welding inspection


  • Welding and inspection for the fillet weld of 300 MW Boler steam drum

    300MW锅炉下降管管座角焊缝的 焊接 探伤

  • Welding and Inspection of Urea Grade Tube ( 2RE69 + Zr702 ) to Tubesheet

    尿素级不锈钢(2RE69)与锆(Zr702)合金双金属管与管板的 焊接 检验

  • CCD Anti-Missed - Welding Inspection System for Buick Subframe

    别克轿车副车架CCD防漏 检测系统

  • Study on Arc Plasma Radiation and Its Application on Welding Process Inspection

    电弧等离子体辐射在 焊接过程 检测上的应用研究

  • The paper introduced test for bolt and test results according to the bolt welding quality inspection requirements for Wuhu Bridge The reason causing weld defects and repair methods are analyzed ; and the bolt welding technique key points are also presented

    按芜湖桥栓钉 焊接质量 检验 合格性试验的要求,介绍栓钉 焊接 工艺 评定试验及试验结果,分析栓钉焊接缺陷产生的原因及修复方法,提出了栓钉焊接工艺要点

  • A discussion on the gas pipeline welding inspection standard : A case study of the West-to-East Gas Pipeline in Zhongwei crossing over the Yellow River

    对天然气管道 焊接 检测标准的讨论&以西气东输中卫黄河跨越工程为例

  • Welding quality inspection of power transistor by radiographic testing

    功率管 焊接质量射线 检测

  • The design principle and realization method of a new kind of radiographic welding seam inspection system for steel tube were introduced .

    介绍了一种应用于钢管 焊接 接头 检验的射线透视系统的设计原理与实现方法。

  • According to the structural characteristics of the pipeline a novel pipeline inspection system is developed for welding flaw inspection of double layer pipelines with external diameter Φ 180 ~ 220mm of internal pipeline and more than internal diameter Φ 360mm of external pipeline .

    根据管道的具体结构特征,设计了适用于内管外径Φ180~220mm、外管内径大于Φ360mm的环形双层复合管道 焊缝缺陷内 检测系统。

  • A Study of Microcomputer-based Automatic Welding Defect Inspection

    微型机 焊接缺欠自动 检测系统的研究

  • Research and development of metal magnetic memory in the field of welding defect inspection

    金属磁记忆在 焊接缺陷 检测领域的研究现状及发展

  • Welding : welding inspection clearance groove assembly space whether it meets the requirements positioning it firmly welding weld around is not oil rust ;

    清理焊口: 检查坡口、组装间隙是否符合要求,定位焊是否牢固,焊缝周围不得有油污、锈物;

  • The paper introduces the welding knowledge of aluminium-alloy from following aspects : welding technical characteristic the choice of welding technique preparation before welding spot welding process and inspection .

    介绍了铝合金焊接的技术特点、车身焊接方法的选择、焊前 表面准备和铝合金 点焊工艺、以及点焊 质量 检查、试验。

  • This article introduces the up-dated status of international welding inspection personnel ( IWIP ) training and the necessity and prospects of IWIP training in China .

    对国际 焊接 质检人员培训的现状,在我国开展此培训的必要性及发展前景作了阐述。

  • Necessity and prospects of international welding inspection personnel

    国际 焊接 质检人员培训在我国开展的必要性与前景

  • Component installation of nodes connected by bolts or welding required inspection Connections after passing before welding or fastening .

    构件安装采用 焊接或螺栓连接的节点,需 检查连接节点,合格后方能进行焊接或紧固。

  • This artical describes several points for attention during pipe installation in chemical plant as viewed from material-in inspection pipe welding and welding joint inspection .

    从材料进场、检验、管道焊接、 焊缝 检验等方面论述了化工装置管道安装中应注意的几个问题。

  • In this paper probability method was used to analyze the welding seam inspection rules from the sample extracted from the welding seams of pressure vessel . At the same time the methods to attain more appropriate inspection schemes were discussed .

    本文用概率论计算方法对压力容器 焊缝百分比抽样探伤 检验规则进行分析,探讨了使抽检方案合理化的方法。

  • The three factors influencing the welding quality are mainly discussed that contain the choice and importance of electric welding rod electric welder and arc welder welding and inspection pattern .

    着重论述了直接影响焊接质量的三大因素,即电焊条、电焊机和电焊工的重要性及其选择, 检查方式。

  • Welding and inspection procedures shall be subject to approval by the engineer .

    所采用的 焊接 检验程序必须经工程师许可。

  • On the basis of abundant research results we have formulated specific steel beam manufacturing regulation and welding quality inspection standards thus effectively controlling the deformation and quality of welding .

    在大量科学研究的基础上,制定了专门的钢梁制造规则和 焊接质量 检验标准,有效地控制了焊接变形和焊缝质量。

  • Two Welding and Inspection Methods of Lead-free Pin Components

    介绍两种无铅引脚元器件的 焊接 检验方法

  • This procedure describes in detail the overall fabrication process which starts from preparation of steel plates to rolling welding inspection etc.

    本程序详细描述了整个建造过程,包括板材准备到卷制、 焊接检验等。

  • International Welding Inspection Personnel ( IWIP ) training

    国际 焊接 质检人员(IWIP)培训

  • Development of radiographic welding seam inspection system for steel tube

    钢管 焊缝射线透视 检验系统的研制

  • This paper introduces the measure welding method and inspection result to prevent the welding deformation formation of spiral-seam pipe header after tapping .

    介绍了在螺旋焊缝汇管上焊接支管时的防变形措施、 焊接方法和 检验结果。

  • The paper introduces the basic feature the welding property the welding process and the welding quality inspection of P91 steel And It deals with how to make the welding quality control .

    本文介绍P91管材的基本特征、焊接性能、焊接工艺及 焊接质量 检验,并阐述如何做好焊接质量控制。

  • The welding quality has the key action to the life and operation safety of the pressure vessels should to be controlled . The paper set forth the control solutions from the welding process welding material and welding inspection .

    焊接质量对压力容器的寿命和安全运行起着关键作用,对其应加以控制,主要从焊接工艺、焊接材料和 焊接 检验方面阐述怎样控制。

  • Application of Eddy Current Welding Inspection

    涡电流 焊接 检测技术的运用

  • Different procedures are required for different materials including manufacture assembly welding inspection and postweld heat treatment and so on .

    不同的材料,对其制造、安装、 焊接检验及焊后整体热处理等工艺,有不同的要求。