wear thin

[wɛr θɪn][wɛə θin]


  • See the city people can wear thin pants pocket bottom .

    看到了城里人 穿的裤子可以 的兜屁股。

  • In view of the problem that the wear of flange is increased due to reduction of rail gauge the tread profile of the identical wheel with the thin wheel flange for repair is designed and tested .

    针对运用中因轨距减小而导致轮缘 磨耗加剧的问题,设计并试验了统一型减 轮缘厚度的修理用车轮踏面外形。

  • Some of Wilson 's eccentricities are beginning to wear thin .

    人们逐渐对 威尔逊的古怪行为失去了兴趣。

  • Wear shoes with high thin heels .

    穿 跟的高跟鞋。

  • The wear performance of the thin blade was compared to that of a normal blade .

    并就 金刚石 锯片的 耐磨性与常规锯片进行了比较。

  • The wear resistance and optical properties of TiN thin films prepared by ion beam mixing

    离子束混合形成氮化钛 摩擦和光学性能

  • I needed only to wear a suit and a thin shirt .

    我只须 穿一件外套和一件 薄薄的衬衫就行了。

  • Wear thin clothes with a trembling to cover up the pain .

    穿 的衣服,用颤抖来掩盖心痛。

  • The Test Apparatus and Method for Wear of Thin Layers

    薄层 磨损试验装置及 磨损测试方法的研究

  • The joke began to wear thin when you heard it too many times .

    这个笑话因为 听得遍数太多不那么吸引人了。

  • The friction and wear behaviors of the RE thin films under both macro and micro conditions were investigated systematically . The interrelationship between the friction and wear behaviors and experimental conditions was obtained . The wear mechanism was analyzed .

    系统深入地研究了宏观和微观条件下稀土复合纳米 薄膜的摩擦 磨损性能,获得了其摩擦磨损性能随试验参数的变化规律及其磨损机理。

  • Effects of Radio Frequency Power on Mechanical Properties and Wear Resistance of Chromium Oxide Thin Films

    射频功率对氧化铬 薄膜的力学性能和 耐磨 性能的影响

  • Analysis of the wear failure of feeder liner at Jinchuan copper-nickle sulfide Fabrication of Poly-Si Thin Films with Columnar Grains Structure Grown on Cu-coated Glass Substrates

    金川镍铜矿提料箕斗衬板的 磨损失效分析镀铜玻璃衬底上柱状多晶硅 薄膜的制备

  • His patience began to wear thin during the long wait .

    在长期的等待中,他的耐性慢慢 消失了。

  • As a result nacre thickness is sometimes just a cosmetic layer that can wear thin over time .

    所以真珠质的厚度就像脸上化妆品,不久就会 了。

  • What may have seemed like an okay distance to travel for a job interview may begin to wear thin when you have to make that trip twice a day five days a week in rush hour traffic .

    面试时感觉还可以的上班距离一旦当你每天要 两躺可能开始让你感到不再那么令人可以忍受的了。

  • The wear mechanism is derived from the thin film of PTFE formed on the contact-surfaces during sliding .

    摩擦机理是源于PTFE在滑动过程中相对于对偶面上的成 作用。

  • Rapidly Measuring Wear and Corrosion of Machine Parts by Activated Thin Layer Method

    薄层活化法快速测量机件的 磨损与腐蚀

  • How did the women in Han Dynasty wear such a thin and light clothes ?

    这样 轻薄的衣物,汉代的妇女又是怎样 穿着的呢?

  • The wear resistance and adhesion were measured through nano Indentation and Scratch tester . Microstructures of thin films were characterized by X-ray photoemission spectroscopy ( XPS ) X-ray diffraction ( XRD ) and auger electron spectroscopy ( AES ) .

    通过X射线光电子能谱(XPS)、X射线衍射(XRD)和俄歇电子能谱(AES)分析研究了 薄膜的结构特征;测试了薄膜与基底的附着力和 耐磨性;

  • Otherwise he said patience in the United States and in other NATO countries for the mission could wear thin .

    他说,否则美国以及其他北约国家对这一使命的 耐心就会 逐渐丧失。

  • Wear thick clothing like jeans particularly during this period Pansiri said noting mosquitoes can bite through thin clothing .

    他说:“大家最好 穿像牛仔裤那样厚一点的衣服,尤其在这段时间。”他说质地较 的衣服抗不住蚊子的叮咬。

  • Lubrication behaviors friction and wear properties of different thin solid films were investigated for the same type of harmonic drive reducer under the same test conditions .

    在同型号的谐波齿轮传动减速器和相同的试验条件下,考察了不同固体润滑 薄膜体系的润滑性能和 磨损特性;

  • The result shows that the wear shape gradually became single and thin furrows from the furrows and boundary flake off in plating condition with the increase of heat treatment temperature under the vibration wear condition i.e typical micro-cutting mechanism .

    结果表明,振动磨损条件下的 磨损形态随热处理温度的升高,由镀态时的犁沟和界面剥落逐步转变为单一 细小的犁沟,即属于典型的微切削机制;