wedge in

[wɛdʒ ɪn][wedʒ in]


  • Study on the Activity of Saltwater Wedge in the Minjiang Estuary

    闽江河口盐水 活动的研究

  • Based on the characteristics of the adjustment to the width of discharge opening with wedge in a compound swing jaw crusher a relevant mathematical model is set up .

    本文根据用 调整复摆腭式破碎机排料口宽度的特性,建立了相应的数学模型。

  • Finite Element Analysis of Clip Wedge in Multi-rope Friction Hoist

    多绳摩擦提升用卡绳装置 的有限元分析

  • When you arrive home you find small wedge in your relationship with your spouse and daughter .


  • That window keeps rattling ; I must fix a wedge in it to make it stay put .

    那窗户老是发出格格的响声,我必须敲 楔子把它装牢。

  • Objective To study on quality audits of clinic dosimetry parameters with TLDs for photon dose on beam axis and the maxima depth doses of high energy electron beams testing the dose variation with depth distance field size and 45 ° wedge in non-reference conditions .

    目的用TLD核查 非参考条件下,光子束轴向和电子束轴向最大剂量点处,剂量随深度、距离、 照射野和45° 楔形 等变化的临床剂量学参数研究。

  • Pre-support through hammering wedge in cave mouth digging

    超前支架在平巷硐口开挖 的应用

  • Based on Ohm-Rayleigh method and Laplace transform the time-domain dyadic Green 's functions for a ideal conducting wedge are obtained . The Characteristics of the wedge in time-domain are systematically analysed .

    本文采用本征矢量函数展开( Ohm&Rayleigh)法和Laplace变换导出了理想导电劈的时域并矢格林函数,并系统地分析了它的时域特性。

  • Numerical Investigation of Variable Viscosity and Thermal Stratification Effects on MHD Mixed Convective Heat and Mass Transfer Past a Porous Wedge in the Presence of Chemical Reaction

    化学反应时混合对流传热传质磁流体流经多孔 形体粘度变化及热分层影响的数值研究

  • Advances on fluid of accretionary wedge in the orogene of subduction - accretion

    俯冲&增生型造山带增生 流体研究进展

  • The characteristics and instruction of part like slot wedge in micro motor are analyzed at first and the principle about the CAD of cold extrusion die for slot wedge is discussed .

    通过 微电机槽 的特点和使用要求的分析,论述了槽楔冷挤模CAD系统的原理;

  • In addition the characteristic frequency of a loose wedge in the electromotor is calculated according to the physical model .

    同时,又根据薄板声谐振子模型对所测电动机的定子 松动后的特征频率进行了计算。

  • But keeping secrets from a loved one can put an emotional wedge in the relationship and change the way we communicate .

    但瞒着所爱的人会导致关系出现情感 裂缝,会改变我们交流的方式。

  • In this paper generation and development of impacting wave in π / 2 angle wedge in case of shear pulse with constant velocity have been investigated by means of the methods of self-similarity and complex function in elastodynamics .

    本文利用弹性动力学中的自相似方法和复变函数论方法,研究了 脉冲匀速运动剪切载荷作用下π/2角 楔形弹性 中冲击波的形成和发展。

  • Application of wedge in stamping dies

    机构 冲压模具中的应用

  • The friction coefficient of some material in the high temperature and the normal temperature was tested using this testing machine and the reliability test of the wedge in 7 ° 40 ' was carried on .

    利用该实验机测试了一些材料高温以及常温的摩擦系数,并 7°40′的 进行了 取可靠性试验。

  • The tax wedge in Hungary dropped 5.5 percentage points from 54.5 % in 2007 to 49.0 % in 2014 .

    匈牙利的税收 楔子从2007年的54.5%下降到2014年的49.0%,降幅为5.5%。

  • Let F be a wedge in a real Banach Space X and DX be a bounded open set . Suppose that A : _F → CK ( F ) be u.

    设F件实Banach空间X 楔形,DX是有界开集,A:F→CK(F)是u。

  • The CAD System of Extrusion Die for Slot Wedge in Motor

    电机槽 挤压模CAD系统

  • Calculation and Analysis of the Adjusted Width of Discharge Opening with Wedge in a Compound Swing Jaw Crusher

    复摆腭式破碎机 调整排料口宽度的计算和分析

  • Appliance of Shoving and Wedge in Kaolin Clay Flow Sand Seam


  • A wedge in the war on poverty .

    引起对贫困宣战的一项 起因

  • The analysis on heat treatment management and properties of slot wedge in the generator rotor

    发电机转子上槽 的热处理组织和性能分析

  • Quantitative Analysis of Effects of External Zone and Friction on Groove Wedge in Cold-Rolling

    冷轧槽 外端与摩擦影响的定量分析

  • Based on the analysis of the process of cross wedge rolling during wedge in the geometry model of rolling area is established .

    对楔入轧制过程分析的基础上,建立了辊式 横轧楔入轧制 接触面的数学模型。

  • Comparison between dynamic wedge and physical wedge in the influence of dose to the contralateral breast and lung in radiotherapy for primary breast cancer

    乳腺癌放疗应用动态楔形板和物理 楔形 对健侧乳腺和肺受量的影响

  • A rotating optical wedge multiplex holography is applied to the recording of the multiplex holograms by means of a rotating optical wedge in the plane reference beams in order to modulate the propagation direction and encode multiplex beams .

    旋转光楔多重全息术,是利用 置于平面参考光波光 路上的旋转光 ,调制其传播方向,实现多参考光编码记录获得多重全息图。

  • Geometry analysis of contact surface of in roller type cross wedge rolling during wedge in

    辊式楔横轧 楔入轧制几何分析

  • In this paper designed and adopted an alien wedge in view of inadequate in the practical application this structure could be get the satisfaction results through the actual use .

    文章 针对常用 在实际应用的不足,设计并采用了一种异形 ,通过实际使用认为 某些情况下采用此结构 可以得到较为满意的效果。