waveform recording

[ˈwevˌfɔrm rɪˈkɔrdɪŋ][ˈweivfɔ:m rɪˈkɔ:dɪŋ]


  • Realization of On-line Waveform Recording by Means of Net for Dispatch Data

    通过调度数据网实现 联网问题的探讨

  • Analysis of Problem Relating to Waveform Tape Recording in CSU

    CSU波列 带问题的分析

  • The system can reproduce and flexi bly display the waveform of the fault signal moreover it has the functions of recording wave file management and fault electrical parameters measurement har monic analysis phase analysis and fault signal sequence component analysis .

    该系统可实现故障录波文件的数据远传、故障信号的 波形再现和灵活显示,具备 文件管理及故障电气参量测量、谐波分析、相量分析和序分量分析等故障信号分析功能。

  • The continuous waveform data browsing and processing for magnetic recording

    磁带 记录连续 波形数据的浏览及处理

  • The function extension is discussed such as the real - time waveform display fault wave recording inter - harmonics analysis and so on with USB 2.0 port and PC.

    最后,对如何利用USB2.0与PC机进行实时 波形显示、设备故障 波、间谐波分析等功能拓展进行了探讨。

  • Microcomputer Monitoring and Waveform Recording System for Transformer Induced-High-Voltage Test


  • Fault location and waveform recording system

    输电线故障 波及定位系统的研究

  • The faulty waveform recording in power system is important for the analysis of power network fault the evaluation of protection 's operation characteristic fault location and so on .

    电力系统故障 ,对分析电网故障、评价保护动作以及故障测距等,均有重要意义。

  • To meet the demand of faulty waveform recording in protective relay the problem of wave distortion caused by VFC is discussed . And an effective algorithm for wave recovery is presented .

    为了满足继电保护故障 的需要,讨论了以VFC作A/D器件引起的波形畸变问题,并根据畸变产生的原因提出用一周期积分提取衰减分量,再用傅氏变换提取各周期分量的恢复算法。

  • Digital simulation calculations indicate that the algorithm is feasible when used in waveform recording .

    大量的数字仿真计算表明:该算法用于 故障 是可行的。

  • Its waveform recording and analysis software ( WWB ) and SDK make it easy and flexible to sample data .

    所带有的 波形 记录分析软件(WWB)和程序开发包(SDK),使数据采集更灵活、方便。