wave aside

[wev əˈsaɪd][weiv əˈsaid]


  • You 'd better buy her a scarf she would wave a pair of gloves aside .

    你最好给她买一条围巾,她对一副手套会 不屑一顾的。

  • Rachel waved aside the explanation .

    雷切尔全然 不听解释。

  • For all the headlines the wave of Chinese capital heading overseas is at an early stage and its impact on markets perhaps aside from Hong Kong is limited in terms of investments flows .

    尽管获得了媒体的极大关注,但中国资本进军海外的 浪潮仍处于初期阶段,就投资资金规模而言,对市场的影响是有限的(香港 除外)。

  • Equity markets around the world powered to fresh 2009 highs yesterday as a global wave of forecast-beating corporate earnings helped investors put aside concerns about potential asset bubbles in China .

    全球股市周四大幅上升,纷纷创下2009年新高。 一波超出预期的公司盈利,帮助投资者把中国出现资产泡沫的可能性暂时 置之脑后

  • No doubt the committee will wave aside his nearsighted view .

    毫无疑问委员会对他的肤浅之见会 置之不理的。

  • We wave good-bye to Grandpa Tian who steps aside with the donkey quietly chewing on clusters of wild grass .

    我们和田大爷 挥手告别。他 到路旁。黑驴在他身后安静地 几棵野草。

  • The director tried to wave aside these issues as trivial details that could be settled later

    主管试图对这些问题 置之不理,认为都是些细枝末节的小事,可以稍后解决。

  • Wolfe waved my suggestion aside

    沃尔夫对我的建议 置若罔闻

  • Schools will need to place a greater focus on skills that will enable the next generation to benefit from the upcoming technological wave instead of merely getting swept aside .

    学校需要投入更大精力,向下一代人传授新的技能,使他们能在新的科技 革命中受益,而不是 靠边