wave packet

[wev ˈpækɪt][weiv ˈpækit]


  • And try to establish a model of standard deviation of wave packet by using statistical methods .

    接著利用统计的方法,建立出 标准差以及各外加条件的模型。

  • Wave Packet Propagation Features of 7.17 Heavy Rainfall of Chongqing in 2007

    重庆7.17暴雨过程的 分布及传播特征

  • Damage Identification in Plate Structure Using Wave Packet Analysis

    小波 分析在板结构损伤识别中的应用

  • And also the variation of the wave packet amplitude and energy has been discussed .

    此外,还讨论了 沿 射线 振幅和能量的变化。

  • After that the case for the BEC wave packet traverses a barrier with arbitrary shape is studied .

    随后我们研究了BEC 穿越任意形状光束的隧穿时间。

  • Given a initial value a wave packet can be expressed as a definite integral or an improper integral .

    在已知初始值的条件下, 可以表示为一个定积分或无穷积分。

  • The use of wave packet to analyze the dynamics of quantum mechanical systems is an increasingly important method to the study of the classical-quantum correspondence .

    利用 分析量子力学体系的动力学行为在研究经典和量子的对应关系方面越来越成为一个非常重要的方法。

  • Experimental study on crack growth monitoring based on wave packet energy

    基于 能量的裂纹扩展监测实验研究

  • The interference fringes are closely related to the difference and sum of atomic wave packet of the two traps .

    而凝聚原子的干涉条纹与两阱中原子 的动量差与动量和密切相关。

  • Firstly we consider that a BEC wave packet traverses a barrier .

    首先我们研究了BEC 穿越矩形激光束。

  • A Study of the Wave Packet Dynamics of Li_2 Molecule with Femtosecond-Resolved Photoelectron Spectrum

    利用飞秒含时光电子能谱研究Li2分子的 动力学过程

  • The moving of a wave packet in one-dimensional monatomic lattice and that in a string are analyzed .

    分析了一维单原子链中与连续弦中的 的演化过程。

  • By using a fiber to postpone light pulse output from CuBr laser the light speed can be determined by the time that light wave packet center traversed .

    介绍了利用溴化亚铜激光器输出的脉冲激光通过光纤延时的方法测出光 波波 中心所通过的光程及所需时间,从而实现测定光速的实验开设及其设计思想。

  • The autocorrelation function of electronic wave packet of hydrogen atom in a strong electric field below the zero-field ionization threshold is investigated in the formalism of semiclassical theory .

    运用半经典理论研究在强电场中电离阈值下的氢原子电子 的自关联函数。

  • A free particle gaussian wave packet is used as an example .

    在此,使用一个自由粒子高斯分布的 做为例子。

  • The modulation instability and the collapse process of wave packet in plasma

    等离子体中调制不稳定性和 的坍缩过程

  • Effect of stochastic damping resonance wave packet on energetic alpha particle transport

    随机阻尼共振 对高能α粒子输运的影响

  • And the tunneling effect of wave packet is analyzed concretely .

    并具体分析了 的隧道效应。