well out of

[wɛl aʊt ʌv][wel aut ɔv]


  • After months of staying well out of the problem Washington has expressed a willingness to help find a solution .

    几个月以来都不曾 介入该问题的华盛顿方面已表示愿意帮助寻求解决方案。

  • I 'd invented an automatic gate closer out of cement-filled tires a solar cooker that didn 't work very well out of an umbrella and tinfoil baking-pan alarms to entrap my siblings .

    我曾用水泥填充的轮胎、雨伞和锡箔 以及报警器制作了一个自动 关门器。

  • Some say sardonically that combat pay is good and that one can do quite well out of this war .

    有些人讽刺地说战地的 薪饷不错,人们可藉这次战争赚到很多钱。

  • I was well out of order . I 've been having a hard time lately but that 's no excuse . I 'm sorry .

    我(那天)特别不 对劲!最近什么都不顺,但是我知道我不可以把这个作为借口。真的很对不起。

  • I commiserated but he said it was ok he was well out of it .

    我表示同情,但他却说没什么大不了, 离开那家公司是件 幸事

  • That means of course it 's done very well out of the recent high oil price . But it also leaves Libya very vulnerable .


  • The shelf is so high it is well out of my reach .

    架子太高,我 根本 着。

  • We 'll never stop them arguing . I wish I were well out of it . You might as well advise me to give up my fortune as my argument .

    我们怎么也不能劝止他们的争吵,要是我能躲 。你劝我停止辩论,倒不如劝我抛弃一切财产。

  • The munitioneer did well out of the war .

    这个军火 投机商 战争中大发其财。

  • I hated the Cold War . I think we 're very well out of it .

    我痛恨冷战。 幸亏我们没有卷 进去

  • The fish stayed 50 yards offshore well out of range .

    这种鱼生活在离岸50码的地方, 完全 到。

  • Former British barracks now house mainland troops but they stay well out of sight .

    以前的英国军营现在驻扎着中国内地的部队,但 外面的人几乎看不到他们。

  • Snort if mentioned at all is lumped in with technical tools like traceroute or ipconfig and assumed to be well out of the Web developer 's domain .

    如果提到Snort,他们就将它与traceroute和 ipconfig等技术混同起来,认为那不是Web开发人员应该管的。

  • She did well out of IE profited from the deal .

    她在这笔交易中赚 许多钱。

  • The house is well out of the way on the back road .

    房子 偏僻,在后面那条路上。

  • ' You 're well out of it ' Christopher said with unconscious brutality .

    幸亏 你什么事儿,”克里斯托弗无意中冷冷地说道。

  • We 'll never stop them arguing . I wish I were well out of it .


  • This gap seems to have emerged from the time GCSEs were introduced suggesting girls have done well out of continuous assessment though other factors like refining subject choices and better role-models may matter too .

    已经摆脱普通中等教育证书时代的鸿沟这一消息的推行,暗示了女孩在连续评估 之外也做得 ,尽管有类似“精炼主题选择”的其他因素,更好的示范者或许也很重要。

  • Casting Nick a look that plainly invited the executioner to have a good time the wizard stepped back well out of the way to keep the blood from spattering on his robes .

    巫师向尼克抛了一眼,清楚明白的叫刽子手尽量享受一下, 自己则走到 远远的一边,免得溅 出来的血玷污了他的法袍。

  • Soon after I left my job the company got into serious difficulties and I decided I was well out of it .

    在我离开后不久,这家公司就陷入困境。我庆幸 自己与它已 没有 什么牵连。

  • He sold his house for twice what he paid for it so he did well out of the deal .

    他以买进价的两倍出售了他的房子,因此他 这一买卖中得益了。

  • He can 't hear well out of his left ear .

    他听 他的左耳朵。

  • Scarlett always sat well out of the light hidden in the protecting shadows where she was not only inconspicuous but could unobserved watch ashley 's face to her heart 's content .

    思嘉总是坐在灯光照不到的地点方,躲以阴影里,这样她就不但不引注目,而且可以尽情地欣赏艾希礼的面庞而不被人 发觉

  • They were well out of pocket — they had spent far more in Hollywood than he had earned

    他们 非常 缺钱——他们在好莱坞的花费已经远远超出了他的收入。

  • You 've come very well out of this affair .

    你总算 幸运 这件事中 解脱 出来

  • There has been a lot of trouble in Iran since you returned from there-you 're well out of it .

    自你从伊朗回来后,那里一直有很多麻烦&幸亏你 卷进去。

  • Apple has done well out of the gate but you can see a slowing in sales .

    苹果在开始做的 ,但是你可以看到在销售上的减缓。

  • The ship was well out of sight .

    那只船 见了。

  • I 'm glad to be well out of it .

    高兴 这事 不再有何瓜葛。

  • You did well out of saving certificates .

    储蓄存单获利 颇丰