The admiral said Chinese war ships would investigate any suspect pirate vessels and approach them and demand that they show their relevant documents and certificates .
这位少将表示,中国 军舰将会对任何可疑海盗 船只进行调查,并接近它们,要求他们出示相关证件。
As Friedberg points out : in the event of a crisis or a war the United States and its partners could seize or sink Chinese commercial vessels at critical chokepoints or on the high seas .
正如弗里德伯格指出的:“一旦发生危机或 战争,美国及其盟友可以在关键海上通道或公海上扣押或击沉中国 商船。”
Israeli forces battled Palestinian militants throughout parts of the Gaza Strip as troops fanned out tanks moved into position and war planes and naval vessels continued to bombard their targets .
以色列部队在加沙地区继续同巴勒斯坦激进分子 交战。以军的地面部队在加沙地带分布开来,以军的坦克各就各位, 战机和海军 舰艇仍在继续轰炸目标。
During the Second World War hundreds of US-made steel cargo vessels known as liberty ships fractured or split open in icy cold northern waters .
第二次世界 大战 期间,数百艘由美国制造、名为“自由轮”( liberty)的钢铁货船在冰冷的北方水域中破裂或从中断开。
艨艟战船[法] 军用船只,军舰