Therefore WC coating can effectively improve using properties and working life of steel braking frictional couple .
因此, WC涂层可显著提高钢铁制动摩擦副的使用性能和使用寿命。
The results show that WC particles uniformly distributed in the composite and well combined with the high manganese steel .
结果表明 制 备的复合材料颗粒分布均匀, WC颗粒与高锰钢基体结合良好;
Sharpness strength high hardness can be used as additives can partially replace the WC .
锋利度强,硬度高,可当做添加剂,可部分代替 WC。
Thermal Fatigue Research of Ni / WC Infiltrated Layer on Cast Iron Substrate
铸铁表面 Ni/WC铸渗层的热疲劳性能研究
Quality Control and Particle Size Measurement of High-quality Ultrafine WC Powders Produced by Conventional Process An ultra fine cemented carbide with tungsten powder and binder cobalt .
传统流程生产优质超细 碳化 钨粉的质量控制及粒度检测一种由碳化钨和粘结金属钴组成的超细颗粒硬质合金。
Study is made of the vibrating ball miling for ultra-fine WC powder preparation .
对振动球磨法制取超细 碳化 钨粉末进行了研究。
Three kinds of steel-bonded carbides with different WC content have been treated by paste boronizing .
采用膏剂渗硼剂,对三种 WC含量不同的钢结硬质合金进行了渗硼处理。
Effect of Vacuum Hot-pressed Sinter on Properties of Cu / WC Composite
真空热压烧结对 Cu/WC复合材料性能的影响
To count the number of instances use wc to count after all .
归根结底, 若要对实例计数, 您还是要使用 wc来计数。
There are also several tables in this list with names beginning with WS_or WC_ .
在表格中还有一些表格,它们的名字以WS or WC开始。
Study on Wear Performance of Rare-earth Modified WC / 12Co Thermally Sprayed Coatings
纳米稀土改性热喷涂 WC/12Co涂层的摩擦磨损性能研究
The wc command displays the number of lines words and bytes in a file .
wc命令将显示文件中所 含的行、单词、字节的数量。
The initial design used the recycling of grey water and rainwater as feeds for WC cisterns .
初步设计为 WC蓄水池使用废水和雨水的再循环作为供给。
Fig3.But now he appears only in WC or with malfunctioned PC.
现在我们只有在他上 厕所和电脑出问题的时候才能看到他。
All rooms have got private bath shower and WC .
所有的房间都有独用的浴缸、淋浴和 卫生间。
This isn 't the first time women voiced their discontent about their significant others ' WC addictions .
这已经不是女性第一次表达她们对其他人 世界 杯瘾的不满了。
Wc is an acronym for word count ; wc can count characters words and lines .
Decarbonization treatment effecting on the catalytic properties for Pt / WC composite materials
脱碳处理对 Pt/WC复合材料催化性能的影响
A Study on Preparation of Ultra-fine WC Powders and Properties of Sintered Body
超细 WC粉末的制备及其烧结体的性能研究
WC was implanted into the surface of steel and iron parts by high-energy ion implanting technique .
研究了离子注 渗 W和渗碳处理对低碳结构钢显微组织、表面性能的影响。
Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Properties of WC / steel Composites by Centrifugal Casting
热处理工艺对离心铸造 WC/钢复合材料组织性能的影响
Meanwhile the flux-cored wires with larger WC particles have excellent weldability .
同时,采用大颗粒 WC的药芯焊丝焊接工艺性优异。
Study on Influence Factors of Property of Cu / WC Composite
I was reserved before the WC but now I can say : we got something in motion .
在 世界 杯之前我有些保守,但是现在,我能说:我们在运动上收获了一些。
Matching of particle sizes of wc / co powders and Spark Plasma Sintering Densification
Study on Microstructure and Properties of Laser Remelting Ni-based WC Coating
激光重熔Ni基 WC涂层的组织与性能研究
Options allow you to control the output from wc or to display other information such as maximum line length .
可以使用选项控制 wc的输出,或者显示其他信息,比如行的最大长度。
Coarse medium and fine WC powders are used for tests at different ball percentage and milling time .
试验中采用粗、中、细 3种 碳化 钨粉末进行了不同球料比、不同球磨时间的试验。
Microstructure and properties of Fe-base alloy + WC laser cladding layer
铁基合金 +WC激光熔覆层的显微组织与性能
Study on In-situ Synthesis WC Between Tungsten Wire and High Carbon Iron
高碳铁与金属钨丝原位合成 WC的研究
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