The war In the middle tang dynasty war for safety and two tax law method to carry out heart also had a negative impact on the safety of water transport of grain to the capital and the implement of Lingshui law .
唐代中期的 战争对于漕运安全和两 税法的实施,也产生了消极的影响。
But except during World War I the tax system was not a major source of federal revenue until the1930s .
但在30年代以前,除了第一次世界 大战期间以外,所得 税系统并不是联邦税收的主要来源。
This area had abundant food to feed retired war elephants which were earlier sent to Ayutthaya as tax instead of being conscripted .
这一领域有着丰富的食物养活退休的 战象,它们被作为 贡税送往大城,以免征召。
Montoya said he is waging a real war on fiscal deficits and has already taken several steps to reduce the widespread tax fraud in Argentina .
莫托亚称,他正在针对财政赤字发起“一场真正的 战争”,而且已经为减少阿根廷国内普遍 漏税的情况采取了一些措施。
After the Seven-year War Great Britain on the purpose of shifting its financial burden begins to collect tax from the colonies in North America thus brings harm to the economic interest and freedom of the colonies .
七年 战争后,英国出于转嫁财政压力的目的而向北美殖民地 征税,危及了殖民地的经济利益和自由;
It will be difficult to avoid a trade war focused on a ' carbon tax ' for airlines .
一场围绕航空‘碳 税’的贸易 战将难以避免。
Roughly half of the cost of the Second World War to the US was met by income tax increases and the rest by bond issuance to a populace already hard pressed by deprivations of the 1930s Depression .
美国 二战的支出约有一半来自提高所得 税,其余部分则来自向民众发债,虽然30年代的大萧条已经让民众深陷窘境。
With the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War the government founded wartime profits tax inheritance tax for financial injections and received business tax managed by local government and stamp duty managed by the tax department .
随着 抗战全面 爆发,政府为寻找财政挹注,陆续开征了战时利得 税、遗产税,接收了由地方管理的营业税和由税务署管理的印花税。
During the Sino-France war the minister of tax bureau of Chinese Customs took an active part in the negotiation between China and Fanceand played different roles at different stages .
中法 战争 期间,中国海关总 税务司赫德积极插手中法谈判,在不同的阶段中扮演了不同的角色。
In order to raise the funds for the war the South increased the tax as well as issued a large number of government bonds and bonds which eventually led to the collapse of economies .
为了筹集 战争经费,南部增加 税收的同时,大量增发国债和债券。最终导致了经济体系的崩溃。
It is a highly collective war time finance and tax .
是一种高度集中的 战时财政与 税收。
The Qing Government Acknowledged that opium trade was legalized after being defeated during the Second Opium War ( 1856-1860 ) and levied the opium cigarette tax in order to raise the funds .
而清政府由于在鸦片 战争中惨败,不久,便承认鸦片贸易合法化。 1858年后,清朝中央和地方政府为筹集经费,纷纷在鸦片上打主意。
Secondly there were four major items of income tax levied during the period of Anti-Japanese War in Sichuan . Confronting the difficulties in collecting income tax governments at various levels adopted many measures which yielded good results .
抗战 时期四川所得税开征的内容主要有四大类,面对 征收过程中存在的诸多问题,各级政府采取了许多措施,取得了一定的成效。
美[wɔr tæks]英[wɔ: tæks]