Each stylish guestroom offers well-appointed amenities including plush bedding individually controlled air-conditioning broadband internet access glass work desk and separate bathtub and shower .
客房 陈设 幽雅,设施 完备,包括豪华 床具、独立控制的空调系统、宽带上网、玻璃书桌,以及独立的浴缸和淋浴室等。
Naturally her parents are searching for a wealthy well-appointed husband to assure their daughter 's future social standing .
她的双亲自然要物色一位 财势 兼备 的 金龟婿,来确保女儿未来的社会地位。
Or do you think that searching for a wealthy well-appointed husband assuring their daughter 's future social standing is a big reason ?
找一个富有兼 优秀的丈夫 能够确保她们孩子未来的社会地位已 俨然 成为 嫁 得 好的一个很大原因吗?
It is a set of well-appointed system and it also displays the fundamental rights of the public the sound structure of a state power and the actual operation and protection of a system construction in line with the idea of rule of law .
它既是一整套 科学 完备的制度体系,也是一个国家的民众基本权利和国家权力的良性结构,同时还 意味 着符合法治理想的制度建构在 生活中得到了切实的运作和守护。
Because of strong faculty force and well-appointed infrastructure ordinary universities have obvious superiority in organizing adult higher academic education .
凭借其师资力量雄厚、基础设施 齐全,普通高校在举办成人高等学历教育方面具有明显的优势。
The hotel has spacious well-appointed public rooms and bedrooms and good food .
这家旅馆有着宽敞的、 设备 齐全的公用厅室、卧室,及美味的食物。
It says in the ad that the bathroom is spacious and well-appointed .
广告上说,浴室很宽敞, 设施 一应俱全。
Guestrooms are commodious and well-appointed .
客房宽敞 舒适 且 陈设 考究。
We not only have well-appointed marketing system but also have outstanding work teams in marketing research planning products promotion fields and so on .
公司不仅有 完善的营销体系,更在市场研究、策划、产品推广等方面拥有非常优秀的班底。
The quality of brake is very important and well-appointed test system and some excellent test equipments are the precondition to ensure product quality .
其质量至关重要,而 完善的测试体系和良好的测试设备是保证产品质量的前提和基础。
Outdoor sports have formed a decided industry chain . The matured organization and management complete related rules and regulations perfect base construction facilities well-appointed rescue organizations and emphasizing outdoor environmental protection and education form a whole outdoor sports system .
户外运动已形成明显的产业链,户外运动组织与管理成熟,相关制度、法律法规健全,基地建设配套设施完善,救援组织机构 齐全,注重户外环境保护和户外教育等,具有完整的户外运动体系。
We provide high quality well-designed furniture and furnishings a high level of comfort in beds and seating well-appointed bathrooms and superbly designed kitchens and room amenities .
我们提供精心设计的优质家具,高度舒适的床铺和座椅, 设备 齐全的浴室以及设计一流的厨房和室内娱乐设施。
A well-appointed apartment hotel office etc.
设备 完善的公寓、旅馆、办公室等。
Their marriage was conventional like their well-appointed house .
他的婚姻很,就像 他 精致的房子。
It 's a dandy well-appointed small steam laundry . There 's a start for you if you want to settle down .
他 开了一 家小蒸汽洗衣店, 花里胡哨, 设备 齐全,你若是想安定下来,可以 拿 这 家铺子开张。
He grew up in a well-appointed brick home with a wooden swing set in the backyard .
他生长在 良好的家庭 环境下,后院还有个木 秋千。
Offering a spacious environment the well-appointed new branch enables the customers to enjoy a comprehensive array of banking services in ease and comfort .
客户可在舒适 宽敞的环境中,享用 多元化的综合银行服务。