After a restful voyage we were welcomed by the war Cabinet and Chiefs of Staff .
这次安适的航行结束后,我们受到了 战时 内阁 阁员和三军参谋长们的欢迎。
Question : This does not correspond to a war cabinet does it ?
问:这和 战时 内阁 制度不相符合吧?
After the Cold War the adjustment of the Japanese Cabinet is the main motivation for its diplomatic policy on China .
而 冷战后日本 内阁调整是日本对华外交政策发展变化的最主要动因。
A war cabinet has been formed of five members representing with the Labor Opposition and Liberals the unity of the nation .
战时 内阁已由五人组成,包括工党、反对党和自由党,这体现了举国团结一致。
A Little Lady-Starter of the Civil War of America __Historic Position of Uncle Tom 's Cabinet
发动南北 战争的小妇人&论《汤姆叔叔的 小屋》的历史地位
How can the war cabinet fail to see that this progressive devastation of cities is threatening the roots of civilization ?
战时 内阁怎么会看不到这样逐次摧毁城市正威胁到文明的根基?
The three party leaders have agreed to serve either in the War Cabinet or in high executive office .
三党领袖已经同意加入 战时 内阁,或者担任国家高级行政职务。
War Cabinet has been formed of five Members representing with the Liberal Opposition the unity of the nation .
一个五人 战时 内阁已经组成,与自由反对党一同代表着国家的统一。
How can they be blind to the harvest of even fiercer warring and desolation even in this country to which the present destruction will inevitably lead when the members of the war cabinet have long passed to their rest ?
他们怎么会看不到目前的毁灭破坏在 战时 内阁成员安息之后很久还必然会导致,甚至在我们这个国家,更激烈的战争和悲惨毁灭?
A War Cabinet has been formed of five Members representing with the Opposition Liberals the unity of the nation .
战时 内阁业已成立,由5位阁员组成,其中包括反对党的自由主义者,代表了举国一致的团结。
The correct answer is Winston Churchill as a minister in the pre-World War One Liberal cabinet .
正确答案是,它是温斯顿丘吉尔(WinstonChurchill)在一 战前任自由党 内阁大臣时说的。
Livni was responsible for war crimes during Israel 's campaign in Gaza earlier this year when she was a member of Israel 's inner cabinet .
逮捕令声称 利夫尼应为今年年初以色列在加沙地带活动期间犯下的 战争罪负责。
The risk of a French declaration of war and whether it should be courted is reserved for the Cabinet .
关于法国 宣战的危险以及是否应对它进行拉拢的问题,留待 内阁解决。
美[wɔr ˈkæbənɪt]英[wɔ: ˈkæbinit]