welfare economics

[ˈwɛlˌfɛr ˌɛkəˈnɑmɪks][ˈwelfɛə ˌɪkəˈnɔmiks]


  • Welfare economics is one of the important branches in Modern Western Economics .

    福利 经济学是西方经济学的一个重要理论分支。

  • This paper use a welfare economics health economics and cost-benefit theory to analyze the importance of the health management .

    在文中运用了 福利 经济学、健康经济学和成本&收益理论来分析其健康管理的重要性。

  • The first part introduces the basic theories of social welfare economic equality as well as competition equilibrium applied in welfare economics . It Discusses social status estimation method and describes statistic picture of Chinese present distribution status .

    第1编介绍了社会福利与经济平等基本理论及竞争均衡理论在 福利 经济学中的应用,讨论了对社会状态进行估计的相关方法,并对中国收入分配现状进行了统计描述。

  • Rising and Development of Welfare Economics

    福利 经济学的兴起与发展

  • A Comparative Analysis on Welfare Economics and Some Problems of Socialism

    福利 经济学与社会主义若干问题的比较分析

  • This paper looks into the industrial waste pollution in towns in the process of industrialization by means of principles and methods in Economics Resource and Environment Economics and Welfare Economics .

    本文运用经济学、资源环境经济学和 福利 经济学的原理和方法,以工业化过程中乡镇工业污染为研究对象进行了分析。

  • The modern western society justice theory has been analyzed from equality and need utilitarianism and welfare economics and equity and desert dimensions .

    对于近现代西方社会的公正理论主要是从公平和需要、功利主义和 福利 经济学以及自由权利和应得三个方面进行了分析。

  • And proposed the economic evaluation rationale of forest environmental effect in this foundation : Welfare economics .

    文章重点探讨了森林环境影响经济评价的方法,并结合 实例进行 研究

  • Objective of Settling Migrants from Reservoir Area : An Analysis Based on Welfare Economics

    水库移民安置目标:基于 福利 经济学的分析

  • Welfare economics theory argued that Pareto optimal state need the competitive market mechanism .

    研究结论1. 福利 经济学理论认为要达到帕累托最优状态必须借助竞争性市场机制。

  • As an important part of welfare economics the theoretical tool of externality provides a great convenience for the analysis of corporate social responsibility .

    外部性的理论工具为分析企业社会责任及其 福利 效应提供了方便。

  • Welfare economics the theories of consumption capital accumulation economic growth finance and international trade all became subject to his rigorous picking and arranging .

    福利 经济学、消费理论、资本积累、经济增长、金融和国际贸易,都成了他慎密的“采撷和整理”的对象。

  • Because of his outstanding contributions in welfare economics Amartya Sen won the noble economic prize in 1998 .

    阿马蒂亚·森因为在 福利 经济学方面的突出贡献在1998年获得了诺贝尔经济学奖。

  • The normative sub-branch of microeconomics is known as welfare economics .

    微观经济学的规范的分支 学科被称为 福利 经济学

  • Because of education level decided by education investment and education investment related with resource collocating and welfare changing we analyze general regularities of education investment and welfare economics as the theoretical system of the paper .

    教育投资决定了教育水平,而教育投资的变动则是资源的重新配置和福利的转移变化,因此本章还对教育投资和 福利 经济学的一般规定进行了分析,从而勾勒出全文的理论框架。

  • Introducing welfare function as testing criterion in the process of dynamics simulation and adopting welfare economics method to study energy issues and thus emphasizing the importance of individual welfare and social welfare .

    强调了个人福利和社会福利的重要性,在动力学模拟的过程中引入福利函数作为检验系统是否良好的标准,并且采用了 福利 经济学方法研究能源问题。

  • The theories used in the paper are the principle of equality in welfare economics the consumption theory in macroeconomic the Gini coefficient and the industry contribution rate .

    论文采用了 福利 经济学中的公平原则、宏观 经济学的消费理论、基尼系数和行业贡献率等理论和算法。

  • According to welfare economics and theory of microeconomic policy the reason content and method of government regulation for road service are studied .

    依据 福利 经济学和微观经济政策理论,对公路服务业实施政府公共管制的原因、方法和内容进行了研究。

  • These methods are based on certain theories of welfare economics or ethic .

    这些测度方法都是建立在一定的 福利 经济学、理学基础之上。

  • The Dilemma of Free Trade & from the View in Welfare Economics

    论自由贸易实现的难题&基于 福利 经济学的视角

  • This paper take English for example and use the research results of resource economics and welfare economics discussing this issue roundly .

    本文以英国为例,利用资源经济学和 福利 经济学的研究成果,对这个问题展开了论述。

  • So both the efficiency and equality are basic targets of the welfare economics .

    资源的最优配置意味着效率,国民收入分配的均等化意味着公平,所以,公平与效率是 福利 经济学所追求的基本目标。

  • The micro-economics property right economics welfare economics and game theory are applied to analyze the recomposition modes .

    运用微观经济学、 福利 经济学、产权经济学及博弈论的相关理论,结合城市供水系统的经营管理现状,对3种产权重组模式进行分析。

  • On Scientific Nature and Limits of Best Financial Income Scale from the Perspective of Welfare Economics

    福利 经济学分析最优财政收入规模的科学性与局限性

  • Illustration of Welfare Economics for the Farmer Sharing the Economic Development Achievement for Balance

    福利 经济学对农民均衡分享经济发展成果诠释

  • The documents found that welfare economics consumption theory Keynes active government theory for western countries overcome defects of market economy provides the theory support the maximization of social welfare is the ultimate goal of economic development .

    通过文献整理,发现 福利 经济学、消费理论、凯恩斯积极政府理论等为西方国家克服市场经济缺陷提供了理论支持,全社会福利最大化是经济发展的终极目标。

  • The fourth part analyzes the influence of the deficit to the economy of China applying the welfare economics and economics .

    第四部分,运用 福利 经济学及西方经济学的理论分析了逆差对中国经济 福利和企业的影响。

  • This text is to introduce the classic study of new welfare economics .

    本文对新 福利 经济 理论中的经典性研究 成果加以介绍。