wear plate

[wɛr plet][wɛə pleit]


  • Wear Mechanism of Lining Plate of Concrete Spurt Machine

    锚喷机分料 磨损机理

  • These mace-wielding fighting machines wear plate armour and are equipped with lances for a deadly charge .

    这些挥舞 狼牙棒的杀戮机器装备全 钢板甲,冲锋威力恐怖无比。

  • An Approach to Enhancing Wear Resistance Plate of the Fan & Shaped Coal Mill

    提高风扇式磨煤机冲击 耐磨性探讨

  • Industrial Test Compared Resistance to Wear of Bainite Steel Plate with Ordinary Carbon Steel Plate

    贝氏体 钢板与普碳钢板 耐磨性对比工业试验

  • Analyses on the Wear of the Jaw Plate of the Jaw Crusher

    颚式破碎机颚 磨损分析

  • Application Wear - Resistant Compound Steel Plate

    耐磨复合 钢板及其应用

  • A Study to Increase Wear Resistance of Wear Plate and Wear Ring on Concrete Pumps

    提高混凝土泵 耐磨 、耐磨环 耐磨性的研究

  • Performance study and improvement on wear plate of crusher

    碎磨机械衬 材料的性能研究与改进

  • Analysis on wear failure of a plate core of ceramic die

    陶瓷模型 磨损原因分析

  • How to solve two problems existing in developing K6 bogie is emphasized i. e. the primary suspension stiffness of the axle box rubber pad and matching of side frame wear plate and wedge .

    重点介绍了如何解决转K6转向架研制过程中存在的两个问题,即一系橡胶垫定位刚度的选择问题和侧立柱 磨耗 与斜楔 摩擦 的匹配问题。

  • The application of large sized FB 03 compound wear resisting steel plate under the condition of great sized wear by strong grains is described in detail .

    文中详述了FB-03型大面积复层 耐磨 钢板在大面积强磨粒磨损工况条件下的应用,并对直接和间接经济效益进行了核算。

  • The analysis of leakage causes for flash trough was presented and the wear layers on inlet tube and the baffle wear plate inside of flash trough were used to increase the wear life of flash trough .

    分析了闪蒸槽泄漏的原因,采用在进口接管堆焊耐磨层及筒体 增加 耐磨 挡板的方法对闪蒸槽进行了改造,增加了闪蒸槽的寿命。

  • These highly respected and feared troops wear plate armour and are armed with a lance and a sword .

    波兰卫队 身穿 甲,手持骑枪和长剑,令人敬畏有加。

  • The Development of Wear Resistant Composite Plate with Powder Adding Welding Method

    用填粉式堆焊方法制造 耐磨复合 钢板

  • Wear mechanism of lining plate and application of high Cr casting iron to concrete shotting machine

    锚喷机分料 磨损机理及高铬铸铁的应用

  • A special capacitive displacement sensor which was designed for measuring plate gap has some advantages such as : be able to wear down with plate wearing down the output of sensor directly reflecting the real plate gap simple structure small measuring range .

    初步设计了用于测量磨盘实际间隙的电容式位移传感器,它具有能 定磨片一起 同步磨损、传感器获取的信号直接反映磨盘间隙、结构简单、所需的量程小等优点。

  • Knights are the heaviest armored class in the game ; actually the only one that can wear plate armor .

    骑士是最重的装甲类的游戏;实际上是唯一一个可以 穿 甲。

  • This paper gives a thorough introduction to the replacing procedure such as removing wear plate and welding new plate with the emphasis on the welding sequence welding process and the control measure against the welding stress and deformation .

    就更换过程中 拆除、新板组焊等施工过程作了全面介绍,重点探讨了焊接顺序、焊接工艺方法及焊接应力和变形的控制措施。

  • According to the actually operation condition of the lining plate of concrete shotting machine the wear mechanism of the lining plate has been analyzed with SEM .

    从矿用锚喷机分料盘的实际工作条件出发,利用扫描电子显微镜和电子探针观察分析分料 磨损机理。

  • Be like wear systematic plate to light steel plasterboard dust special board the tool reference plane such as splint is stickup and indoor ceramic tile result is favorable .

    对于轻钢架系统 板材如石膏板、 埃特板、夹板等基面粘贴室内瓷砖效果良好。

  • Provide non-standardized products : Cylindrical bushes flanged bushes thrust washers flat strip material half bearing wear plate .

    可供非标产品:直套、翻边轴套,止推垫片、板材、轴瓦、 滑板

  • Study and Realize Roll-Type & Wear Degree Detection System of Plate Strip Rolling

    带钢轧辊辊型及其 磨损检测系统的研究与实现

  • For example in Africa the Surmese women wear a plate in their bottom lip .

    例如,非洲的 萨米斯妇女在下嘴唇 佩戴金属片。

  • Roll Wear Prediction for Plate Mill

    厚板轧机轧辊 磨损预测

  • Development and Application of K_mTBCr26 Type HI-Cr Wear Resisting White Iron Mirror Plate and Antiwear Plate of Hydro turbine

    KmTBCr26高铬 耐磨白口铸铁水轮机油导轴承镜 和抗磨板的研究和应用

  • Friction and Wear Behavior of New Damping Materials for Slanting Wedge and Wear Plate of Railway Freight Car

    铁道车辆用新型减振材料的摩擦 磨损行为研究