wax and wane

[wæks ənd wen][wæks ænd weɪn]


  • And men nations doctrines what you will wax and wane by analogous acts of selection .

    以及人,国家,教条,你将的,通过选择的类似行为的 盈亏

  • Feelings of love may wax and wane during a relationship but trust is constant .

    一段情谊中的爱情可能会有 盈亏 ,而信任是永恒的。

  • Ideological work relates to wax and wane of party and state together with the happiness of the common people .

    意识形态工作事关党和国家的 兴衰 成败,事关广大人民的幸福安康。

  • The light of the Evenstar does not wax and wane .

    星的光芒不会 减弱

  • The process evaluation has found affirmative action to be a sustainable and effective policy although there were wax and wane in the enforcement of workplace affirmative action under different administrations .

    对实施过程的评估表明,虽然美国 历届政府在执行肯定性行动 计划时力度各不相同,但肯定性行动仍是一项持续、有效的政策。

  • We investigated on species composition distribution wax and wane of Ixodoidea and Isolated from Lyme disease spirochetes in eight cities and counties of Jiangsu province .

    目的:了解我省莱姆病主要传播媒介蜱的种类、分布、 消长 及其携带莱姆病螺旋体情况。

  • For bulls this is all part and parcel of being a paid-up member of the global economy : growth and liquidity cycles wax and wane .

    对于 看涨人士而言,这些都是作为全球经济付费成员不可或缺的组成部分:增长和流动性周期有起有

  • Her feeling for John wax and wane .

    她对约翰的感情 越来

  • In addition goblet cells have been shown to wax and wane over the natural history of BE .

    此外, 杯状细胞在BE发展过程中 体积会发生 改变

  • Why should the moon have wax and wane ?

    为什么一定会月有 阴晴圆缺

  • Beneath the heavenly sphere this solar cycle is mirrored in the lunar cycle of wax and wane and tidal ebb and flood .

    在天球里,太阳的活动周期也反映在月亮的 盈亏 和相对应的潮起潮落的月运周期。

  • If you ask any married person he or she will tell you that marriages wax and wane .

    不要 放弃。假如你问那些已婚的人,他们会告诉你,婚姻 如同 月亮 有时 有时