water softening


  • Compression shear and are poor low mechanical strength high-risk expansion of water softening and collapse of shale and water will have a long-term effect of the role of mud .

    抗压、抗剪性均较差,力学强度低,遇 极易发生膨胀、 软化和崩解,泥岩与水的长期作用还会产生泥化作用。

  • Understand the mechanism of anchor net spray and cable combining support and know about stability controlling methods of water softening rock roadway .

    理解锚梁网喷索联合支护的作用机理,了解 软化岩层巷道稳定性控制方法。

  • Granite residual soil is the southern region of the Pearl River Delta region and a common soil collapse with water softening by increasing the deformation characteristics direct impact on the foundation construction and building envelope the security of the main structure .

    花岗岩残积土是珠江三角洲地区及闽南地区常见的一种土质,具有 软化 崩解、受力变形增大的特性,直接影响到基坑施工以及围护结构、主体结构的安全。

  • Electrodeionization ( EDI ) water softening technology was invented .

    发明了电去离子(EDI) 软水技术。

  • As a product with high and new technology for soft water preparing EDI water softening equipments will replacing the traditional equipments and be wildly applied in preparing industrial boiler make-up water cooling water some industrial water and some other fields .

    不用再生药剂的特点。EDI 软水装置将作为更新换代的制备软化水的高新技术产品,在制备工业锅炉补给水、冷却水、其它工业用水等领域内得到推广使用。

  • Application of nanofiltration membrane to water softening

    面向 软化 处理的纳滤膜分离技术

  • Study on Water Softening for Boiler by Nanofiltration

    纳滤 软化锅炉 用水的试验研究

  • A study on synthesis and properties of water softening amphoteric resins

    硬水 软化两性树脂的合成与性能研究

  • The Application in Water Softening by Means of Pellet Reactor

    造粒法在 软化 处理中的应用

  • Hard Coal Mining Water Injection softening Method

    双阳煤矿硬煤开采 注水 软化方法

  • The article introduces how to control Na + water softening system with PLC to improve the reliability of operation .

    本文所述的是如何用可编程控制器(PLC)控制钠离子 软水系统,从而提高系统运行的可靠性问题。

  • This article describes the synthesis of ion exchangers of phosphates and their applications in the catalysis of petrochemical industry separation of radioactive isotopes from products of nuclear fission metal recovery from sea water softening of industrial water and treatment of waste water .

    介绍了磷酸盐离子交换剂合成方法,以及在石油化工催化剂、放射性同位素和核裂变产物的分离、 海水中金属元素的回收、工业水的 软化和废水处理等方面的应用。

  • Code for design of industrial water softening and demineralization

    工业 用水 软化除盐设计规范

  • This paper has arrived at the compressive strength shear strength modulus of elasticity poisson ′ s ratio moisture content water absorption and softening factor of lime & sand brick masonry .

    本文通过对灰砂砖及灰砂砖砌体的较系统的试验研究,得出了灰砂砖砌体的抗压强度、抗剪强度、弹性模量、泊桑比系数、含水率、 吸水率及 软化系数等。

  • The particular separating property of NF confirms its status in water softening and low relative molecular mass organism purification and concentration .

    由于纳滤膜的这种独特分离性能,确定了它在 软化和低相对分子质量有机物纯化浓缩的地位。

  • And volume daily injected 160 m ~ 3.The apparatus and technology of water softening and treating are presented .

    介绍了该锅炉 用水 软化处理装置及工艺。

  • Mudstone in the role of water under the softening of the role of mud on the rock properties and reservoir banks of the foundation works of the project will pose a threat to stability .

    泥岩在 的作用下发生 软化、泥化作用,对岩体的工程性状及库岸坝基的工程稳定性都会造成威胁。

  • The treated water quality of the water accords with Design Criterion of Industrial Water Softening and Demineralization .

    系统出水水质符合工业 用水 软化除盐设计规范。

  • The principle of induced precipitation crystallization technology was introduced and application of the technology in water softening and removal of heavy metal ion phosphate fluorine from wastewater was summarized .

    介绍了诱导沉淀结晶技术的原理,综述了该技术在 水质 软化及去除废水中的重金属离子、磷酸盐、氟离子方面的应用情况。

  • Application of Wastewater from Boiler Water Softening Station in FGD

    锅炉 软水站再生废水用于烟气脱硫的研究

  • The applications of membrane softening to the fields of removing hardness from conventional water softening of the island water with high hardness removing sulfates and hardness from seawater are also reviewed in detail .

    详细论述了膜软化在常规 脱硬、高硬度海岛水 软化、海水去除硫酸盐和预软化等方面的应用;

  • The original process of water softening unit in Shengli Refinery had many problems such as high consumption low cycle water production .

    齐鲁石化公司炼油厂 软化 站原生产工艺存在消耗高、周期制水量少的问题。

  • Therefore it is rather significant to explore the deformation mechanics and the deformation controlling theory of water softening rock roadway .

    因此,研究 软化岩层巷道变形机理和围岩控制理论的意义重大。

  • Study on Polymerized Ferric Sulfate Used as the Coagulating Age in water Softening Treatment by Lime

    聚合硫酸铁用作石灰 软化 处理混凝剂的研究

  • Cooling water softening of the crystallizer of horizontal continuous caster at the Hengyang Steel Pipe Co

    水平连铸结晶器冷却 系统 软化改造

  • Softening of the overall coefficient of between 0.3 to 0.5 after 30 ~ 50 years after the reservoir water softening coefficient than the current measured in the laboratory to reduce 10 ~ 20 % .

    总体上软化系数在0.3~0.5之间,经过30~50年水库 浸泡软化系数较目前在实验室测得的降低10~20%。

  • Finally the economy of water softening by nanofiltration is discussed by comparisons with lime softening and ion exchange softening .

    通过与石灰软化和离子交换软化的比较,分析了纳滤膜 水法的经济性。

  • Control of very hard roof with water injection softening method

    注水 软化法控制特硬顶板

  • Natural Water Softening Processes Associated with Waterfall Effects in Karst Areas

    喀斯特地区瀑布效应产生的自然 软化过程