


  • The residual stress of the beryllium ring weldment was studied by FEM simulation and X ray stress measurement .

    采用有限元分析法和X射线应力测试法对铍环形 的残余应力分布规律进行了研究。

  • Deformation and control on valve weldment

    阀门 焊接 变形及控制

  • When designing sheet metal component the conventional checking methods have lots of restriction in the complicated weldment checking .

    设计钣金件时,传统的强度校核方法在复杂的 焊接 强度校核中受到限制。

  • Temperature field distribution of weldment which reflects complex welding heat process is a basic on studying welding deformation residual stress and so on .

    中的温度场分布反映了复杂的焊接热过程,是研究焊接变形、 后残余应力等状况的基础。

  • Because of non-uniform temperature distribution at the course of welding and postweld weldment takes on serious welding stress and deformation .

    因为焊接温度场分布十分不均匀,在焊接过程中和 后将产生相当大的焊接应力和变形。

  • Simulating welding microstructure evolution microstructure type and exist state can predict mechanical properties of welded joint in according to quantitatively analyze the relationship among chemical composition microstructure and properties which can help to optimize process parameters and improve the quality of weldment .

    模拟显微组织的形成过程、组织类型及存在状态可以对焊 的力学性能进行预测,实现化学成分、组织和性能的定量分析,从而优化工艺参数,提高 质量。

  • Analysis and Preventive Measures of Arc Weldment Deformation

    手工电弧焊 变形的原因及防范措施

  • Welding is a permanent connection method for the weldment atoms which is through heating or pressure or both with and with or without the filler metal .

    焊接是通过加热或加压,或两者并用,并且用或不用填充金属,使 间达到原子间结合的一种永久性连接的方法。

  • According to the features of weldment structure and detection image mathematic models of defect depth and deviation were established and formulas correlated were deduced .

    根据 工件结构和检测图像,建立了 工件中缺陷埋藏深度和偏移量的数学模型,并推导出了相应的数学公式。

  • Study on the Strength and Toughness of Drill Collar Weldment of 4145H Steel

    4145H钢钻铤 焊接 接头强韧性研究

  • The UN250 butt-welding machine adopts manual flash prewarming hydraulic pressure upset mode is suitable to weld large diameter and section weldment .


  • Numerical Simulation and Optimization Technique on Dissimilar Metal Welding of Marine Tank Tube Weldment

    船用 舱管异种金属 焊接 结构数值模拟及优化技术

  • The paper introduces the test of welding residual stress in weldment of constructional machinery and its distribution law .

    通过测试工程机械 结构 焊接残余应力,分析其分布特点;

  • This paper discusses the primary design ideas of the weldment coded system which is relevant to the system design data structure . system structure design etc.

    本文从系统设计、数据结构设计和系统结构设计等方面探讨了 编码系统基本设计思想。

  • It is more usual to complete the weldment first and then to galvanize it .

    所以常用的方法是先把钢板 起来再镀锌。

  • WPS shall reference the supporting PQR and any other information that may be helpful in making a Code weldment .

    焊接程序规范(WPS)编制时,应参考程序检定记录,以及其他对 焊接规范的编制有帮助的文件。

  • For the weldment its deformation should be controlled within tolerances and its geometrical dimensions should be sufficient to allow further machining .


  • The reasons and affecting factors are studied for stress elimination embrittlement in HAZ of HSLA steel weldment .

    研究了低合金高强钢热影响区消除应力 化的产生原因及其影响因素。

  • A computer system is developed which can predict the weld solidification cracks for weldment in two dimensions .

    研制了一个 焊接凝固裂纹 数值模拟软件系统。

  • The mechanical properties of welding and weldment have been conduct on X80 pipeline steel under the selection of welding process welding filler metal and parameter .

    在选定焊接方法、焊接材料和工艺参数条件下,进行了X80管线钢 焊接和接头性能试验。

  • The distribution of residual stress in stainless steel weldment was analyzed after single laser shock and multiple laser shock .

    分析了不锈钢 焊缝经激光单点、多点冲击后表面残余应力的分布。

  • The study on the ductile fracture of weldment with mechanical heterogeneity


  • Preheating shall also be applied to the tack welding when the weldment requires preheating .

    需要预热的焊 ,定位 时也应按规定进行预热。

  • Study on The Annealing Technology Locality Outside Furnace for Large-Size Weldment

    大型 焊接 炉外局部退火工艺的研究

  • In this paper the following is introduced the setting for laser welding with filler wire the interaction between laser beam and filler metal and weldment the relations between wire feed rate and welding speed .

    介绍了激光填丝焊的装置;论述了光束与焊丝和 工件的相互作用及送丝速度与焊接速度之间的关系;

  • Stress corrosion and acid corrosion of low carbon steel weldment

    低碳钢 焊缝的应力腐蚀和酸腐蚀

  • Before QT treatment grain size distributions in weldment and matrix are relatively homogenous while after QT treatment the small grains are preponderant .

    调质处理前 焊缝 影响 中晶粒尺寸分布较为均匀,而调质处理后主要以小尺寸晶粒为主。

  • Fatigue invalidation of weldment is common in engineering .

    焊接 的疲劳失效是工程中比较常见的失效方式。

  • The comparison results show that mechanical vibration welding can decrease the residual stress in heat affected zone refine crystal grain and improve the fatigue life of the weldment .

    结果表明,机械振动焊接可降低焊接残余应力、细化焊缝和热影响区的金相组织,提高 疲劳寿命。