


  • Waterless low-temperature cooking reduces the loss of water-soluble vitamins and minerals and retains the nutrients in the food .

    低温煮食法,可避免 水分带走水溶性维他命及矿物质,或 高温破坏食物养分。

  • Results The bento can be designed on light material small in size and used in water or waterless condition .

    结果:饭盒材质轻,体积小,在有水和 无水的条件下 均可使用。

  • Deformation monitoring information system of Waterless Gasholder


  • Oiled sealed waterless gasholder Comparison of Performance between Range Hoods of European Style and Deep Cabinet Style

    上油密封 干式煤气柜欧式、深柜式油烟机吸油烟性能比较

  • Five of these bathrooms contain environmental protection toilets which use a waterless mechanism for purging waste two cleaners are regularly assigned to clean each bathroom .

    这五个卫生间内有环保厕所,这种厕所是使用 无水设备来清除粪便,并定期有专门指派的清洁工来打扫。

  • Treatment free and waterless CTP plates .

    化学处理 无水 胶印CTP版材。

  • A broken blue line means the course of a waterless valley .

    蓝色虚线代表 无水 流过的山谷。

  • Preliminary Study on the Non silicone Ink for Waterless Offset

    无硅型 无水胶印油墨的初步研究

  • Mt. 12:43 When the unclean spirit goes out from the man it roams through waterless places seeking rest and does not find it .

    太十二43污灵从人里面出来,在 无水之地荡来荡去,寻找 安歇之处,却寻不着。

  • As for you because of the blood of my covenant with you I will free your prisoners from the waterless pit .

    11锡安 、我因与你立约的血、将你 中间被掳而 的人、从 无水的坑中释放 出来

  • Creepy and Weirdo immediately boarded the Flying-cloud Shuttle and flew to the Waterless River .

    千奇与百怪立刻乘坐飞云梭,赶到 无水河。

  • Application of rotary drill in enclosure pile construction on waterless sandy Coble stratum

    旋挖钻机在 无水砂卵石地层围护桩施工中的应用

  • Study on ink-repulsive layer of waterless offset plate deposited by CF_4 plasmas

    无水 胶印过版纸张数量的分析研究用CF4等离子体制备 无水 胶印版材斥墨层

  • Waterless sandy cobble is a typical unstable stratum which is unfavorable to shield construction .

    无水砂卵石是一种典型的 力学不稳定地层,对盾构存在较大的不良影响。

  • Thirdly waterless cleaning : no water is used in the cleaning process clean convenient and water saving creating a new safe cleaning method .

    其三、 无水清洁:清洁过程不用水,干净简便,节约用水,创造了一种全新清洁方式。

  • Adding strengthened compound powder containing silicon nitride in the waterless taphole clay may enhance the anti - dregs iron corrosiveness and the anti-dregs iron erosion greatly .


  • Influence of LPG-air Mixture on Sealing Oil of Waterless Gasholder

    液化石油气混空气对 干式储气罐密封油的影响

  • It is shown that the color quality of waterless lithographic ink is better than lithographic ink .

    计算分析结果表明: 无水 胶印油墨的色彩还原质量好于有 胶印油墨。

  • A comparison between waterless lithographic ink and lithographic ink was made by testing and calculating the color strength hue error chroma color efficiencies and so on .

    测试 德国 K+E胶印油墨和 无水胶印油墨 印出的印刷测试条,计算两种油墨的色强度,色相误差,颜色饱和度,色效率。

  • Analysis and research on quality stability of the waterless lithography

    无水 胶印 产品质量稳定性的分析研究

  • Study on Preparation and Properties of Waterless Hand Cleaner

    工业 无水 洗手剂的研制及其性能研究

  • Waterless offset : Offset printing using waterless plate thus the damping system may be eliminated .


  • Stress and Displacement of Waterless Gasholder under Wind Load


  • On Control for Oil Pumping System of Waterless Gasholder


  • Development and design of Waterless Gasholder


  • Construction Technology of Prefabrication and Installation on 50000m ~ 3 Waterless Gasholder

    南钢50000m~3 干式储气罐制作安装施工技术

  • The smaller islands are largely waterless .

    较小的岛屿大多 缺水

  • Research on the Characteristics of Waterless Lithography Ink

    无水 胶印油墨印刷 性机理的研究

  • Oiled sealed waterless gasholder

    上油密封 干式煤气柜