wave converter

[wev kənˈvɚtɚ][weiv kənˈvə:tə]


  • The basic principles and operating characteristics of two operating modes ( separate operating mode and combining operating mode ) applied for generative operating mode of full wave boosting C dump converter are introduced .

    升压式C-dump 变换 由两 功率 变换 电路构成,发电运行时有两种工作模式:单级工作模式和两级工作模式。

  • The system consists of microcomputer and transient wave converter etc For the measurement of working parameters of drilling machine such as impact energy or frequency stroke and pressure .

    本研究系采用微型计算机、 波形 存贮器等技术装备组成了凿岩机械冲击能、冲击频率、行程、压力等工作参数的微机测试系统。

  • The conversion region which transfers the energy of the transversal motion into longitudinal motion is an important part of a cyclotron wave converter .

    能量转换区是回旋 整流器的一个重要组成部分,它把 电子的横向能量转化为纵向能量。

  • Travelling Wave Tube Filament Power Supply Based on Cuk Converter

    基于Cuk 变换 行波管灯丝电源

  • It can lower the negative effect by the high baxmoniou wave in the output frequency converter .

    具有良好的屏蔽性能,可降低 变频器输出中存在的 高次谐波的不良影响。

  • Computer Aided Analysis of Wave Propagation of Substation and DC Converter Station

    交流变电站和直流 换流站 过程计算机辅助分析

  • A travelling wave tube ( TWT ) filament power supply based on Cuk converter is introduced in this paper .

    介绍了一种基于Cuk 变换 行波管灯丝电源。

  • CFD ( Computational Fluid Dynamics ) Analysis of an Impulse Turbine in an OWC ( Ocean Wave Converter ) Wave Energy Device

    OWC 能装置冲击式透平的计算流体力学分析

  • Reversed T wave ; Z-Source Converter

    T 倒置;Z源 变换

  • A High frequency Carrier Wave SPWM BSIT ( or SITH ) Frequency Converter

    采用BSIT(或SITH)的高 载波SPWM 变频器

  • The paper points out a new method of using two SAW small wave energy converters to make small wave converter restructing devices .

    本文提出了利用两只声 表面波 小波变换器件构造小波 变换重构器件的新方法。

  • A Complex Structure of 12-Stepped Wave Converter with High DC Voltage Availability

    一种高直流电压利用率的12阶梯 逆变器的复合结构

  • CPU is used with signal chip SPWM which produces wave IPM is main switch apparatus of power converter controller uses PID figure controller and test shows project feasibility .

    CPU和产生SPWM 信号芯片SA8282配合使用,选用IPM作为功率 变换 的主开关器件,采用PID数字控制器,并通过实验证明方案的可行性。

  • A foundation with sufficient stiffness to resist long-term wind and wave load to insure the serviceability of wind energy converter is needed .

    一个足以承受长期 波浪及风力的基础设施是让风力 发电设施在使用年限内正常运转的必要条件。

  • The results show that this method which possesses the rapidity and accuracy can restrain the harmonic wave of the converter effectively .

    结果表明,此方法具有快速性和准确性,可以有效地抑制 变频器 谐波

  • The oscillating water column ( OWC ) wave energy converter is one of the most widely used facilities all over the world whose hydrodynamic characteristics was studied by numerical method .

    振荡水柱(OWC) 转换器是目前世界上应用最广泛的一种。本文通过数值方法研究了振荡水柱波能 转换器的水动力学特性。

  • A scheme for all optical wavelength converter was reported based on semiconductor optical amplifier based fiber ring laser . Self pumped and tunable Four Wave Mixing ( FWM ) wavelength converter was demonstrated with 2.5 ? Gbit / s and 10 ?

    基于半导体光放大器(SOA)构成的环形激光器新型方案实现了自泵浦可调谐四 混频(FWM)型全光波长 转换,转换速率为2.5Gbit/s,可调谐范围10nm。

  • Working principles of Buck chopper for regulating circuit and LCC series-parallel resonant circuit in the CCM work mode were analyzed using the fundamental wave analysis method and the converter steady state model were deduced as well as the detailed design process and calculation method .

    针对Buck调压电路和LCC串并联谐振电路在CCM工作模式下,分析其工作原理,采用 基波分析法推导 变换 稳态模型,给出详细的设计计算方法。

  • Inverter with half sine wave converter

    用正弦半 直流 变换 实现的正弦波逆变电源

  • Calculation of Hydrodynamic Performance of Fixed Pneumatic Wave Energy Converter with a Leading-wave Plate

    加有引浪板的固定 气动型 转换装置水动力性能的计算

  • The wave shape measured indicates that the converter outputs the exact square pulse current with a peak in each front edge of pulse which is the benefit for arc stabilization .

    讨论了获得脉冲电流的 原理。实测 波形显示,输出的矩形波脉冲电流非常精确,且带有前沿尖峰,有利于电弧的稳定。

  • Analysis of high-power millimeter wave circular waveguide TM_ ( 01 ) - TE_ ( 11 ) mode converter

    高功率毫米 圆波导TM(01)&TE(11)模式 变换分析

  • The converter is sealed in a box and isolated entirely with sea water . ( 2 ) Mechanical design of the wave energy converter .

    设计的装置封装在箱体内,不与海水直接接触。(2)整个 波浪装置的机械结构设计。

  • Experimental study on the performances of a fixed pneumatic wave energy converter in regular and irregular waves


  • Effect of Harmonic Wave of AC / DC / AC Static Frequency Converter on the Electric Power System

    交-直-交变频 装置 产生 谐波对电力系统的影响

  • Phase rematch on high-power millimeter wave mode converter

    高功率毫米 模式 变换中的相位重匹配

  • ⑶ AGC ( automatic gain control ) is used namely peak voltage of back wave signal after sampled is input to microprocessor then A / D converter D / A converter gain control adjusting circuit to realize back wave signal AGC .

    ⑶采用自动增益控制,即 回波信号的峰值电压经过采样后进入单片机进行A/D 转换,再经过D/A转换和增益控制电路,形成回波增益的自动控制;

  • Several topics are addressed : ( 1 ) Overall design of the wave energy converter .

    具体的研究工作有:(1) 波浪能发电 装置的总体方案设计。

  • This kind of converter lay the key technical foundation on new type regulated sinusoidal ac power supply electronic transformer ac regulator and wave converter etc.

    为新一代正弦交流稳压器、电子变压器、交流调压器、同 波形 变换 的实现奠定了关键技术基础。

  • Flat wave filter reactor and dc high voltage dc converter stations dc together make up the side of the dc harmonic filter circuits .

    电抗器与直流滤波器一起构成高压直流 换流站直流侧的直流谐波滤波回路。