It 's really wateriness but true their love is more true than our human beings nothing with matter it 's only from heart making us admire .
如此 平淡却是如此的真实,他们的爱比人类更真切,没有物质,纯粹发自内心,让人 如此羡慕。
Passion and wateriness should alternately present as undulate .
激情 平淡应呈波浪形交替出现。
It is wateriness and enjoyment health and peace serenity and quiet .
其实就是 平淡而快乐,健康和和平,宁静和安稳。
Readers during the reading will have a different snack from the wateriness and have a fancy sense from the nature and the modesty combined with the full figure making one integrated mass which the natural poem style of Tao Yuanming stems from .
读者在阅读过程中, 便会产生 平淡 之中 另有 风味,自然 之中别有洞天的感觉,“质”与“腴”浑然一体,陶渊明诗歌的自然风格便由此产生了。
Secondly the author uses four pivots to analyse the artistic features of Long 's poems : wateriness and naturalness expression for deep character skills of line drawing and the combination art of the verses .
以 平淡自然、抒写性灵、白描技法、诗歌的组合艺术为四个支点来剖析 龙 献图诗歌的艺术特色;
A winter without snow must be lonely just as a heart without love wateriness and solitude .
犹如一颗没有爱的心, 平淡而孤寂。
Johann Sebastian Bach 1685-1750 is one of the greatest masters in music field also a religious protestant . He seeks & unto glory of God in his whole wateriness life by hard working on music .
约翰·塞巴斯蒂安·巴赫(JohannSebastianBach,1685-1750)是音乐领域里最伟大的音乐大师,也是一位虔诚的新教基督徒,他一生 平淡艰辛,为音乐也为寻求和荣耀上帝而毕生劳苦工作。