waxy oil

[ˈwæksi ɔɪl][ˈwæksi ɔil]


  • Thixotropy of waxy oil flowing through pipeline


  • The oil types include heavy oil waxy oil normal oil light oil etc. .

    原油的类型包括重质油、 蜡质 原油、正常原油、轻质油等。

  • Model and Properties of Isothermal Gelling Process for Thixotropic Waxy Crude Oil

    触变性 原油等温胶凝过程特性及模型研究

  • The Research on Operationg and Shutdown and Restart-up of Buried Waxy Crude Oil Pipeline

    埋地 原油管道运行及停输再启动过程研究

  • Calculation equations for mole ratio of hydrogen atom to carbon atom in catalytic oil slurry heavy catalytic oil slurry and catalytic heavy tar waxy oil have been derived based on the assignment of their 1H NMR spectra and assuming structure of the heavy oils .

    通过对炼油厂的催化油浆、重催油浆和催化重焦 蜡油核磁共振氢谱中质子归属和重质油结构的假设,推导出计算这3种重质油的氢碳原子摩尔比计算式;

  • Study on Simulation Method of Waxy Oil Flow in Pipelines


  • Critical Thickness of Paraffin Deposition Research for the Waxy Crude Oil Pipeline


  • Single-stage once through hydrocracker ( SSOT ) for decompressed waxy oil is a set of operation unit in ( large-sized ) hydrogenation combination units which was introduced from America by Shengli Design Institute of Qilu Petrochemical Company .

    减压 蜡油单段一次通过加氢裂化装置( SSOT)是齐鲁石化公司胜利炼油厂从美国引进的大型加氢联合装置中的一组操作单元。

  • Measurement of the specific heat of waxy oil

    测定 原油的热容

  • Models for predicting paraffin deposition profile in waxy oil wellbore


  • For waxy oil pipelines especially for the northern ones wax deposition is a common phenomenon . To make the pipeline operation economic the wax must be removed in time .

    原油管道,尤其是北方的 蜡原油管道,普遍存在结蜡现象,必须及时进行清蜡才能实现管道的经济运行。

  • Artificial Neural Network Model to Predict Yield Stress of Waxy Crude Oil

    人工神经网络预测 原油的屈服应力

  • The rheology properties of Changqing waxy crude oil after different shearing action history was experimentally studied .

    对不同剪切历史作用后的长庆 原油流变性能进行实验研究。

  • The waxy oil . Almost all effective depressants contain long hydrocarbon chain and polar polymer .

    有效的降 凝剂基本都具有长烃链和极性基的聚合物。

  • Research on the Effect of Changqing Waxy Crude Oil Rheology by Shearing Action

    剪切历史对长庆 原油流变性的影响研究

  • Safety Problem of Heated Waxy Crude Oil Pipeline during In-line Rehabilitation

    埋地 原油热输管道修复中的安全保障

  • The results show that equilibrium WDT is higher than WPT and pour point depressant ( PPD ) can make the WDT increase and the WPT decrease resulting in large depression of pour point of waxy oil .

    结果表明,含蜡油的平衡蜡溶点高于平衡析蜡点,降凝剂使平衡 溶点进一步升高,析蜡点进一步降低,导致含 蜡油凝点较大幅度降低。

  • And the waxy oil keeps ears from getting too dry .

    而且这种 不会让耳朵太干燥。

  • Mathematic Simulation of the Waxy Oil Pipeline Temperature Drop Process after Shutdown by Using FLUENT Software

    利用FLUENT软件模拟计算 原油管道的停输降温过程

  • An experimental instrument for researching pipe flow is used to study thixotropy of waxy oil flowing in pipeline .

    在管流试验装置上研究了 原油的触变性,对原有的触变性描述模式进行了改进。

  • Rheology of Waxy Crude Oil and Drop Breakage and Drop Size Distribution of Oil-Water Emulsion in Turbulent Flow Field


  • Calculation and Analysis of Temperature Drop along Buried Hot Waxy Oil Pipeline


  • Based on the detail oil-source correlation two petroleum systems of high waxy oil and normal oil are identified .

    在精细油源对比的基础上,确定辽河坳陷大民屯凹陷存在 油品性质不同的两大油气系统,即高 蜡油系统和正常油系统。

  • Three calculation methods have been used to study waxy oil temperature drop after shutdown for both buried pipeline and overhead pipeline .

    本文用三种计算方法研究了埋地和架空管线中多 原油管道停输后的温降,并与现场实测结果作了初步比较。

  • Effect of Depressant on Waxy Oil in Crude Oil Pipeline Transportation

    降凝剂对管输 原油 的处理作用

  • Effect of heating and shearing history on Changqing waxy crude oil condensation point

    热历史和剪切历史对长庆 原油凝点的影响

  • A prediction model for waxy oil viscosity was taken as an example to prove the applicability of the assessment method .


  • Solution property of polyacrylate depressant and its depressive effect on waxy oil

    聚丙烯酸酯降凝剂的溶液性质及其对 蜡油降凝效果的影响

  • The Catalytic Heavy Tar Waxy Oil contains the aromatic hydrocarbons between 13 ~ 23 percent and contain the aromatic hydrogen between 3 ~ 6 percent .

    催化重焦 蜡油中含 66%~76%的饱和烃和环烷烃,含芳香烃13%~23%,其芳香氢含量在3%~6%之间。