ward off

[wɔrd ɔf][wɔ:d ɔf]


  • Back on the city streets people are wearing breathing masks to ward off any ill effects .

    回到城市的道路上,人们都戴着口罩来 避开任何不良后果。

  • You should take some vitamins to ward off colds .

    你应该吃点维生素片 预防 感冒

  • Then concrete strategies and measures to ward off and control the risks have been proposed .

    然后,文章针对 高校内部审计风险提出了 防范和控制的一些具体的策略和措施。

  • Tea is now being used more frequently in skin products to ward off cancer and signs of aging .

    如今,茶也更常用于护肤品来 预防 癌症和衰老的迹象。

  • He brought his arm up in a futile attempt to ward off the blow

    他扬起胳膊徒劳地想要 挡住这一拳。

  • He took vitamins to ward off head colds .

    他吃维生素以 避免 伤风

  • I still moisturize occasionally & if only to ward off ridicule .

    我仍旧还是会偶尔做做保湿――即使只是为了 避免 别人的嘲笑。

  • Malachite was used as a children 's talisman to ward off danger and illness .

    孔雀石被用作儿童的护身符,以 抵御危险和疾病。

  • The intruder lunged at me with a knife ; I snatched up a briefcase to ward off the blow .

    闯入者持刀向我刺来,我急忙抓起一个公文包 抵挡

  • During the evening picnic I 'll carry a torch to ward off the bugs .

    傍晚野餐时,我要点根火把, 抵挡蚊虫。

  • Many people swear by vitamin C 's ability to ward off colds .

    许多人深信维生素C能 预防 感冒

  • Such a thin padded coat cannot ward off the cold mountain wind .

    这么薄的棉衣在高山上 寒风。

  • He managed to free one hand to ward off a punch .

    他设法 脱出一只手来 挡住 一拳。

  • This it is thought helps ward off health problems including cancer and heart disease .

    他们认为这种 蔬菜有助于 抵御包括癌症和心脏病这类健康问题。

  • He proposed a series of measures that might ward off the environmental apocalypse .

    他提出了一系列可能 避免环境灾难的措施。

  • He always carries a stick to ward off wild dogs .

    他常常拿着一根棍子 野狗

  • Have a drop . It 'll ward off the cold of the night .

    喝一口 夜里的寒气。

  • She raised her hand to ward off a blow .

    她抬起手来,以 来的拳头。

  • If I spilt the salt I should toss a pinch over my left shoulder to ward off misfortune .

    如果我把盐弄撒了,我就得拾起一撮盐从左臂上扔过去以 避免灾祸。

  • To ward off the feeling I drank the whisky quickly .

    为了 消除这种感觉,我赶紧喝了点威士忌。

  • She may have put up a fight to try to ward off her assailant

    她可能进行了顽强的反抗,试图 击退袭击者。

  • Many doctors advised washing my hands often to ward off many types of illness .

    许多医生建议我多洗手来 避开多种疾病。

  • He managed to ward off the blow .

    他设法 避过 那一击。

  • Mass burials are now under way in an effort to ward off an outbreak of cholera .


  • She was given a magic charm to ward off evil spirits .

    她被赋予了一种魔力,能 避开邪恶的鬼神。

  • Eating this will ward off various diseases .

    吃这东西可以 避免多种的传染病。

  • He poised himself to ward off the attack .

    他摆出要 攻击的姿势。

  • I drank some hot chocolate to ward off the cold .

    我喝了一点热巧克力来 驱寒

  • Some women take aspirin to ward off breast cancer .

    一些妇女吃阿司匹林以 避开)乳腺癌。

  • Warm clothing and good food helps to ward off a cold .

    暖和的衣服和良好的食物有助于 预防 感冒