Instinctively I knew he was the game warden .
凭直觉,我知道他是个 护 猎 员。
A river warden on the water has absolute power and knows all that goes on there .
做水 保 的 人照例是水上一霸,凡是属于水面上的事情他无有不知。
When you popped the warden was it worth it ?
你打了 典狱长,你觉得值吗?
All of a sudden the game warden jumped out of the bushes .
突然, 看守 人从灌木丛中跳了出来。
Could you contact warden chen .
请你与陈 警官联系。
So the warden assigned two policemen armed to the teeth and accompanied him to see his son .
于是, 监狱 长派了两名全副武装的警察护送他去见他的儿子。
Because the warden don 't run this prison . I do .
因为 管这监狱的不是 典狱长,是我。
They went directly to acre jail where they were taken to the warden 's office .
他们径直去了亚克监狱,并被领到 监狱 长的办公室。
Hurry up ! I 'm double-parked and the warden 's coming .
快点!我这是并排停车,检查员 来啦。
This song 's foryour warden .
这首歌送给你们的 监狱 长。
The warden gave him a cigar and they shook hands .
监狱 长递给他一支雪茄。他们握了握手。
Warden Glenn has always been good to me .
格伦 狱 长一直都对我很好。
With that the boy gave the game warden a valid fishing license .
男孩给了 看守 人一个有效的钓鱼证。
But he must told warden the reason why he had been burned .
但是他必须告诉 监狱 长,他是如何被烧伤的。
But us lifers & us murderers the warden he said the army did n 't want us .
可是我们这些判了无期的,我们这些杀人犯, 狱 长说军队不要。
We had another warden by then a man named Samuel Norton .
那时我们换了一个 典狱长,名叫山姆·诺顿。
The fisherman says to the warden I did not catch these lobsters they are my pets .
渔民对 看守 人说:“我没抓这些龙虾,他们是我的宠物。”
Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire .
狩猎 监督 官被派到新罕布什尔州去执行狩猎法令。
He was a warden at the local parish church
他是当地教堂的 管理员。
You 're the new marsh warden .
你是新来的沼泽地 看守 人。
This warden had only one eye .
水 保是个独眼睛的人。
The warden took us to a vantage point on the slopes where we saw herring gulls on the rocks below .
You 're the deputy warden at the prison .
你是监狱的副 狱 长。
A new warden took over the prison .
一位新的 监狱 长接管了这所监狱。
They were taken to the warden 's office .
他们被带到了 监察员的办公室。
There the warden handed Jimmy his pardon which had been signed that morning by the governor .
到了那边, 监狱 长将一张赦免书递给基米,这是本日早上州长签订的。
The warden asked you to leave .
典狱 官 刚刚请你离开。
He is the warden of an old people 's home .
他是一家 养老 院 的 管理员。
You got the warden waiting in his office to talk to you .
监狱 长在办公室等着你。
A traffic warden asked him to move his car
交通 管理员让他把车开走。