


  • After a serious of strictly checking the clean and well-arranged springs will be loaded and stored by our experienced packers .

    我们专业的包装工人经一系列仔细地检查后,将 已经清洁 整理 产品包装入库。

  • Experiments indicate that acetone exhibits the best degreasing effect and that well-arranged porous anodic alumina film is obtained without annealing and electropolishing .

    实验结果表明,采用 丙酮除油效果最好,不经高温退火和电化学抛光仍能得到 高度 有序的多孔阳极氧化铝膜,使制备工艺得到了简化。

  • Therefore putting emphasis on rational nutrition achieving balanced diet and making efforts to have well-arranged meals are becoming more and more important with the time passing .

    因此,强调合理营养、平衡膳食,努力 搞好膳食 调配显得日益重要。

  • To ensure a well-arranged holiday we should consult a qualified travel agent .

    为了有一个 安排 妥当的假期,我们应该找家合格的旅游代理商。

  • In the xenograft group well-arranged new born bone trabecula which was close to lamellar bone was found on the right side ;

    异种骨组 右侧新生骨骨小梁 排列 整齐,近似板层骨;

  • The essays are well-arranged and enriched by biblical allusions metaphors and cadence .

    这些散文 不仅 结构 巧妙还大量使用了《圣经》的 典故,隐喻和基调。

  • HE dying results : In cisplatin-treated mice small intestinal mucosa of mice was necrosis seriously . Intestinal villus was not well-arranged . Partial cells in epithelial layer were necrosis ( karyolysis ) . In the lamina propria inflammatory cells infiltrated obviously .

    HE染色:顺铂组小鼠肠黏膜组织坏死严重,肠壁绒毛 参差不齐,上皮层部分细胞坏死(核溶解),粘膜固有层炎细胞浸润较明显,固有层腺体部分坏死,部分萎缩。

  • This paper discusses the control of the pattern that is the control of teaching process of the teaching well-arranged of the function of teacher-leading-and-students-subjects .

    详细论述了该模式的控制,即教学过程的 调控、课堂教学时间的控制、教师主导作用与学生主体作用的控制。

  • Compared with the control group the experimental group had thicker corium layer and less fibroblast well-arranged but rare collagen and less collagen nodus and vortex-like structure through light microscope .

    光镜下观察,与对照组相比实验组 真皮层亦增厚,但较对照组薄,成纤维细胞数量较少,胶原较疏松, 排列整齐,胶原结节和旋涡状结构少。

  • Among these ways the menus used by users is chosen among a lot of chosen programs but they are all static menus that were well-arranged before .

    其中,用户使用菜单可以在众多的程序选择中进行选择,但是它们全是 事先 安排 的静态菜单。

  • Changes of ultrastructure : In control group mitochondria were well-arranged and distributed unevenly and orderly double membrane structure was clear without obvious swelling ;

    两组大鼠心肌组织超微结构改变:对照组 可见线粒体分布均匀 整齐排列 紧密,双层膜结构清晰,无明显肿胀;

  • In the high dose group the layout of regenerated nerve fibers was dense and well-arranged the gastrocnemius muscle cells was well alive and neatly arranged and the bilateral motor neurons of anterior horn was more close to each other .

    在前 ,老AZM及 PM完全 保留并被 继承;光镜下 NRF高剂量组再生神经纤维排列致密 整齐、结构均匀,腓肠肌肌细胞 饱满、排列整齐,双侧脊髓前角运动神经元更接近;

  • The said dual-function weld-pipe line is well-arranged in process now simply structured easy-to-switch-over for functions highly automatic effectively invested and highly profit-making .

    双功能 焊管机组的工艺布置合理、结构简单、功能切换方便、自动化程度高、投资少、创效益能力强。

  • Social difference and inequality is inevitable in a society the purpose of social impartiality is not annihilate difference but is to adjust the right and obligation reasonably by a well-arranged system .

    社会差别与不平等是每一个社会不可避免的事实,社会公正的目的不是要消灭社会差别,而是通过 良好的制度 安排合理地调节社会 成员的权利和义务。