journey and cut off all who were lagging behind ; they had no fear of God .

    他们在路上遇见你,趁你 疲乏 困倦 杀你尽后边软弱的人,并不敬畏神。

  • Students often feel nervous or fearful ; some becomes weary of learning even drop out .

    学生在学习中经常带有紧张和恐惧的心理,一些学生变得 厌学,甚至 辍学

  • I felt stiff and weary in the evenings and reluctant to go out of camp .

    每天晚上我感到浑身僵硬、 疲倦,不愿 走出营地。

  • Lord when I am confused guide me . When I am weary energize me . When I am burned out infuse me with the light of the Holy Spirt .

    主!当我疑惑时,引导我。当我 疲乏时,加添我力量。当我 耗尽时,以圣灵之光激励我。

  • What is the point of it all if in the process your mind becomes dull weary stupid ? So while you are young must you not seek to find out what life is all about ?

    如果在这些活动的过程中,你的头脑变得迟钝、 衰竭、愚蠢,那么生命的目的又是 什么