


  • Embedded computers have been applied in many fields of manufacturing such as process control communication automobile watercraft aviation spaceflight military equipment and consuming products etc. It provides us a good chance for the development of micro-embedded GIS software .

    制造工业、过程控制、通讯、汽车、 船舶、航空、航天、军事装备、消费类产品等都已成为嵌入式计算机的应用领域,给微型嵌入式GIS软件的研究与发展提供了良好的机遇。

  • A jet propulsion model was designed and the structural dimensions of its reaction chamber and jet nozzle were determined referring to the operating principle of the jet engine in the exploration and investigation of the newfashioned propulsion for the watercraft .


  • In order to enhance the service lifetime of products made of carbon steel in the cabin of watercraft the 20 # carbon steel is galvanized in a bath without ammonia or cyanogen and then a post passivation disposal is carried out .

    为了提高 船舶舱内碳钢制品的使用寿命,以20碳钢为例对其表面采用无氨、无氰溶液镀Zn以及钝化处理。

  • The coastal hypothesis suggests an economy based on marine mammal hunting saltwater fishing gathering and the use of watercraft .

    沿岸走廊的假设提出了一个基于捕猎海洋哺乳动物、聚集海水捕鱼、使用 船只的经济 模式

  • The design of the watercraft fittings storage decision support system ( FSDSS ) is given .

    叙述 船舶配件存储决策支持系统FSDSS系统设计。

  • Design and application of the C ~ 3I system used to manage the power-equipment of army watercraft

    陆军 船艇动力设备管理C~3I系统的开发与应用

  • As far as improving the control level of watercraft vibration especially improving the concealment performance and combat effectiveness of armada researching the new technique and method which are agreement with ship dynamical equipment has the academic and practical significance .

    研究和探索 适用于船舶动力装置的振动 有源 控制新技术、新方法,对于提高 船舶振动控制水平,特别是提高舰船的隐蔽性和战斗力具有重要的理论和实际意义。

  • He theorized that with the use of watercraft people gradually colonized unglaciated refuges and areas along the continental shelf exposed by the lower sea level .

    他认为通过 船只的使用,人们逐渐殖民到没有冰冻的地方以及沿著大陆架的、 由于海平面较低而裸露出来的地区。

  • The use of the system will greatly improve the work efficiency and quality and the strict management of authority limits meets the need of unity management and keeping secrets in terms of watercraft equipment support .

    系统的使用将大大提高 船艇 装备 保障 的工作效率和质量。同时通过权限的严格管理满足了 船艇装备保障 要求高度统一管理和保密的要求。

  • Application of genetic algorithm to watercraft fittings storage random plan

    遗传算法在 船舶配件库存随机规划中的应用

  • Fairness included in engineering is different from smoothness in mathematics . It is one of the requirements of product 's form in the computer-aided design of aircraft automobile watercraft and household appliances etc.

    光顺是个工程上的概念,不同于数学上的光滑,是在飞机、汽车、 船舶以及家电等的计算机辅助设计中,人们对产品外形的多方面的要求之一。

  • With the development of science and technology the demand to the capability of stable platform used in watercraft is continuously rising .

    随着科技的不断发展,对 船舶用稳定平台的性能要求不断提高。

  • Mainly for the internal-combustion engine start-up ignition and lighting on watercraft and flat roof on the sea battery series for watercraft vessel .

    主要用于 船舶和海上平台的内燃机起动、点火及照明,为船舶,船用系列蓄电池。

  • Tung oil was also used in the shipbuilding to improve the caking property and impermeability of the watercraft .

    用桐油 石灰 ,提高粘结性和抗渗性,使 船舶 具有的抗沉性。

  • The Design Scheme of Watercraft Monitoring and Controlling System

    船舶 定位监控系统解决方案

  • Design of the Command Control Subsystem of a Watercraft Simulation Training System


  • With the development of economy the process of manufacture in petrochemical industries and transportation of hazardous materials with airplane or watercraft often occur fuel spills which frequently incur severe fires and result in catastrophic consequence .

    在石油、化工等行业的生产过程以及飞机、 船舶等交通运输过程中,由于燃油泄漏引发的火灾频繁发生,不断造成灾难性后果。

  • After entering twenty-one century the transportation of energy source and starting material are more important day after day so we can see the importance of transportation of watercraft .

    进入二十一世纪后,能源及原材料的运输越来越重要, 船舶运输的重要性也 由此 日益 凸显

  • It is the first time for the hybrid coding immune identification algorithm to identify the watercraft load model and actualize the measuring of loading and unloading cargo .

    该计量仪首次利用混合编码免疫辨识算法实现 船舶载重模型的辨识,通过检测 船体 位置 吃水 深度,根据辨识出的 船舶 重量模型计算 船舶重量,从而实现装/卸货物的计量。

  • He 's also worried fish and coral larvae could get pumped through some of the equipment the watercraft use and die .

    他也担心 船只使用的一些设备抽水时会 不当 抽到鱼群和珊瑚的幼体 其死亡。

  • The word vessel includes every description of watercraft including non-displacement craft and seaplanes used or capable of being used as a means of transportation on water .

    船舶一词,指用作或者能够用作水上运输工具的各类 上船筏,包括非排水船舶和水上飞机。

  • A Discussion on Quality Education in Watercraft Principle Curriculum Teaching


  • Non-circular section part is wide used in aviation 、 astronavigation 、 auto and watercraft the economical and high efficient machining method to those parts is NC machining .

    非圆截面零件在航空、航天、汽车、 船舶等领域有着广泛的应用,对这类零件较经济高效的加工方法是数控加工。

  • Objective To investigate the current hygienic conditions of concentrated water supply the system of watercraft process and the ability of water factories hygienic management the quality of fresh water and drinking water .

    目的调查 顺德 农村集中式供水水厂的卫生现况、制水工艺流程和卫生管理情况,水源水和出厂水水质状况。

  • Design of fault prediction system for monitoring the operation state of watercraft diesel


  • The paper analyses the factors that influence the reliability of fire alarm system in watercraft .

    分析了 船舶火灾报警系统中影响可靠性的因素。

  • Researches on loading capacity of structures are very important in the fields of aviation spaceflight watercraft automobile building and bridges et al .

    诸如航空航天、 船舶 工程、汽车、建筑、桥梁等 实际 工程领域中, 对于 实体结构的 承重承载能力的研究 无疑是至关重要的。

  • Study on Simulation of Anti-missile of Watercraft Formation in Navigation

    航渡过程中 船艇编队反导仿真研究

  • Diesel engine generator set is one of the majorities of power equipment for marine which sup ˉ plies power for the electric equipment and determinates the whole performance of the watercraft .

    柴油发电机组作为船舶主要动力装置之一,主要用于对船舶电气设备供电,其性能的好坏对 船舶的整体性能影响 很大