way of necessity

[we ʌv nəˈsɛsɪti][wei ɔv niˈsesiti]

[法] 保留必要通行权

  • The priority of this thesis is by comparative and case-oriented study to explore the various determining elements as well as the way of analysis in regard to the necessity test of domestic regulation .

    本文的重点是通过比较分析与实证分析,揭示国内规制 必要 测试的诸多决定因素及分析 路径

  • This text try regarding market function as the foundation in the principle that respect freedom of contract by the way of the analysis cost efficiency study the control 's necessity .

    准此,本文试以市场机能为基础,于尊重契约自由之原则下,借分析成本效益之 方式,探讨契约自由及其限制之 必要 ,并追求效率及公平之均衡。

  • This thesis expounds on two sides : one is the basis and modes of our country to run schools in the way of internationalization the other is the necessity basis objective and counter-measures for the education internationalization of our university .

    从国家层面论述国际化办学的基础与模式,从学校层面阐明上海大学开展国际化办学的 必要 、办学基础、可借鉴的几种 模式以及国际化办学目标和对策。

  • Once mankind gradually makes their way out of the realm of necessity they enter the realm of freedom .

    人类逐渐 走出必然王国,走进了自由王国。

  • This situation arouse the doubt of the way of reform and the existence necessity of cash pension system .

    这些问题迫使我们重新思考养老保险体制改革的 出路和现收现付制在现阶段存在的 必要

  • By way of referring to documental resources the present situation necessity and importance of the development of traditional minority national sports in Hubei province are analyzed .

    采用文献资料 等,对湖北省少数民族传统体育发展的现状, 必要 和重要性进行分析,并提出如下改革对策:正确认识、转变观念;

  • The US needs to find a way to reconcile the short-term benefits of the shale boom in terms of economic growth and national security with the long-term necessity of global curbs on greenhouse gases .

    美国必须想 办法协调好两方面的因素,一是页岩气领域的蓬勃发展给经济增长和国家安全带来的短期益处,二是全球限制温室气体排放的长期 必要

  • This paper started with the basic meaning of circular economy and theory of circular economy reviewed the practical way of circular economy and the present situations of home and abroad and analyzed the necessity of circular economy establishment .

    本文从循环经济的基本涵义、循环经济理论入手,通过对循环经济的实践 途径和国内外的发展现状进行了评述,并分析了建立循环经济的 必要

  • This part is to investigate the way of government guidance and the necessity of government guidance based on rural land analysis .

    这部分主要是探讨从政府的引导 方式、引导依据两方面分析政府引导农村土地流转的 途径,以及引导农村土地流转的 重要性

  • This text has proposed the way of developing agency of railway transport in the future after analyzing necessity advantage conditions and present current situation of the forwarding agent ;

    本文通过分析铁路发展运输代理的 必要 、优势条件和目前的现状,提出了今后铁路运输代理业发展的 方向

  • In this context community aged care service as a new way of pension has the necessity to practice and most cities in China has gradually implemented .

    在这一背景下,作为一种新型的养老 方式的社区养老服务推行具有 必然 ,并且在我国大部分城市已逐渐实行。

  • This chapter mainly discusses why the local TV media of our country must take the way of grouping and how to go with the question that should be paid attention . First necessity of grouping management .

    本章主要讨论我国地方电视传媒为什么必须走集团化的 路子,以及怎么走和应注意的问题。包括四个部分:第一、集团化经营的 必要

  • The paper discussed way of High agricultural education reform and necessity of speed up high agricultural education reform .

    对加快高等农业教有改革的 必要 和高等农业教育改革的基本 途径进行了探讨。

  • Introduces the consequence of coal traditional use way position of clean coal technology in national economy and importance and necessity of developing clean coal technology in our life ;

    介绍了煤炭的传统利用 方式所存在的问题、洁净煤技术在国民经济 的地位、发展洁净煤技术的重要性和 必要

  • The arc suppression coil is introduced from structural wiring working principle way of compensation and choice of capacity the advantages and necessity of its application in the system are expounded and new technology of using the arc suppression coil is presented .

    从结构接线、工作原理、补偿 方式及容量的选择等方面对消弧线圈进行了介绍,闸述了它在系统中应用的优点以及 必要 ,最后介绍了消弧圈中新技术应用。

  • I really realized that a realm came into reality . Once mankind gradually makes their way out of the realm of necessity they enter the realm of freedom .

    我真地认识到一个王国已变成现实.人类逐渐 走出必然王国,走进了自由王国。

  • This article finds that there exists blunders in the one - way model of government decision - making by analyzing the feasibility and necessity of government responsiveness in government decision - making .

    通过 政府决策过程中的可行性、政府回应 必要 进行充分分析,认为 单向决策可行论证的政府决策模式存在着很大的弊端;

  • But the single most effective way to change the culture of any organisation is to change people to those who get the necessity of cultural change .

    要改革一个组织的文化,最有效 途径是改变其员工,使他们“意识到”改变文化 势在必行

  • Abstract By way of the practice the paper discusses the key factors of stability yarn CV100m % and necessity and conditions of one-process drawing after combing process .

    本文通过实践,重点就稳定成纱CV100m%优等水平的关键因素及精梳后 单程并条工艺的 必要 和条件作了探讨。

  • Politics has a way of conforming to political necessity .

    政治总有 办法适应政治 需要

  • Chinese at present sports dispute solves the way to exist many urgently awaits place of the consummation the sports dispute multi-dimensional solution mechanism construction to have the necessity and the feasibility . 3 .

    中国目前的体育纠纷解决 方式存在许多亟待完善之处,体育纠纷多元解决机制的构建具有 必要 和可行性。

  • Embarked from the transaction way of enterprise analyses the necessity of enterprise transaction of talent and process . The artic proposes the re-pricing model of the enterprise and reaches the way of integrity of capital property .

    从企业内交易的 路径出发,分析了人才资本企业内交易的 必要 ,企业内交易的过程,并提出了企业内重新定价的模型,以达到人才资本产权实现路径的完整性。

  • And explore the way how to walk out of confusing and put forward the necessity of subject and the research of the theory and its practical significance .

    第一 主要论述了在新时代背景下,城市及区域面临的发展困惑,并探讨如何走出困惑的 途径,进一步提出了课题研究的 必要 及其研究的理论及现实意义。

  • Registration system is an important legal way to maintain economic order and safeguard transition safety . Publication is of quite necessity to establish and maintain the economic order .

    登记制度是维护经济秩序,保障交易安全的重要法律 手段,公示对于市场经济秩序的建立和维护具有十分重要的 意义

  • In other words it maintains two opposite propositions about the same object and in such a way that each of them has to be maintained with equal necessity .

    这就是说,对同一对象,有两个相反的命题,甚至这两个 相反的命题中的每一个都具有同样的 必然

  • By way of analysing Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio this paper investigates the necessity of capacity control for compressor .

    本文研究影响空调机部分负荷 特性的因素,并根据季节性能系数 SEER的提出,分析压缩机容量调节的 必要