weaker sex


  • I 'm afraid I am a bit naive when it comes to the weaker sex .

    我想我在 对付 女子方面没有经验。

  • In the story the culture divinity became weaker while the culture of humanism increased and the subject position and the manly beauty of the male sex grew stronger .

    人本主义文化 因素逐步强化; 男性主体地位和 阳刚之气逐步增强。

  • You husbands live considerately with your wives bestowing honor on the woman as the weaker sex since you are joint heirs of the grace of life .

    你们作丈夫的,要按情理和妻子同住;因她 软弱,是与你一同承受生命之恩的,所以要 敬重她。

  • Women are also protected by effective laws and are no longer the weaker sex .

    健全的法律保护女性,她们不再是 弱者

  • As a singer for females she banishes much stipulation which is saddled on to the weaker sex by society and history .

    作为女性生命的歌者,她排 了社会历史加与第 二性的诸多不平等规约。

  • Today scientists are discovering very real biological differences that can make boys more impulsive more vulnerable to benign neglect less efficient classroom learners & in sum the weaker sex .

    现在,科学家发现,纯粹生物学上的差异使男孩更冲动,更容易受到善意忽视的伤害,课堂学习中更缺少效率总之,他们是 弱势 性别群体。

  • We women are the weaker sex .

    我们女人是 两性 弱者