







  • You know perfectly well I can 't be blamed for the failure of that mission

    你很 清楚那次任务的失败不该怪我。

  • He would do well to remember that sooner or later everyone 's luck runs out


  • She published historical novels as well as a non-fiction study of women in the British Empire

    她出版了许多历史小说 一部有关英帝国女性的纪实性研究著作。

  • ' He speaks well of you . ' — ' I 'm glad to hear that . '

    “他对你评价 。”——“真高兴听到这个。”

  • Oh well it could be worse


  • Thank you Lionel for singing that for us . Well we 'd better tell you what 's on the show between nine and midnight

    谢谢你的歌声,莱昂内尔。 了,我们来看看从9点到午夜都播出什么节目。

  • It is as well to bear in mind that laughter is a great releaser of tension .


  • ' I 'm sure you will be an asset ' she finally added . ' Well I see it 's just about time for lunch . '

    “我相信你会是一个有用的人才,”她最后加上一句,“ 了,我看该吃午饭了。”

  • You can lose your perspective . You know get paranoid ? Well that 's something I really try and avoid


  • If I 've got to go somewhere I may as well go to Birmingham


  • Well well well look at you . Ethel look at this little fat girl


  • It is most often diagnosed in women in their thirties and forties although I 've seen it in many younger women as well


  • Mix all the ingredients well

    把所有原料搅拌 均匀

  • The murderer may well come from the estate

    凶手 可能来自那个庄园。

  • The comet is going to come back in 2061 and we are all going to be able to see it . Well our offspring are anyway

    彗星将在2061年返回,到时我们都看得到。 ,反正我们的子孙看得到。

  • ' Well ? ' asked Barry ' what does it tell us ? '


  • It was about the only time I got up the field in the whole game so I was well happy with my goal

    这是我在整场比赛中唯一一次上场,所以我对自己的进球 非常开心。

  • All the Indian batsmen played well

    所有印度击球手都打得 不错

  • The couple might as well have been strangers

    这对夫妇形同 陌路

  • It 's all well and good for him to say he 's sorry for dropping you but has he told you why he did it ?


  • ' But finance is far more serious . ' — ' Well I don 't know really . '


  • How well do you remember your mother Franzi ?

    关于你妈妈你 记得多少,弗兰齐?

  • Well maybe it would be easier to start with a smaller problem


  • Look I 'm really sorry I woke you and well I just wanted to tell you I was all right .

    听我说,我真抱歉吵醒你, ,我只是想告诉你我一切都好。

  • Blue asbestos is far less common in buildings which is just as well because it 's more dangerous than white asbestos


  • Franklin did not turn up until well after midnight

    富兰克林直到午夜过后 很久才出现。

  • ' Imelda ' said Mrs Kennerly . ' That 's my name Tom . ' — ' Well ' said Tom . ' Imelda . I never knew . '

    “伊梅尔达,”肯纳利夫人说道,“这是我的名字,汤姆。”——“ ,”汤姆说道,“伊梅尔达,我以前从来不知道。”

  • Sylvia shook hands . ' Well you go get yourselves some breakfast . '

    西尔维娅摆了摆手说:“ ,你们自己去吃些早餐吧。”

  • This caused a few gasps as well it might

    这毫不奇怪地引得一些人倒吸 凉气