abbr.World Bank 世界银行

  • Acinus Carboxy proximal antigen sequence Rabbit anti-Human ; WB .

    肺腺泡,碳基部抗原序列,兔抗人; WB

  • Exploration of Re-use of WB Band for Testing HIV Antibody


  • Planning Runs First Financing Drives International Symposium on City Planning sponsored by CDB and WB

    规划先行融资推动国家开发银行与 世界 银行举办城市规划国际研讨会

  • On this meeting the voting weight of developing countries in WB was increased and the representation of the main newly emerging economies like China was further embodied .

    在这次会议上,发展中国家在 世行 整体投票权重增加,中国等主要新兴经济体的代表性得到进一步体现。

  • That 's life and a quirky twist on salmonella and acne in the animated world of Ozzy Drix part of the WB network 's Saturday-morning lineup .

    这就是在《奥兹和德里克斯》这档 华纳电视网周六早晨节目中展现的生活&而且是对于沙门氏菌和粉刺最离奇的一次改编。

  • Chinese financial institutions also maintain a good cooperative relationship with the International Finance Corporation ( IFC ) which is a member of the WB Group to provide co-financing to telecommunications projects in West Africa and push forward the development of the communications industry in this region .

    中国金融机构与 世界 银行集团 下的国际金融公司等机构长期保持良好合作关系,在西非地区电信项目上提供联合融资,共同推动了区域通信行业发展。

  • WB : Yes I 'll start work at the Farm Institute next month . I 'm looking .


  • Calpain-10 Catalytic domain Domain II Rabbit anti-Rat Mouse Human ; WB .

    钙蛋白酶-10,催化结构域,结构域II,兔抗大鼠,小鼠,人; WB

  • But Wachovia Corp. 's ( WB ) Ken Thompson was more of a builder CEO .

    不过 WachoviaCorp.的汤普森从更大程度上讲是位建设型CEO。

  • The World Bank has trimmed its forecasts for economic growth in East Asia with the slowdown in China set to counter the benefits of lower oil prices and improved activity in the developed world .

    由于中国放缓抵消了油价下跌和发达国家复苏带来的好处,世界银行( WB)下调了对东亚的经济增长预期。

  • Fifth improve the governance structures of the IMF and the World Bank ( WB ) and increase the representation and voice of developing countries .

    五是改进国际货币基金组织和世界 银行治理结构,提高发展中国家代表性和发言权。

  • Use a bedsheet as a door-curtain we hide inside our cart to put on more clothes .

    WB自带的床单做 门帘 ,我们躲在 卧铺 卡位里添穿衣服。

  • We have opened the WB transmission and realized information automation .

    开通了 宽带网实现了信息自动化。

  • Wang Bing ( WB ) and Carl areshavingslunch in a cafe in Los Angeles .

    王兵( WB)和卡尔正在洛杉矶一家饭店吃午餐。

  • WB : And I 'll have a hot dog with a potato salad .


  • WB : Yes . I 'd like to invite you to dinner at my flat before I move .


  • The two-week security operation for the WB / IMF Annual Meetings was similar to the arrangements for the Handover Ceremony .

    为世界 银行/国际货币基金组织 理事会年会而筹划的两星期保安行动与交接仪式的安排相类似。

  • China has joined forces with multilateral organizations including the United Nations ( UN ) and the World Bank ( WB ) to utilize one anothers strengths to the fullest to aid Africa in the fields of agriculture environmental protection and training .

    中国与联合国、世界 银行等多边机构发挥各自优势,在农业、环保、培训等方面开展对非合作。

  • Apoptosis Inducing Factor ( AIF ) Internal antigen sequence Rabbit anti-Human Mouse Rat ; WB .

    凋亡诱导因子(AIF),内抗原序列,兔抗人,小鼠,大鼠; WB

  • WB to help China transit to high income country .

    世界 银行 帮助中国过渡到高收入国家。

  • The specificity of the expressed products was proved by the immunoblot ( WB ) and ELISA .

    采用蛋白 印迹和ELISA法对表达产物进行特异性鉴定。

  • Will most of the development be done in Language Workbenches like Intentional WB and MPS ?

    未来大部分的开发工作会由类似Intentional WB和MPS这样的语言工作台来完成吗?

  • As a side effect of this you can see how to build a client to a wb service without hardcoding the location of that service .

    这种方法的另一个作用是,您可以看到如何不通过硬编码服务的位置构建 Web服务的客户机。

  • Regional environmental cooperation has been carried out with APEC ASEM EU OECD WB and ADB .

    与APEC、ASEM、EU、OECD、 世界 银行、亚洲开发银行等开展了区域环境合作。

  • WB : I 'll have apple pie with ice cream and jam sauce .


  • Chinese financial institutions established an all-round cooperation framework with the WB in May 2007 . The two sides are carrying out feasibility studies on some infrastructure construction projects in African countries .

    自2007年5月中国金融机构与世界 银行建立全面合作框架 机制 以来,目前双方就非洲国家一些基础设施建设项目正进行可行性研究和探讨。

  • The World Bank has cut its forecast for global growth warning that the world economy remained overly reliant on the single engine of the US recovery .

    世界 银行 WB 降低了对全球经济增长的预期,并警告说全球经济依然过度依赖美国复苏这唯一一台引擎。

  • WB : If my only problems with Capistrano were a few bugs I would have submitted patches .


  • The WB report says that bureaucracy inadequate legislation and the legal system as being the main obstacles to be overcome by small and medium-sized companies .
