For example the weather index insurance and weather derivatives can provide strong support and buffer the risk loss that people may meet .
如 天气指数 保险和天气衍生品都能提供强有力的支持,缓冲人们可能遇到的风险损失。
Introduction of weather derivatives may help insurance companies and reinsurance companies enhance risk-diversifying ability and improve management of natural risks in agriculture .
天气衍生品的推出可以增强 保险公司和再保险公司分散风险的能力,有助于提高农业自然风险的管理水平。
And in the light of Xiaogan drought status this dissertation systematically discussed the weather index insurance contract designing and several ways of using weather derivatives hedging drought disaster risk .
并针对孝感地区的旱灾状况,系统论述了 天气指数 保险契约的设计以及用天气衍生工具套期保值干旱灾害风险的几种方式。
China plans weather insurance to help farmers .
中国计划实施 天气 指数 保险以帮助农民。
At present in the international capital market the financial products like regional yield insurance and weather index insurance which transfer the agricultural disaster risks have been developed .
目前在国际上已经开发出来许多转移农业灾害风险的金融产品,比如区域产量保险和 气象指数 保险。
The weather index insurance can overcome the shortage of traditional insurance such as information asymmetry high operating costs ; benefits to the raise of insurance company accept insurance capacity .
天气指数 保险可以克服传统农业保险信息不对称、经营成本高的弊端,有利于保险公司承保能力的提升。
After we prepared everything including the schedule reliable weather forecast and the insurance we began our trip .
我们准备好了所有东西,包括时间表、可靠的 天气预报,还有 保险,就开始了旅程。
The Central American Weather Risk Management Program which offers index-based crop insurance products has been developed in Guatemala Honduras and Nicaragua .
中美洲 天气风险管理计划提供指数型作物 保险产品,由危地马拉、洪都拉斯和尼加拉瓜三国共同制定。
The objective of this research was to design weather claiming index for citrus freezing damage insurance and to provide technology for policy-guided agricultural insurance .
设计柑橘冻害 保险 气象理赔指数,为开展柑橘政策性农业保险提供技术支撑。
Observe weather conditions closely select days with proper weather to work make emergency plan consider insurance and spread risks and communicate with contractor about weather .
密切关注天气信息;选择合适的 天气进行作业;制定应急预案;考虑 保险或分散风险;与承包商交流天气信息。
Today the frontiers of finance involve anything from weather to mortality risk from emissions to catastrophe insurance .
而当今金融前沿涉及从 气候到死亡风险,从废气排放到巨灾 保险的各层面。
The World Bank has pioneered livestock insurance for Mongolian herders ; a Malawi weather derivative against drought ; and the Caribbean catastrophe insurance pool .
如果审慎地使用和监督,金融创新会提高效率,并可以防范风险:世界银行已率先为蒙古牧民提供了牲畜保险;马拉维 气象衍生产品可以应对旱灾;以及加勒比巨灾 保险基金。
Sun-seekers whose holidays are spoiled by bad weather could be reimbursed after French travel agencies launched insurance cover for unwanted interruptions to the sunshine .
喜欢阳光的人,如果假期被坏 天气破坏了,在法国旅行社推出针对没有阳光的 保险后,将获得赔偿。
In some cases the most useful tools might be weather insurance or a rainfall index ; in others it could be a hedge on energy prices to keep transport and input costs low .
在某些情况下,最有用的工具或许是 天气 保险或降雨量指数;而在另一些情况下,最有用的工具可能是对能源价格进行套期保值,从而把运输和投入成本保持在低位。
The World Bank also supports weather index insurance initiatives in Bangladesh Nicaragua Senegal Burkina Faso Kenya Jamaica and Malawi .
世行也支持在孟加拉国、尼加拉瓜、塞内加尔、布基拉法索、肯尼亚、牙买加和马拉维等国实施的 天气指数 保险项目。
New approaches to risk management such as weather based index insurance can help farmers cope with uncertainty .
诸如 天气指数 保险等风险管理新方法可以帮助农户应对粮食生产不稳定问题。
Some advices are given after introducing the course of the development and research findings of agricultural insurance and weather index insurance .
介绍了农业保险和 天气指数 保险的发展历程及其研究成果,对其未来发展提出了一些建议。
Based on which Shanghai watermelon rainy index insurance Jiangxi tangerine frost damage index insurance and Anhui rice and wheat weather index insurance practice effect are analyzed .
在此基础上对上海西瓜梅雨指数保险、江西蜜橘冻害指数保险和安徽水稻与小麦 天气指数 保险实践效果进行了分析。
WeatherBill is combining an ecommerce site with a complicated weather forecasting algorithm to sell weather insurance policies to individuals and businesses .
WeatherBill公司正在把一个电子商务网站和一中复杂的天下预报分析系统整合起来,然后向公司和个人出售 天气 保险单。
It mainly included the weather index insurance and weather derivatives two aspects .
主要包括 天气指数 保险与天气衍生品两个方面。
After understanding the role and characteristics of weather insurance most of the farmers have expressed an interest in buying .
对于 天气 保险,大多数农户在了解其作用和特点后均表示有购买兴趣。
美[ˈwɛðɚ ɪnˈʃʊrəns]英[ˈweðə inˈʃuərəns]