want for nothing

[wɑnt fɔr ˈnʌθɪŋ][wɔnt fɔ: ˈnʌθiŋ]


  • Those children want for nothing ie have everything they need .

    那些孩子 什麽 (应有尽有)。

  • I charged the hag to keep her patient 's mind easy and let her want for nothing that money could purchase .

    我责成老妖婆让患者安心, 凡是用钱买得到的 东西让她一项

  • The reason why I fought so hard to stay alive in China was because I didn 't want to die for nothing .

    我在中国拼命活下来就是因为我不 就这么 白白死了。

  • You shall want for nothing as long as I live

    只要我活着,你 什么 不要

  • It 's what I always want for us and if we could have that nothing could hurt us .

    我一直 想要 那些,如果我们可以拥有它, 任何 事情无法伤害我们。

  • Maybe he didn 't want to admit killing two people for nothing .

    也许他不 承认自己 无缘无故 杀了两个人。

  • Was because I didn 't want to die for nothing .

    就是因为我不 白白去死。

  • I have always tried to make sure that my children want for nothing .

    我总是尽力确保孩子们 什么

  • Holding my breath I type If you want to look for another partner in your life of course you have nothing but my blessings .

    我屏住气,在键盘上打下:你 若想 寻找生命中的另一个伴侣,我会全心祝福你。

  • I want to die for something and I don 't want to die for nothing .

    想要价值的死去,而不是 没有 意义的死掉。

  • If I were king things would be different he would say . you should all live at your ease and want for nothing .

    “假如我当了国王,情况就改观了,”他常这么说。“你们可以安居乐业, 什么 。”

  • He is kind enough to see that I want for nothing .

    他太善良了,认为 毫无

  • In high season there are 420 highly professional people on the payroll which accounts for the vertiginous rates but also for the fact that you will probably want for nothing .

    在旺季,酒店内共有420名高度专业的员工,这就是客房价格高得令人眩晕的原因,但同时可能也是使你 别无他求的原因。

  • What we really want for an access point is a simple bridge ; packets from one network show up on the other network nothing special .

    对于接入点,我们真正 需要的是一个简单的网桥;来自一个网络的数据包出现在另一个网络上, 没有 什么特别用途。

  • Said one media executive : they want everything for nothing .

    一位媒体行业高管称:“他们 希望 空手 。”

  • Really really want to weave a Weigela will drag forged for himself of so many festivals nothing more than is keen to keep time .

    真的,真的 编织一条锦带将岁月拽著,人们 自己锻造那麽多的节日, 无非就是渴望留住年华。

  • Let him want for nothing .

    不要让他 短缺 什么 东西