weak law

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  • A weak law of φ & mixing

    φ&mixing的 大数

  • A Weak Law of Large Numbers for Identically Distributed NA Variables

    同分布NA序列的一个 大数

  • The Euler 's Weak Law of Large Numbers in Banach Space

    Banach空间中的Euler 大数 定律

  • The weak law of large numbers for arrays of random elements in Banach spaces

    B值随机元阵列的 大数 定律

  • This Paper deals with problems of large number theorem in stochastic sense and obtains sufficient and necessary conditions for weak law and strong law of large numbers in stochastic sense .

    利用独立不同分布的随机变量序列的强大数 定律研究了双随机狄里 克莱级数的收敛性和 增长性,得到了一些新的结果。

  • Procuratorial organs have intensified the supervision of law enforcement by redressing according to law the problems of failure to observe the law weak law enforcement and miscarriages of justice .

    检察机关加大执法监督力度,依法纠正 有法不依执法不严、司法不公等问题。

  • Our discussions show that Ces á ro uniform integrability is also an effective tool in studying the weak law of large numbers for pairwise NQD sequences .

    从讨论中可以看出,Cesáro一致可积性也是研究两两NQD列 大数 定律的有效工具。

  • A Weak Law of Large Number for Pairwise NQD Random Sequences

    两两NQD列的一个 大数 定律注记

  • Sufficient and necessary conditions for weak law and strong law of large numbers in stochastic sense

    随机 大数 定律和随机强大数定律的充要条件

  • Official corruption the absence of proper title to property and the weak rule of law mean these States really did operate without the framework to reward merit and hard work .

    官员腐败、缺乏恰当的产权制度以及 薄弱 法制意味着,这些国家不具备对功劳和勤奋给予奖励的框架。

  • Now the research of tourist contract is still relatively weak in domestic law research field where the tourist contract standard terms is more rare .

    目前,旅游合同的研究仍然是国内 法学研究领域相对 薄弱的地方,旅游合同中的格式条款方面的研究更是凤毛麟角。

  • The administrative personnel and the common people in the forest region show their weak view on law do not abide by the law do not enforce the law strictly .

    行政人员和林区群众 法律观念不 有法不依、执法不严现象严重。

  • Weak law enforcement is the main problem .

    执法 能力 薄弱是主要问题。

  • The fifth part going further into subrogation whether it is suitable for life insurance contract focuses on the weak points of law legislation in China .

    第五部分探究代位 追偿在人身保险合同中能否适用的问题,指出我国 保险立法的 完善之处。

  • The concrete subjective factors of the floating population show that the weak law idea of the floating population is one of basic cause to violate law and discipline ;

    流动人口犯罪的主体因素具体表现为:(一)流动人口中许多人 法制观念 淡薄是造成违法犯罪的根本原因;

  • A note on the law of weak law of convergence

    大数 的一个注记

  • Data shows that at present there still exists a large number of issues of water administrative enforcement such as weak and illegal law enforcement .

    目前,各种数据表明,在水行政执法中还存在着诸多的问题,比如执法 软弱,违法 执法等。

  • Inequalities and weak law of large numbers for Banach space valued Martingales

    Banach空间值鞅不等式与 大数 定律

  • A weak law of large numbers for the weighted sums of non-identically distributed NA random matrix sequences is studied .

    研究了不同分布NA序列加权和最大值的 大数 定律,推广了前人的结果。

  • In his article Mr winter worries that as the core of the global economy shifts to countries with weak rule of law and institutions connections to government rather than entrepreneurial skill are becoming the quickest and most effective route to wealth .

    在他的文章中,温特担心,“随着全球经济核心转移至 法治和制度 薄弱的国家,与政府的关系,而非企业家技能,正在成为最快和最有效的致富途径”。

  • The reasons why the account receivables are increasing include the uncollected account receivables the relaxed internal control the faulty administrant system the weak consciousness of law protection lack of risk consciousness and unfulfilled obligation .

    目前,应收账款不断增长,其原因包括应收账款收不回来、内部控制不严格、管理制度不完善、经营者 法律保护意识 薄弱、风险意识缺乏、责任不落实。

  • The theory of investor 's protection considered that the differences of every nation 's company management structure models were caused by every nation 's different law system of investors ' protection the strong or weak of the law should affect the choice of companies ' ownership structure .

    投资者保护理论认为各国公司治理结构模式的不同,主要是由于各国对投资者保护的法律体系不同所引起的,投资者 法律保护的 强弱将影响公司所有权结构的选择。

  • The early expectation on mass participation to asset backed securitization ( ABS ) in China is yet to become true due to ist weak framework of law and economic environment .

    由于在经济环境、 法律框架等方面的限制,资产证券化的实施始终未能 如期在中国境内蓬勃发展。

  • Family violence is a serious social problem in China the weak law intervention on which is one of the important reasons . But the concept of the family violence is not so clear .

    家庭暴力是我国一个严重的社会问题,它泛滥的重要原因之一是 法律对家庭暴力的干预 力度 不够和家庭暴力 立法 滞后

  • Through the cone - the micro-plate electrode structure of the collection and analysis with light intensity of discharge we sum the discharge light by a single peak and multiple peak current of alternating strong and weak law and duty laws .

    通过对锥形&平板电极结构的微放电光强的采集分析,得到了放电光电流单峰与多峰 强弱交替变化 规律与占空比规律。

  • For example optimization of the Chief Environmental awareness is not strong the concept of weak rule of law open fair and just principles are violated the Government has yet to tackle the issue of approval the Government is not higher credibility .

    如,政务环境优化意识不强, 法制观念 淡薄,公开、公平、公正原则时有违背,政府审批问题仍未根治,政府信誉不高等。